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AF Daily - Saturday March 10

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    AF Daily - Saturday March 10

    Fly- nice footsies!!! Lol!

    LibraryGirl'- your "exercise" was far more exciting than mine was.Thankfully I didn't have to get naked for my power walk. WHEW!

    Papmom- I'm a fan of online shopping but the returning is a pain isn't it?

    TDN- please bring me a cake pop!!! I'm waiting.....

    Lavande- 27 chickens???? Do you get the pleasure of enjoying farm fresh eggs? Yum!

    Oh happy day!
    AF since 2/22/2012


      AF Daily - Saturday March 10

      Almostfamous;1278189 wrote: Fly- nice footsies!!! Lol!

      LibraryGirl'- your "exercise" was far more exciting than mine was.Thankfully I didn't have to get naked for my power walk. WHEW!

      Papmom- I'm a fan of online shopping but the returning is a pain isn't it?

      TDN- please bring me a cake pop!!! I'm waiting.....

      Lavande- 27 chickens???? Do you get the pleasure of enjoying farm fresh eggs? Yum!

      Oh happy day!
      If I had to get naked to go power walking, I just might become a sprinter!


        AF Daily - Saturday March 10

        FlyAway;1278194 wrote: If I had to get naked to go power walking, I just might become a sprinter!
        That was FUNNY!!!
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF Daily - Saturday March 10

          Hi all! I haven't posted for a while, but have been reading. Still fighting a bit of fatigue post-chemo. But, this week has been the best ever as my energy levels and moods are getting back to normal.

          Thank you unwasted for your PM!

          I should post more. I need something interesting to talk about, and hopefully soon. Haven't done much for several months. Pretty monotonous life I have.

          I had an intense craving to get drunk yesterday. The first time in soooooooooooo long. I dismissed it; but it came out of left field and I actually had to work mentally to kick it aside. It was kind of a reminder to stay close to you all, and the inspiration you all provide. I will not give in to the crap alcohol provides me for anything. Even if I have to eat myself silly so I am too bloated to think about drinking; I will do it. My sobriety and health are everything to me. I am coming up on a year this April. I have had several stints of many months of sobriety the past few years, but I want a lifetime commitment to it; so whatever it takes!!

          Well, I am going to catch up on the boards and see what is new here. Lots of love to you all! xoxo


            AF Daily - Saturday March 10

            So glad you dropped in - I was just asking about you a day or two ago
            Good to hear your energy is returning a bit. Spring is on the way so that's good timimg
            I am gearing up for my 3 year anni later this month. I want you to help me celebrate & I will help you celebrate your 1 year anni next month - OK?????

            Yes, I get lots of fresh eggs every day but rarely eat one :H
            My cholesterol level is a bit high & I don't want to go on meds for it so I eat mostly veggies these days........I do have happy egg customers though

            EB wants meatballs for dinner - what else is new?? :H :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Saturday March 10

              Quick fly-by fruiting, fabby Abbies!

              Long day of barn stuff and cleaning out basement uch: I'll never understand how we can accumulate so much JUNK again and again? Beats me. Anyways, time to fetch horses again and hopefully a nap thereafter. Happy Saturday and one thing is for sure!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                Off to bed now , but just wanted to report that I enjoyed my birthday dinner tonight (b'day actually tomorrow) and I drank ginger beer and tonic water and stayed AF. So this completes day 16. Thanks for all your support everyone, see you all tomorrow.


                  AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                  Oh lads it came to a head with my mother and I'm glad it did, couldn't handle the hot and cold game with her anymore after I walked into the kitchen and heard her tell my dad I was pure mad and I'll be gonein a shot drinking when I get a chance, that was after an evening of her being really nice to me, she came after me and told me I was paranoid going round listening into conversations. I'm an alcoholic but I'm not stupid and I don't deserve to be treated like that, I've been stupid in the past but not today
                  "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                    AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                    Happy almost B-day Sausage!!!!!!
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                      Greetings from the ice cube FABbers...we had a cloudy evening up here so the aurora show was just for the satellites, UFOs and those poor souls flying further north to Fairbanks.

             the time I got up this morning (7 am) there were already 3 pages of comments here! Wow!

                      Sid - I have been thinking about you. In fact, I put a note on my list today to email you because I hadn't seen you around. I am so thrilled you are having a great vacay! I had a great AF trip to the first sober cruise was amazing. It's such a revelation to fully enjoy every moment AND remember almost every moment later, isn't it? Confession: I did not enjoy my hubby's snoring. THAT I would like to forget!

                      FlyA - Have I told you just how darn happy I am that you're not just back at MWO, but hanging out on this thread? I once suffered from debilitating migraines...but they were atypical so I went mis/undiagnosed for a long time. Turns out, the final pronouncement was that I had basilar migraines because all my estrogen was WAY out of whack and that was BEFORE i was a major drunk drinker. I finally found a good holistic doc who helped adjust my adrenals and my hormones....and POOF - no more migraines.

                      Almost - I posted on your other thread - you will have an incredible time in Vegas. Maybe you could make a game out of counting all the drunk drinkers. Wait. Make a game of counting the sober ones - it's like a where's Waldo in the casinos.

                      Lav - that's so funny that EB loves the chicken movie! I am going to buy a copy for myself in a few years before I get my chicken nation started when we set up in Arizona for the winter. You can bet I will be calling you for your deep chicken wisdom!!!

                      Shue - you keep having fun up thar on those slopes. You just sound happier and happier every day! The mind peace is priceless, isn't it?

                      Blondie...did you already go to AZ? I'd love to hear what you did.

                      Papmom - your posts always make me smile. You are just one of the most upbeat peeps I know and it is a great gift you share with us.

                      Sugar Sugar....this addiction is so misunderstood....but WE can understand why others are afraid for us because this addiction results in so many harmful behaviors. You ARE healing. Dress yourself with the knowledge that sometime soon those around you will know that addiction is behind you and no longer controls or defines you. Your liver is feeling already feeling the love. And, each day those old destructive pathways in your brain atrophy a little more while those new positive pathways get stronger!

                      AFM - wowsie!!!! It's great that you stopped in. And WAY to go on smacking down that out-of-the-blue craving. You are an AF NINJA! Waaaaaaaaaa- yeeeeeee!!!

                      Sunni - I'm afraid that my children might audition me for an episode of HOARDERS because of my basement. It's a long story, but I saved thousands of od 16mm films from the school district from death by dumpster. What can I say? I even did a film about my obsession with old films. lol. At least I don't collect rats. omg
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                        FlyAway;1278185 wrote: Not me!! Library Girl!! :H:H:H
                        Oh Silly me Fly-I knew that :H
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                          What a turn around today. My father-in-law just died. I loved him very much. Seventy-eight years old and he died on a golf course. No pain, no complaints, just fell to the ground and was gone.

                          We took a trip to Scotland with him last year because he wanted to see where his family came from before he died. What happy memories I have of him on that trip.


                            AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                            Flyaway, I'm so sorry to hear about your father in law, but I'm so glad you have happy memories, I don't know how to put this right butI just want to wish you strenght during this period
                            "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                              AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                              sugarbeat;1278243 wrote: Flyaway, I'm so sorry to hear about your father in law, but I'm so glad you have happy memories, I don't know how to put this right butI just want to wish you strenght during this period
                              Thank you. There never is a "right" thing to say. It's just nice to know you're thinking of me.


                                AF Daily - Saturday March 10

                                I'm so sorry Fly. Sending good thoughts and a virtual hug your way.

                                Turn again, thanks for the wishes. I'll let you know where Waldo is!

                                Have a great night all.
                                AF since 2/22/2012

