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Magical March madness - week 2

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    Magical March madness - week 2

    First condolences to Flyaway, and to all others hi and how are you? I love the passing of winter, at least I tell myself that. Its grey, there is mould on the lawn where the snow is receeding. All the trees are bare. Im starting to sound like a Mamas and Pappas tune. But I can see all my little early plants coming up. So thats a good thing. I am better from my horrible sinusitus and bronchitus. Not totally back to skiing 4 kms this morning, yet, but sewing a little coat for my granddaughter better.

    Rustop, Ive so enjoyed your posts, Stargaser AND Lav I hope you are not sick, just tired or allergic, BlondAF have a great day at work. Im going to enjoy some time off for a while.

    Love to all

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      Magical March madness - week 2

      Hello Magical Friends!!

      Lav and Star-feel better soon OK? Early spring seems to harbor germs but soon you'll be able to get out in the lovely weather.

      Rustop-I'm just fine these days thank god. the nose meds have done their job!! Glad your weather is nice. My nephew will be in your country in 2.5 months and I hope he has fabulous weather!!

      LBH and Cyn-don't worry about catching up with all of us. Just catch us up with you!!

      Kas-so glad you're feeling better!! Don't overdue!

      Blonde-hope you had an easy day at work today. Tomorrow is going to be heaven I think so make sure you get a walk on the beach in early!! Just for me!!

      I took advantage of the extra hour of daylight and took Mick for a nice long walk when I got home from work today. It was lovely even if it was in the city I hate. Tomorrow is grooming day for him and DD, and errand day in the same town as the groomers. Convenience is the key!! I can't feel guilty about not doing any work work as the system will be down for 24 hours for an upgrade.

      Off to warm up the left over Lasagna from the party Friday nite. Yummo!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Magical March madness - week 2

        Good morning everyone

        Hope you all had a wonderful week-end. Just back from a lovely walk
        in the woods with friend and doggies. Going to start doing some work
        in the garden, when the weather is nice, I always prefer to be outside.

        Have a great AF week one and all.



          Magical March madness - week 2

          Good morning to all...

          I do have that darn cold my family had, but I am taking Zicam every three hours and so it seems to be less severe. I have fought getting sick for so many weeks, really disappointed I got it. This week at work will be a struggle as I hate not feeling well. Sorry to whine, I know others have had health issues and this is my first cold for a while.

          Went for a walk yesterday with my friend, despite the cold, just took it easy. It was so warm and sunny, Iloved it!!

          Pap, happy to hear you took a walk too, it is always fun with a doggy.

          Rustop, enjoy the outdoors.

          Lav, feel better.

          To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Magical March madness - week 2

            Hey All! Sounds like you guys had a good weekend. Mine was good work work (and some

            Pap, I took a stroll around Harbor Loop just for you! It's not exactly the beach but it's a nice jaunt on my break around the harbor. Right across the street from my work. I have to constantly remind myself how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful area and felt at peace not wanting to leave anywhere else (with the exception of a vacation once a year to a warm!).

            Hope you guys are sailing through the 2nd week in March. Getting used to the time change was weird yesterday but I love the extra daylight on the end of the day. We're supposed to beat record high temps for St. Patty's Day this weekend...bring it on I say!

            Have a good one to all!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Magical March madness - week 2

              Good morning fron snot city :H :H

              Just waiting for my babysitees to be picked up then I can start my day for real
              Will be back later,
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Magical March madness - week 2

                Happy Monday -

                Star, so sorry you're sick - do take care, the bug I got a couple of weeks ago really knocked me out.

                Lav - are you exhausted from your weekend charges? They are so lucky...

                Kaslo - great to hear from you, hope you feel better soon. I remember from MN that moldy grass thing...but I was always thrilled to see it.

                FlyAway - sorry for the news of your FIL's passing, but I do agree, what a way to go...

                My daffys are just up about 5 inches - no blooms yet, but the promise is there. Some have foliage that is a dusty sage-y green, I love seeing the gradations of color. I am grateful for being able to see as well as feel the sights of spring. The light is incredible here - soft gold in the mornings. Yesterday morning I saw a flock of seagulls (? there is a lake quite nearby, so I guess that's their home) on the wing. The rising sun caught the under-side of their wings, and as they passed it was like a shifting gold cloak going overhead.

                My dogs are becoming total nut-cases...I thought it was the full moon, but now I guess it is the burgeoning spring! Lots of new sights and smells...

                Dill - thanks for the last quote, any more in the pipeline?

                Wishing all a good day -
                to the light


                  Magical March madness - week 2

                  Hi Everyone

                  Healing thoughts coming to all who are feeling out of sorts.

                  I had the most amazing weekend and feel totally rejuvenated. Dr David Hamilton was fantastic! He is a mild mannered guy with little ego who eminated kindness and really walks his talk. He has the most incredible brain and really comes at a lot of spiritual beliefs with proven scientific facts. There were only 20 of us on the retreat and he spend time getting to know everyone, staying in the same dorms and sharing every meal with us. In fact the best conversations were over breakfast and dinner and I got lots of great advice on everything from personal goals to my health.

                  I find in day to day life I get side tracked into wondering if its me thats just too different from the norm but weekends like this reconnect me and make me realize im on exactly the right path for me. I just wish I could spend my whole time with like minded souls that I met there and its comforting to know they all feel exactly the same. My alarm gets set earlier each day with all the things I want to start the day with, there is my reiki, my meditation and now a new visualization practice which I am using to heal my arthritis. Work remains super busy and inbetween I am trying to organize my move South. Its all good and one thing for sure is there is absolutely no place in my life for alcohol.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Magical March madness - week 2

                    Great stuff Chilli, good to see you.

                    My condoleneces to you and your family Fly.

                    Meditation, first thing in the morning is a daily part of my life now, and i love it. I am focusing on 'Mindfullness', being in the present. It's a powerful, free, simple, and very cool strategy. I recommend folks check it out, as it can help us to not be in pain or frustration dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, as our focus is on the right here and right now.

                    Acceptance is another big milestone for me i feel. For me, acceptance is key. It has taken awhile to accept my relationship with booze, despite the overwhelming and constant evidence.'s okay.

                    All good here. Wishing everyone a safe, sober, healthy and magical week.


                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Magical March madness - week 2

                      Had a very short granny nap this afternoon but it helped
                      Lord, I was tired after my weekend of fun.

                      cyn, I had more daffs open up today.
                      The Insanity Twins were extra insane this weekend - moon glo & all :H

                      chill, glad you enjoyed your retreat. It is comforting to be surrounded by like-minded people. I guess we really need to appreciate those moments more.

                      G, glad to hear your meditation practice is helping you. I love spending a few minutes clearing my mind, forgetting the what ifs, etc. Focusing on today is what it's all about

                      I hope everyone has a restful night!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Magical March madness - week 2

                        Good morning to all...

                        I am really feeling better, taking Zicam at the first sign of the cold has worked wonders! Still being really careful to protect my energy this week. We are going to have lovely warm weather, so looking forward to it.

                        Lav and Cyn, my daffodils are coming up, and with this warm weather may bloom this week, I hope so.

                        Chill, the retreat sounds fantastic. How awesome to be with like minded people and experience the feeling of being in the right place. I love your info on reiki, meditation, and visualization...these are things I have always been interested in and have practiced, with good results. I have never had the opportunity to go on a retreat, you are so lucky. Where do you find out about them? On the internet or something? Let me know as I hope there are things in this area that I could check out.

                        Guitarista, I too love practicing mindfulness and need to do more of it. Thanks for the reminder, and it sounds as if you are doing well.

                        To all, have a great day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Magical March madness - week 2

                          Good morning my lovelies! It's kind of gloomy and rainy here today, but I'll take it. I don't have to work today so it's all good. I do have to see my neurologist in a couple hours which is a good thing. I'm hoping that I'll get some headache relief from him. And he's always good for a laugh or two.

                          Chill your retreat sounded amazing. I want to go!

                          I hope you all have a beautiful day full of happy surprises. :h


                            Magical March madness - week 2

                            Good morning Marchers,

                            Sure is gloomy this morning FlyAway. I hear talk of a thunder storm this afternoon
                            Hope your doc visit goes well!

                            star, hope you enjoy your Spring weather today.

                            The cold/allergy symptoms seem to be improved with me too this morning - grateful for that!

                            Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Magical March madness - week 2

                              Good morning everyone

                              Just back from ww and another .5lb down. Verrrrry slow but I am getting there.
                              Glad you are feeling better Star, what about you Lav. I hope you got your
                              much needed rest after the week-end. Fly - hope that headache improves.

                              Chill - your week-end does sound amazing. Looking forward to the empty nest
                              for that reason alone. Just to be able to go off and do those sort of things.
                              Thanks for the reminder on mindfulness Mr G. As a lot of you know I did a course
                              on it last year and really enjoyed it. However, I find it hard to fit into my daily
                              routine. That's only an excuse, I could make the time, Mr G speaking about it is
                              the kick up the ass I needed. Off to dust off my cd's.

                              Daughter is home this week so we are off to get her a new phone this afternoon.
                              She needs the rest, the last few weeks have been hectic.

                              Have a great day everyone.



                                Magical March madness - week 2

                                Cross posted with Lav - glad to hear you are feeling better.


