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AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

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    AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

    Good glorious morning, Fabbies,

    Hooray, we’re over the hump day!

    Last night I took my Very Important Piggies to the best restaurant in town, sat back and watch them trying to outdo each other in their wine knowledge. Of course, in the end they ordered the top 3 most expensive bottles. They really pushed the wine onto me; told them I am driving, it is snowing outside – there’s absolutely no way am I even trying. The top honcho who has his own winery in Italy was particularly fachee with my disregard for the excellent coupage he’s chosen. We talked business and golf all night (having a golfaholic hubby pays off) - then I hooked them up with my Irish friends, who, at 11:00 PM were still in the fave hotel lobby bar “ having a pint after work”. That crowd is really dependable that way. They made mince meat out of the last batch of VIPs 6 months ago.

    So here I am early morning, coffee is made for you sweeties … I have prepared the mother of all financial reports for the 3 piggies – it will only make their headache worse.

    Wish you all a fantastic day!
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

    Kaslo ? that picture is amazing ? you are a woman of many talents!!!!

    Pap & Blondie (TND too?) ? must start a thread called ?love Maine?

    LGirl ? I laughed so much at your post ? my tomcat who was in the routine of out all night sleep all day ? escaped 4 times mysteriously just before the vet came for him ? it?s like he knew what?s in store.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

      Morning all, hope you are all happy campers today

      I'm throwing myself int job hunting, worst time ever to through a life wobbler in this country, the whole place seems to be jumping ship and moving to OZ and Canada, but fingers crossed something just right will pop up for me at the right time, I'm handing it over cause I can only do my best in applying, I can't control anything else, at least I have a clear head
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF Daily - Thursday, March 8


        shueaddict;1276442 wrote: the mother of all financial reports
        I feel a small amout of cranial discomfort just thinking about that!

        Suarbeat I love your post!

        Kas, what a spectacular pic for a boring report.. re the report, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, eh? You could include some of your poetry. just sayin'....

        Going to look for shue's coffe...
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

          Good morning Abbers!

          Thanks for the coffee shue - going to need it today as I will be watching kids all day!!!

          sugarbeat, good luck in the job search - you just never know when something may pop up

          Greenie, cutting hair today? Have fun!

          OK, off I go to the diaper derby :H
          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

            Good morning, AbberDabbers!
            Shue, almost spit out my coffee over that post about the big wigs!!! It must have been hard not to laugh hysterically at them drooling over the wine list!! Wonder what time the Irish lads kept them up until drinking at the bar!!! :H Today should be fun. One of the pleasures of being AF!!!
            Sugar, you sound so much better! I have had to give up many things to my HP. Some days it is not so easy, I know, but I try to let go and stop worrying. I know there is a job out there for you--and for me--and it just takes time for it to appear.
            Well, got a call from the insurance agent yesterday, and sure enough, I was turned down by Anthem for health insurance. Reason: Medical History, and they gave the name of a hospital where I went last year for two nights after sneaking drinks and hubby found out. I won't go into the details, but it was my AA sponsor at the time who recommended this to hubby. Had I known then the problem with insurance companies, I would have refused to go. It was no place for me anyway--it was a locked psychiatric unit, and even the psychiatrist felt I did not need to be there and approved my leaving after 36 hours. I find it ridiculous that insurance companies think it's not such a good thing that people try to get help. So now I have to be completely uninsured until April 1, have to take a health plan only available to those denied coverage by the traditional companies, and costs $700 or more a month. Nothing I can do about it.
            Spent a lot of time at the flower shop yesterday, and was asked to make coffee for AA, as the person who usually does it on Wednesday had a back issue. It is under a five minute walk from the shop, and the weather was nice, so I walked over and back. Chaired the meeting, which is something I don't mind at all, but many people dread. Got to the gym, too.
            Going up to 60 degrees today, so hope to get out this afternoon. Am not going to a meeting today, and hoping MR TDN will be up for a ride somewhere later. He is going out to breakfast with a friend at 8:00.
            Bud and Rusty seem better today. Time to feed them and DH, who woke me up at 5:15 by stealing something from the armoire and making a racket!! I grabbed it from him and went back to sleep for an hour.
            Hope everyone has a terrific AF day!
            "One day at a time."


              AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

              Hi, Greenie and Lav! Cross post, so wanted to say hello to you both.
              Greenie, are you a hairdresser? Can you do a virtual haircut???? Would love that!
              Lav, no need for Curves today!!! Have fun with the kids. Sounds like a great day.
              Kas, forgot to thank you for that incredible pic!! And the poem, of course! And hope you are starting to feel better.
              "One day at a time."


                AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                Hi, Shue, a sugar, Lav, TDN, Greenie and all to come

                Shue loved your post about the piggies.

                I am on day 14 today!

                Last night wasn't too bad at all as I was out and busy most of the evening, so I really crowded alcohol out of my mind. Can't often go out at night cos of the kids so I need to find ways of staying busy at home. Now I'm on to day 14 hopefully it will get a little easier. I am drawing up a list of all the things I want to do now I'm not wasting all my evenings sipping wine. I definitely feel fitter and less bloated and was at the gym and for a swim this am as I'm not working today.

                Have a great day everyone - back later

                Sausage x


                  AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                  Good morning my lovelies! What a great day.

                  Shue--I laughed out loud reading about your VIPigs and your Irish friends. :H

                  Sugarbeat--Great attitude! Hand it over and that's all you can do. Positive job vibes for you.

                  Greeneyes--Save some coffee for me. Got a bit of a headache today.

                  Lav--Are you watching all 3 kids? Had to laugh at "diaper derby!"

                  TDN--Glad to hear that your doggies are doing better today.


                    AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                    Oops! Sausage you slipped in the door when I wasn't looking! Way to go on 2 weeks down! I'm proud of you!


                      AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                      Just popping in to say congrats to you Sausage on 2 weeks, good stuff, you've done brilliant
                      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                        AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                        Hooray Sausage on 2 weeks. Way to go.
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                          Hi Marchers!

                          Thanks for the java, Shue and well done on fending off the wine snobs last night. You sound so strong in your resolve, very admirable! Funny comment about your Tom Cat and "the operation"...I trully believe they know what is in "store" for them as you Poor wee things. My mother gave me a greeting card once that this conversation reminds me of. It was a cartoon of a very excited doggie getting a ride in the owners car and another doggie had to stay home in the yard. The "lucky" doggie getting the ride in the car said something to the doggie left at home" "Yeah, look at me, I get to go for a ride and you don't. They're taking me on an outing to get tutored!" :H

                          Sugar, you are sounding much more positive these days! Good luck on the job search! :goodjob:

                          I think a Love Maine link may be in order for us "Maine-iacs" out there. I submitted an article to be published in DownEast Mag a few months ago but have not heard back. It was the second shot at it...the first one they dissed. If they ever publish it, I'll let you guys know! My father always read DownEast Mag and I just recently got a subscription. Very nostaglic to me. Fingers crossed about the article...looking for a way to get into writing, even if just a little something on the side.

                          Hi to Fly, TDN, Lav, Greenie. Momof3, Sausage! (Well done on 2 weeks by the way! YOU DID IT! Doesn't it feel awsome!?) :l

                          Have a great day to all!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                            :hallo: Everyone!

                            Ya know.. rope and flag may not be such a bad idea. Thankfully, it's a short swim to the barn

                            Haven't got anything glorious to report. Had a very long and long overdue phone call with my best bud from my pre-29 years in Germany. Turns out, he's been diagnosed with diabetes and is in the .3% who develop complications that will leave him blind and there's nothing that can be done about it. So, a very somber conversation. We did talk quite a bit about letting go.. of old stuff, of expectations and trying to live every day to the fullest.

                            TDN, I'm glad the pooches are on the mend, Shue.. thanks for starting us off and could you be a dear and put on another pot?, Lav... Diaper Derby.. I take you're in the pits? :H Greenie... I'm with you on the cranial discomfort... Hello to Blondie, Flyaway, Sausage and whoever I may have left out. Make it a great day, ladies!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                              Hi Everyone Abstinently Fabulous.

                              Sausage, 2 weeks YAY YAY! Well done! Keep going. Its really worth it.

                              Shue, you've opened up a whole new world of executive sabotage I hadnt considered. It must be nice to have an Irish wrecking crew handy to finish off your piggie pals.

                              I have thought and written quite a bit about the wine snob culture in BC, we have a infant industry that is rolling over the Okanagan fruit growing district, everyone rushing to rip out apricots and apples, and put in a finicky pinot or a flashy desert wine grape that wont like the long term effects of climate change very much. Huge $$$. Huger hype. The selling and promotion of epicurean bullshit thickens the air. Solidifies livers. Motheaten kidneys. Weakened blood. Toxic brains ....Blech.

                              Fortunately wiser heads prevail (i.e. Shu), and on MWO, generally. I am glad we dont succumb to the bullshite that you have to drink to be cool.

                              Sunshine, so sorry about your friends diagnosis, thats got to be tough. Its good you connected. I wish I could do more for a few of my friends suffering in thier older years. This work thing sucks.

                              Well, its back to the botany factory. I have 250 species waiting. And some of them are mean SOBs.

                              Love to all.

                              Kaslo. B.Sc., M.Sc., RPB, Froz. Nrth.

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

