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Magical March madness - week 2

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    Magical March madness - week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Thought I would get us started on week 2 as I am up early. I never seem
    to sleep in.

    Off to a fishing exhibition with hubby this morning and then back to the usual
    running around so a busy day as usual.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week-end. Catch you all later.


    Magical March madness - week 2

    Good morning Rustop, thanks for getting us started this week.

    Second week of March already? How in the heck did that happen? Has anyone seen my motivation? I seem to have lost it somewhere. It's going to be a slow and easy day for me. Hopefully I'll get some cleaning and exercising in today.


      Magical March madness - week 2

      Hey Rusty and Fly!

      I know, 2nd week in March, wowsers! Day 18 for me...almost at my 3rd goal of 21 days. Waiting for Jason Vale's Book to arrive in the mail any day now. I think that will be totally worth the read.

      Chill, hope you are having a fabulous weekend retreat! Sounds interesting, tell us all about it when you can.

      For everyone else marching through the month sober, bright blessings from the light side! Have a great sober Saturday to all!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Magical March madness - week 2

        Good morning Rustop, Blondie & all Marchers!

        Sunny & chilly this morning, heading back up to 60 tomorrow ~ nice

        Spent the night getting kicked in the kidneys as EB decided to sleep in my bed. The goldens were up bright & early at 6 am raring to go - wonderful. And we lose an hour of sleep tonight, splendid

        Not sure what I'm doing today but I'm sure it won't be much, I don't think my batteries will last too long :H :H

        Have a nice time at the fishing exhibition Rustop, a good day at work Blondie & FlyAway - if you find your mojo will you see if mine is there too? :H
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Magical March madness - week 2

          Happy Saturday all -

          The days have flown since I returned...I'm so behind on all the news! Will try to get caught up today as I take breaks from Taxes (yep, just got back to prepping HB's corporate, aaaargh. Extension, anyone?)

          Lav - do take care, I'm exhausted just from reading about your day yesterday.

          Rusty - don't know what's gone on, but sending you love and support for whatever.

          Blonde - congrats on day 18 - you go girl, and good job dodging those bullets.

          FlyAway - I've had crusher headaches: maybe it is the sun? Also, there's some major Mars retrograde that's about to happen apparently - buckle your seatbelts, everyone. And PS, I'm 5'6", but I'm sure that was a mistake...I was meant to be 5'8" at least. Can I be an honorary member of the club?

          Will catch up with everyone's happenings, (I'm always saying that, right?) more soon wishing all a great day -
          to the light


            Magical March madness - week 2

            Happy week two! Snow flurries and freezing wind here, but I just brought in a big sunny bunch of daffodils from the cutting garden. Works for me. As with Cyn, I need to catch up here and, in the meantime, wishing everybody a sweet day. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              Magical March madness - week 2

              ladybirdheart;1278161 wrote: Happy week two! Snow flurries and freezing wind here, but I just brought in a big sunny bunch of daffodils from the cutting garden. Works for me. As with Cyn, I need to catch up here and, in the meantime, wishing everybody a sweet day. Love, Ladybird.
              Daffodils sound beautiful right now! :h


                Magical March madness - week 2

                Just coming over from the daily thread to say that my FIL just died unexpectedly. He was a happy, fun soul and died while golfing. Just dropped to the ground and was gone. Of course I'm sad, but really he had a good life and he didn't suffer in the end. Isn't that the best any of us could hope for?


                  Magical March madness - week 2

                  Oh wow FlyAway :l
                  May he rest in peace. No suffering & leaving doing something you love to do is a real blessing. Thinking of you & your family.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Magical March madness - week 2

                    Hi Guys,

                    Happy Saturday Evening! Just had dinner and gonna be lazy on the sofa with hubs and the pets and watch a movie. Had a busy day. Started with snow, ended with sunshine. I'll take it! Tomorrow supposed to be warmer. Spring ahead everyone!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Magical March madness - week 2

                      Good morning to all...

                      I am fighting something off, the drive, visit and time spent with my daughter was great, but I think I overdid it. So, today is supposed to be warm and sunny, in the sixties, and I will be taking it easy and enjoying the weather.

                      Fly, so sorry for your loss. The unexpectedness of his death makes it even harder.

                      LBH, the daffodils sound beautiful. I have some coming up, and hope that with the warm weather this week that they will bloom.

                      Blonde, you are doing so well, keep up the good work.

                      Lav, hello to you.

                      To everyone, have a great day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        Magical March madness - week 2

                        Good morning Marchers,

                        Think I'm fighting off something too Star but it feels more like a giant allergy attack than anything else. Looking forward to 60 degress outside today. I only have 3 daffs open so far, hopefully more will open today.

                        Thinking of you Fly!

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday. I'll be chasing EB again
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Magical March madness - week 2

                          Hi all!

                          wow, the 2nd week in March is off and running...hard to believe. Next week, St. Patty's Day! Busy week ahead. One thing is for sure...

                          Enjoy your Sunday...I'm sure most have the day off. I'm off to work in a few but Sundays are usually pretty low key and the bosses aren't usually around, so that is cool!

                          Take care,

                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Magical March madness - week 2

                            Hi everyone

                            Just a quick check in as it is all go here at week-ends. I have quite a few
                            daffodils open and this morning was beautiful and sunny, a real spring
                            feel to it. Hubby is out giving the lawn its first mow of the season so things
                            are looking a little better outside.

                            Fly - condolences on your FIL but what a lovely way to go, doing something
                            he enjoyed. No hospitals, sickness etc. a lot to be said for it.

                            Star/Lav - hope you both soon feel better. You too Papmom.

                            Off now to do the whole roast dinner thing. Doing a leg of lamb with roasted
                            potatoes, carrotts and mangetout. Going to just have one potatoe, they are
                            my weight watcher downfall!!!

                            Have a lovely Sunday everyone



                              Magical March madness - week 2

                              Wow, I think I'm quite looped at the moment! I just posted this in yesterday's thread thinking it was this thread :nutso::

                              Hello friends. I'm barely awake after having to take a double dose of migraine meds this morning. It makes me feel tired and woozy afterward. Thank you all for your condolences regarding my father-in-law. My MIL, his ex-wife, said to my husband, "Can you imagine Dad in a hospital? Thank God he went the way he did." And she's right. He would have wished his life over if he had been sick and hospitalized. I dreamt of him last night.

