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AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

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    AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

    Blondie--All of this Maine talk got me looking at Rockland. I've never been to Maine and told my DH that we needed to visit there sometime. We're looking for possible retirement prospects in the next few years. I can't believe how affordable the real estate is in Rockland! Some nice houses too. Maybe a condo somewhere warm in the wintertime...

    Sunshine--I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Letting go is the only choice we really have, isn't it? Fighting reality brings misery. I'm glad that you got a chance to reconnect. Had to smile at the image of Lav in the pits! :H

    Kaslo--I agree with work=suck. How are you feeling? Made me laugh with the "Irish wrecking crew!"


      AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

      Sausage- way to go!!!!! That's wonderful!
      Sunshine- I'm sorry to read about your friend : (

      Sorry to be lame but I just walked in from work. Need to figure out some meal unless genie shows up. I'll be lurking later!
      AF since 2/22/2012


        AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

        Almostfamous;1277005 wrote: Sausage- way to go!!!!! That's wonderful!
        Sunshine- I'm sorry to read about your friend : (

        Sorry to be lame but I just walked in from work. Need to figure out some meal unless genie shows up. I'll be lurking later!
        Not lame! I totally get it. There have been several times when I just haven't been up to doing personal greetings or just not felt like talking. It's all good.


          AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

          Fly, yes, I love looking at the real estate in Rockland! There are some really nice homes for cheap money right now. Wow, if I just had some extra to invest! And yes, a condo somewhere where the snow don't fly would be sweet too! The best of both worlds as they say. Who knows, maybe we'll all end up in Rockland at some

          Kaslo: Irish Wrecking Crew? I laughed my ass off at that one...too funny. And I'm sure Shue is grateful for them when they indeed finish off her execs!

          Hi to all checking in tonight. I've got to clean up the dinner dishes (something I would never get to drunk!) and get ready for bed. Tonight is a TV night I guess. Although I find I sleep better when I read something before bed. Maybe a mix of both. One things for sure...

          'Night all. Wow, I just heard a gust of wind...supposed to get a bad bout of rain tomorrow.
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

            Whoo Hoo, Sausage! 2 weeks is just awesome! You've got some good company, too....AlmostFamous, Library-Girl, Blondeness - ya'll are going beyond....and I gotta tell you, it really does just get better.

            I'm getting a late check-in - trying to get over the jet lag. Plunged right back into hockey - last night - we won our final tournament game which means my team is in the Championship tonight!!! We are usually the bad news bears type team of the league so this is great for us. I've got a good feeling - we'll have fun no matter what! The Flying Vee will never look
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

              Just popping in for a quick good night. I found out that my cousin died today. She had COPD. I'm sad for her family and wish I'd had a chance to say goodbye. We were talking about feeling emotions the other day and of course I initially found myself fighting tears when I heard. And then I thought, "What the hell am I doing?" And I just let myself cry and talk to her a bit.

              Tomorrow will be 3 weeks for me. I'm not going back.


                AF Daily - Thursday, March 8

                Flyaway xxxxxxx good job hon! perfect way to accept loss, do the best you can and stay AF

                well, haven't taken the time to post much this week which is ironic because I've actually been in town, but that's how it goes sometimes. finally got my broken bum to the gym yesterday.

                Turn, flying Veeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! LOL glad to hear your team is kicking bootie.

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

