Good day to you,
This is hard to tell, but I fell on my face last night. My husband said something so hurtful and horrible to me, I just had a total melt-down, as my daughter called it. Some people just know how to push your buttons and I reacted the way I used to. There were 2 glasses of white wine left over from making a cream sauce for dinner and I drank the lot, not even out of a glass, no straight from the bottle.
I am so mad at myself I cannot even tell you. It did not solve a thing except ruining my budding self esteem and pride at being AF. We are not talking still and I don't give a rats arse either.
I am also refusing to go back to day one, no way, I will call it 25 days minus one for all of 2007.
Signing off - Stupid Lori.