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AF Daily - Friday March 9

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    AF Daily - Friday March 9

    Good morning sweet Abbers,

    I made 2 pots of coffee (one for you all and one for me) - the potent French Roasted Arabica beans this time ? because I am pooped.

    I had a super busy week in work and passed it with flying colors ? all thanks to staying AF and focused by you, good people ? who keep me entertained, accountable and all around ?aware?. So I am back in full workaholic mode - warp 3 ? it feels sooooo good ? last night I went to the opening of H&M in this country ? Moet champagne was flowing in rivers ? it left me unstirred. I have never felt quite that indifferent before; I felt free.

    I am going skiing again tomorrow ? what are your weekend plans?
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily - Friday March 9

    TND – big hug to you , it must suck to still be paying for past mistakes (no wonder many people are shy of being completely truthful with their doctors about AL )
    – as for the hubby – don’t you sleep with the frying pan no. 5 on your bedside table? For whacking him back to sleep in case he – snores / fidgets/ farts/ talks in his sleep/ wakes up early demanding sex / other unwanted bed behavior? … just a thought.

    Turn – way to go, jet lag! I am curious – did you crown the “Head” of the team?

    Sugar – I am so proud of you – I know it is not easy but it is good to put yourself out there .

    Sausage – add to your list also a piggybank – see how much money you saved on AL

    Fly / sunshine – Sorry about the bad news, it is hard when there is nothing you can do …

    Lav – who won the diaper derby?

    Rockland fan club ( Blondie , Fly, Pap) – who knows? Maybe we could all meet in Maine one day…

    Kaslo of the Frozen North, are there even 250 species alive? I mean … not frozen ? About the hilarious “Irish wrecking crew” – they are a truly dependable bunch when it comes to providing the “craic” – something that had by-passed my HQ Austrian nation . The lads can chat about any sport, any food any place in the world and can outdrink even toughest Scandinavian friends.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF Daily - Friday March 9

      Good morning!

      Do you all know that (not so catchy and quite irritating) tune "Its Fiday, Friday, Friday ...?" I hope it's not your daughter, neighbor friend that wrote it. My apologies if I offended. Anyhoo, I can't get that tune out of my head. So glad Friday is here. I'm off today to run around like a crazy person. I'm even going to get a prettiful manicure for my trip.

      Shue- my daughter is a big fan of H&M! I bet you're glad to have the week behind you.

      Kaslo- I could have used your science brain back in high school and college. I'm a bit math and science challenged.

      Three dog- how are your fabulous mutts?

      Blonde- we're on day 17 with LG and Sausage right on our tails. Big Woot!

      Fly- I'm very sorry for your loss. : (
      Also, glad you understood the lack of energy I had last night. I'm definitely a morning person.

      Turn again- hockey eh?! Go get em!!!!

      Last night I told my husband that I wouldn't be drinking in Vegas as I was really trying to lose weight and be healthier. Ok, the honest thing to say would have been because I was starting to like wine way too much and I hated what I was becoming.
      Wishing you all a fantastic day. I'll be lurking later.
      AF since 2/22/2012


        AF Daily - Friday March 9

        Morning many friends

        Thank you kindly for the coffee Shue, but I'll be declining it, on the old decaf these days Your weekend sounds great, like H&M too, I aways find a little nugget in there, and not heaay on the purse strings at all

        I myself have cancelled going to a birthday party with a few friends tonight and have to do the same thing tomorrow night, hate doing it, I'm a great woman for carrying guilt around re letting people down and that people with start pulling away from me cause I'm never there plus that whole I'm missing out thing but its for the greater good and that sortof thinking is only the old alcoholic needy head spinning its wheel, in reality, I'll only have my head wreaked lying about how i am

        Almostfamous, I'd dont know that tune and I'm glad I don't, have enough spinning around my head without adding a Friday themetune to it

        Have a super day one and all, today I choose to be positive, the negetive thing really didn't work for me at all so with a sane head what's the point being negetive
        "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


          AF Daily - Friday March 9

          Good Friday morning, Abbers!

          It was over 60 degrees here yesterday, and after a couple of colder days, back to 50's and 60's next week!!! Love it! But right now there are little snow flurries.
          Shue, I was trying to figure out the frying pan thing for hubby--then realized that I hadn't made it clear that for me, DH refers to Dirty Harry (The Devil Dog!) But that isn't a bad idea--maybe a whack or two on the head would set that dog straight!! It must have been a funny thought that hubby would be grabbing stuff out of the armoire and making noise with it, LOL!!! Good thing I didn't mention fearing the poop in the sunroom if I don't let him out--as i had to at 4:15 this a.m.!!
          Fly, I am so sorry about your cousin, but inspired by how you are handling it! AND--three weeks!! :goodjob: That is such great news!!
          Sausage and Sugar and Blondie-- two weeks! Hope I have that right!
          Hey, Blondie, the real estate in Maine is probably quite reasonable right now, but my friends who live there tell me that the taxes on everything are crazy. Of course, here in NH, we have no sales tax and no state income tax, but some towns have huge property tax rates. We luckily don't--if we lived on the Lake, it would be totally different. Even the gas prices in Maine are usually a lot higher in Maine. But you can't beat the coast, that is for sure! Wouldn't it be great to plan a meeting in Maine--we could book rooms at my friend's inn and see all the sites and get the famous lobstah rolls at Red's Good Eats!! Pap3 and Shue and anybody else interested--what do you think???
          Sunni, sorry about your friend. That is so sad, as nothing can be done.
          Turn, wow, what energy!!! Back from the cruise and back on the ice!
          Almost, Kas, Greenie, Lav, Det, Sugar and all to come today--have a great one--AF, of course.
          Geez, NH news this a.m has the story of a young woman from our little town arrested in FL for murder!! Two accomplices also from town--one is her brother! We have two unsolved murders of women--one is coming up to three years on Mother's Day, the other is close to two years I think.
          :l TDN
          "One day at a time."


            AF Daily - Friday March 9

            Greetings all,

            Geez, that's no good TDN. There's so much frustration and negativity in the world, but there is a lot of good stuff, and people too fortunately.

            Felt a little frustrated after a meeting at work with management who weren't real supportive or enthusiastic about a Mens (health) group that i've been co-facilitating once a week for 2 and a half years, which has been successful. Anyway, won't bore folk with the details, but i was still a little angry when i got home after work, so, what i did was try to detach myself from that frustration and observe it. I asked myself, 'how do i really feel now, about being in the now, if that makes sense? Well, i noted that if i focused on the right now, and not on the meeting earlier in the day, i felt fine, real good in fact. So that was an interesting and helpful exercise. Detachment and mindfulness. Great tool.

            Crocs rock.

            Wishing everyone a safe, sober, and magical weekend.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              AF Daily - Friday March 9

              Sugar- you've got to do, what you gotta do to stay af and if you need to cancel a party then so be it. Glad things are looking up.

              TDN- now I'm craving a dang lobster roll. I've never had one but I love lobster and have seen them on various food shows. Yum! Hmmm I wonder why I can't drop those 10 pounds faster than lightning?!! Wow, Scary about the unsolved murders. I never think of NH as having crime. I guess there are crazies everywhere!!!
              AF since 2/22/2012


                AF Daily - Friday March 9

                Mornin' Fabbies!

                Shue, second fav to my beloved Blue Mtn is French roast...the more robust the better...thanks for getting off on the right "foot" again! :H I am so proud of you for foregoing the champers at the celebration and so empowered by your comment of feeling "free". I hope to get there someday myself!

                Sugarbeat: "Have a super day one and all, today I choose to be positive, the negetive thing really didn't work for me at all so whith a sane head what's the point being negetive" ...Love that frame of thinking...hold on to it whatever life throws at you! It really does make all the difference!

                TDN! Is the Inn in Wiscasset? We may have the makings of a plan girl. Lobstah Rolls...I'm in!!!! Never been to Red's but I know it is famous...would love to check it out! Yeah, I heard of the high taxes in Maine. I lived in NH for a short while (in the Peterborough area) but didn't own property there, just rented. That was one of the things that prevented us from living in NH...that and a terribly long commute at the time to Acton, Mass. Yuk. But is sure is beautiful country out there. Loved Keene and the Mount Monadnock region. The town we lived in is called Rindge. Got married at Cathedral of the Pines for my "first" wedding. Beautiful wedding, wrong husband Second married on an idyllic beach in Jamaica actually suited my tasts much better. Beautiful wedding RIGHT husband:H

                Fly, I'm sorry for your sad news. Our thoughts are with you! Great job on 3 weeks now! :goodjob:

                Hi Guitarista! Hope you are having a great day!

                Everyone loves Friday as it's the end of their workweek when for me, it is just the start:upset:. But that's OK...I do love my job and looking forward to a great busy weekend at the store. I am grateful to enjoy what I do and only have to walk down the street to get there! Off to the gym afterwork and then home for a quiet evening with the hubmeister. Sat. morning I have to be there uber early so no late nights for this Blondie!

                AlmostFamous...isn't it 17 days for us today? YIPPEEEEEEEEE! I am pumped!

                Alrighty, gotta get some breakfast and get going to work. Have a grand day all!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  AF Daily - Friday March 9

                  Good Friday morning Abbers,

                  Big temp drop here, cloudy waiting for rain
                  The last few days were unusually nice!

                  Thanks for the French roast shue - that's actually what I'm drinking now
                  I am the winner of yesterday's diaper derby!!!!

                  Almost, sorry about that bizarre song going thru your head :H
                  Congrats on your AF time - don't let Vegas throw you off!

                  sugarbeat, skipping those parties is probably the best decision for you right now - good choice
                  Staying positive is the way to go.

                  TDN, sometimes I don't even want to listen to the local news. My news is all about the robberies, muders & other nastiness that goes on in Philly and/or Baltimore
                  It never hurts to keep a cast iron frying pan handy, just in case!!!

                  G, glad you are reaping the benefits of being in the moment
                  If I let my thoughts travel to the past or the future, even for a moment things get ugly real fast. So I do what you do & stay present!

                  Greetings to the rest of the Abbers & wishing a great AF Friday for all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Friday March 9

                    Almost – when are leaving for Vegas? We must organize a leaving party for you, fill you up to your eyeballs with AF batteries. Here’s my Friday song:
          [/video]]The Cure - Friday Im In Love - YouTube

                    Guitarista;1277330 wrote:
                    Detachment and mindfulness. Great tool.

                    Crocs rock.
                    Amen to the first part … but what’s up with the crocs? as I have a shoe-track mind ….

                    TND – sorry sweetie, I am a bit new to this thread –Dirty Harry is such a cool dog name!!! LOL about the AM poop scoop.

                    All that Maine lobster roll talk ….I went and got some for you :h:h:h:h

                    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                      AF Daily - Friday March 9

                      Hi everyone

                      Day 15 for me!!

                      Shue - love the lobster - I remember eating lobster when I went to New England in 2000!

                      Sugar - u are probably doing the right thing - it was at a party that I was persuaded to have a small drink after 8+ months AF and after that it took me 3 more years to find the strength to fight the beast again.

                      Blonde, hope you have a good weekend in the store. Am planning on making a GF cake this weekend - inspired by yours last week! I made GF chic chip muffins with my son last weekend.

                      Lav - hope you are not too exhausted after your day with the grandchildren yesterday . Hi too to Guitarista, TDN, Almost and all to come.

                      Well it's my birthday this weekend. ( Sunday). Mr Sausage and I are planning to go out for a meal to celebrate Sat night ( it was his b'day too a few days ago). I'm sure I can be strong and not order an alcoholic drink but I do feel slightly sad that I won't be able to enjoy a drink on my b'day. I know this is pathetic and I need a good kick for thinking these evil thoughts. I know this is the wrong attitude and I was thinking this am when I was at the gym that I must have had a t least 20 sober b'days in the past, so i can do another!

                      Have a good AF day/ weekend everybody.

                      Back later x


                        AF Daily - Friday March 9

                        Lavande- I won't be sinning in sin city! No way, no how.
                        Shue- those pics. are sheer torture!!!! Omg I'm going to eat my arm off I'm so hungry for one. We leave Sunday.
                        Do you think those casinos have a stash of juices? I don't want 400 diet Cokes. We have a lot of planned things for this short trip so it's not all about gambling.
                        I'm off to start my errands. Whoop de doo!
                        It's Friday, Friday, Friday. Grrrrrrr
                        AF since 2/22/2012


                          AF Daily - Friday March 9

                          Yippee for me, the thing I was planning my excuses for tomorrow night was cancelled, saves me alot of hassle and guilt

                          Went to a meeting at 1 and for the first time I really opened my mouth not just the usual ' I'm sugarbeat and I'm an alcoholic and I'll just listen today' I talked out how I was feeling and that I needed a bit of help, it really felt like I took a strong step forward

                          Over and out for now and I shall check back in again later, hope ye're all having a positive & mindful day
                          "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                            AF Daily - Friday March 9

                            I really have to buckle down and work!! You guys are a rotten influence!! :H

                            I am in for a meet up in Maine with all the trimmings. Who will be our cruise director, our Julie? Blondie???

                            G-way to go buddy!! Ya did good! Great lesson for us all.

                            Sausage-I have now celebrated TWO birthdays AF! The key for me was to get rid of the deprivation thinking: "gee it's too bad I can't celebrate with a wee drink" and put on the graditude thinking: " Birthdays are more than celebrating with a drink. I am truly grateful to be here to celebrate as the way I was going that might not have been the case." Then, the second trick is to go to Trader Joe's or some upscale market where they carry really funky juices and sodas. Pick out a few that sound more yummy than any pinot grigio (or whatever your poison was) and bring it with you. If that isn't possible, order a virgin tropical concoction that you NEVER would have ordered pre AF and sit back and savor. It's all about celebrating YOU, not about what you have supposedly given up.

                            TDN-:H :H about DH. I thought you were talking about your hubby too and the visual that passed through my mind!!

                            Fly-so sorry about your dear cousin. Go with your feelings. They are freeing.

                            Lav-good luck this weekend! I think you're going to need it!!

                            Shu-that pic hit the nail on the head!! Thanks! And great story about the irish demo team and your HQ oinklets!!

                            Sugar-:goodjob: on cancelling the parties!! You really get this girl!! YOU come first, your sobriety comes first. All the rest can wait and it will. I promise. You are already sounding 100% better than at the beginning of the week. Keep up the great work!

                            Almost-I don't know, I think if it were me I would have come clean with my hubby. But I've never married so I don't really have a clue. All I could think of when I read what you told him was how easy it's going to be for him to try to talk you into "just one" and "it won't hurt you" because in the whole scheme of things, if you are not drinking because your are trying to lose weight and be healthier, one really WON"T hurt you in his eyes. And it wouldn't IF IF IF you were a normal drinker. But you are not. You are addicted to AL and one is the kiss of death. Just sayin'.

                            OK, I am truly signing off for the rest of the day. be back tomorrow fabbies!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Friday March 9

                              TGIF, Fabbies!

                              Wiped out big time this morning between barn and pasture... good thing I've got some extra padding on my tush. Actually, I landed square on my back. I'm ok, though.. thankfully no real damage done.

                              Fly, so very sorry to hear of your cousin.. take all the time and cry all the tears you need to.
                              Lav, good to hear you came out victorious. When Peanut is here it's more of a demolition derby and I'm not always sure who wins.
                              Sausage.. have a fabulous Birthday. No poison needed. I know it's kinda boring but my standard restaurant order is now iced tea. You may come up with something more exotic
                              Shu... yummmmmmmmmm. That is all. No wait! Shame on you for that awful link!:H
                              Sugar... I truly admire you. I've never yet have had the guts to go to a meeting. Hat's off.
                              Almost... have a great time in Vegas. Just think.. you'll be able to actually remember and rave about the shows you're going to see
                              TDN.. I know who your DH is NOW.. but I was somewhat befuddled by your posts in the beginning :H
                              :hallo: to G-man & Papmom and all to come

                              Ok, that's it for me. One thing is for sure!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

