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Friday 26th January

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    Friday 26th January

    Good Morning Abbers - here's to a great and happy Friday - Yippee!!

    Hope everyone's well and pucker - I'm still feeling full of energy :whee: (looks like from your guys' posts that it must be something to do with the number of days / getting over those first tired days!)

    Lisa - congrats on your 91st day AF - I am in awe!! :goodjob:

    Hope everyone has a great day - beginning day 12 for me....

    I x

    help! - grand opening of local pub tonight - think of me!!
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Friday 26th January

    Happy day 12

    Hi Ilex
    Congrats on the 12 days.

    Grand opening of local Pub - that is a tough one.
    I am on day 30 today!! and have done a few AF social things in the last month
    I am learning that you can enjoy yourself
    chat to interesting people
    be attentive, amusing,
    in a situation where Alchohol is available without having to take any.

    When I am tempted I try to think past the first drink to what horrors come with it.
    Also try to imagine how you will feel waking up tomorrow.....

    Best of luck to you
    Happy Friday to everyone that follows here.


      Friday 26th January

      Congrats to you two on your achievements and i wish the best to you tonight Ilex !!!

      I am on day 14 here...yup, I have made it two weeks, this means a lot to me, because, well, it just does...I feel good, woke up and did my daily run this morning, that was good; however I was unaware when i woke up this morning and went out the door that it was absolutely FREEZING outside ----everone insert your laughter here-----, anyhoo, i hope everyone has a wonderful Friday,

      I will check back in later, and thanks again for all your support, it has meant the world to me...

      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Friday 26th January


        On your one year anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        :h :h :h :h


          Friday 26th January

          Hi all,

          I've been in the sick ward for the past couple of days... some funky flu bug that's been going around. But, yeah, I can feel it lifting and I'm looking forward to feeling good again. Kathy, what day are you on?? I'm happy to keep you company ... makes the journey more fun.

          Ilex, I think I did such a good job of imagining "not feeling good" in the email to you the other day that thought created form! Ha, hope you don't have to feel bad or ill to get through tonight at the Pub. I'll be sending you "stay strong" vibes.

          All the best, Olly


            Friday 26th January

            Hi Ilex and Changeling and NG Victoria- Thanks Ilex.. and congrats on day 12! Have you decided how you will handle the Pub opening?
            Changeling has great advice.
            Thinking of the next day has helped me many times. And once I pass on the first offering of alcohol during the evening then I seem to stick with my resolve. I have thought - 'I just won't have the first drink and I'll just see if I want one on the next round'. Once I don't have the first drink I usually find that I am having a good time already, I am not as anxious as I thought and well, I can do without the second drink too. Then I think....'I'm having a good time PLUS I get to feel great in the morning!!'
            Well, best of luck to you and let us know how it goes!

            Victoria - congrats on your two weeks too - 2 weeks is a milestone - and great job on the running. Exercise helps tons.

            Hi to everyone not posted yet this morning HAPPY FRIDAY !!

            Hi imagine and olly...posting at the same time....Hope you are better Olly!


              Friday 26th January

              visualising ....
              - entering pub, asking for coke; 'no, I'm not drinking at the moment'; lots of nice conversations; having a laugh with the boys; giggling with the girls; chatting to the olds; more coke / tomato juice / soda water; more nice conversations, still vertical (he, he!!); playing some pool (maybe some darts? no - I'm crap at that); some more water; talking to a gorgeous stranger who's just walked in, 6ft tall and muscular with loverely eyes...... ending up in his arms........

              hmmmmmmmmm anyway - first part of visualisation was quite realistic....

              Thanks for all your strong vibes Olly! I'm feeling them already! Also Victoria and Changeling for your words; I get so much support from coming here - thank you!

              I x
              Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                Friday 26th January

                G'morning all!

                Happy 91, Lisa! Great job! That's a LONG TIME, and I'm so happy and proud for you! I think that it really makes sense that if you can get past the first drink, the rest becomes easier. In the past, I have tended to focus on how "deprived" I am going to feel, but taking a social event "one drink at a time" makes it sound a lot more manageable, and even fun! You're getting to be awfully wise!

                I'll be thinking of you Ilex. Everyone has great advice, and you are developing some good visualizations of your own. Hey, I LIKE the unrealistic parts!:H Stay strong, 'cause you will love yourself for it in the morning!

                Changeling, you are doing great with 30 days. Congrats! I also appreciated your sound wisdom for Ilex. I think it will be useful for me to imagine these things in situations for myself too.

                I'm not laughing at you, newgrl; I'm admiring you for continuing with your run! I was almost daunted from getting in the car and going out for milk this morning it was so cold (15degrees F)!! Well done on getting out there and getting it done! Happy Day 14 to you!

                Olly, I'm glad you're starting to feel on the mend. The flu stinks! I'm happy to share our "day count". I woke up this morning though and realized that I was really pissed with myself for ruining what would now be Day 11, with my drink on Sunday. I have to remind myself that I had 5 AF days before that, and out of the last 11 days, 10 were AF. It helps my head to focus on that, because on the whole, I really am feeling so much better, and so much more present in my life. I can tell that today needs to be a day when I listen to the hypno cd's though!

                I'm also cranky because, although I dropped 3 lbs almost immediately, my weight loss has now stalled. GRRRR. I can see I'm going to have to get my sorry butt moving and do some exercise. Apparently pushing papers from one side of my office to the other isn't quite cutting it! Damn! LOL! The good news is that I am making progress at long last on my office, and the clutter is decreasing nicely.

                Okay, enough grumbling and grousing! Onward and upward with my day.

                Love to you all and all to come,


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Friday 26th January

                  Hi all,
                  Glad you all sound in fine form today!! I myself am feeling a little better " positive thinking" and remember i want all you guys to do the same for me so that i keep my job!!
                  some good news little baby car passed her first MOT with flying colours...thank god as i couldnt have afforded to pay for anything else!!! and i simply could not be without my car.
                  I have men taking scaffolding down from around my house at the moment as iv just had a new roof done....but they are making so much bloody noise its giving me a headache!!they are also rather discusting..spitting and picking thier noses and then having the cheek to try and chat me up when i went out to my car!!! to all you nice guys out there!! oh they are singing aswell....nightmare!!! lol

                  Loves and best to all

                  Lou-Lou x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    Friday 26th January

                    Good to hear everyone sounding chipper today.


                      Friday 26th January

                      Happy Friday to everyone. Yikes. Friday nights are the toughest for me, but I am entering Day 12 AF and I am determined not to screw this up.

                      I'm on the supps, Campral, but have never read any books or tried the CD's. I'm thinking about ordering that Allen Carr book and possibly the CD's. I figure it couldn't hurt. I'm going on a Carribean cruise in early Feb. so I am really nervous about screwing up there. I think I need all the "ammo" I can get to resist drinking on vacation.


                        Friday 26th January

                        Andy...i know the feeling and tomorro is going to be even worse for me as i have my first date in god knows how long.....i know ill wanna drink just to calm my nerves. But im being positive and im dertermined i wont...this guy knows all about me anyway so that helps


                        Lou-lou x x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Friday 26th January

                          Lou;88439 wrote: Andy...i know the feeling and tomorro is going to be even worse for me as i have my first date in god knows how long.....i know ill wanna drink just to calm my nerves. But im being positive and im dertermined i wont...this guy knows all about me anyway so that helps


                          Lou-lou x x x
                          Good luck on your date. Just a joke here: But remember that scene in "There's Something About Mary" where Ben Stiller's something to himself to calm him down before his big date? Perhaps you could try that instead of a drink?!?! It's a lot healthier.


                            Friday 26th January

                            LOL....i shall consider the thought...but not necessarily go though with it!!! alotho its been that long i prb wont know what to do!!!
                            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                              Friday 26th January

                              Lou;88510 wrote: LOL....i shall consider the thought...but not necessarily go though with it!!! alotho its been that long i prb wont know what to do!!!
                              I guess because I am a 30-year-old male the thought and action is a lot easier to remember and do!

