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Magical March madness - week 2

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    Magical March madness - week 2

    Just wanted to pop in and say howdy.
    I'm in chilly and gray southern California. Am visiting my youngest son. Haven't been here for 2 years I think. Last time I was here, all 3 of my kids lived here. Now the older 2 have flown the coop and left the youngest to fend for himself. He's a graduate student by day and a musician by night. Not sure how long that's going to work.

    Visiting botanical gardens, going on some great runs and hikes, eating way too much (GS cookies).

    Hope all of you folks who are ailing feel better. G. and Chill, your spiritual travels are inspiring.

    My dafs in NM were up when I left a few days ago. Here in southern Cal. it seems like every things blooming. Big geranium bushes blooming in front yards, rhododendrons everywhere, brilliant redbuds.

    More later. Love to all.


      Magical March madness - week 2

      Lav the weather turned out to be spectacular here today! Seventy-four and sunny. I can't believe it's March. Was it the same for you?

      I am wiped out. Believe it or not, after leaving the doctor's office (was there over 2 hours) I drove to a paint store and bought some paint. Ran a few errands then came home and painted the workout area in my basement for 4 hours. My head has been hurting so badly that I didn't even think I could make it to the paint store, but the more I moved the better I felt. It's really too early for the shots to be taking hold, but my headache is gone for now. It was about 7:30pm when I realized that I hadn't eaten anything today! How the hell did that happen? I've been eating like a human vacuum cleaner, sucking up everything in sight lately. So now it's 8:30 and I'm going to soak in my jacuzzi and listen to some hypnotherapy CDs and call it an early night.


        Magical March madness - week 2

        Shelley - good to see you ~ wherever you happen to be
        Hope the sun comes out for you!

        Fly, the weather was absolutely fabulous!
        My chickens love it & egg production is up :H
        I've been known to get so busy & involved in something that I forget to eat (makes me wonder how the hell I managed to gain weight during the perimenopausal years)
        Good to hear you found some headache relief today. I need to decide on my next painting project - did two rooms last year, time for more!

        Wishing everyone a good night!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Magical March madness - week 2

          hey Sped-great to see you! Hope you have a wonderful visit!

          Fly-glad to hear your migraine flew the coop today. Hope it stays that way.

          Lav-it was gorgeous here too!! I bought spackle for my bedroom so it's a start :H.

          chill-so glad you had such a wonderful time at your retreat. It concerns me that you focus so much on your perceived "differentness" or that you are not normal compared to the rest of society. Not true my friend!! Sounds like you were able to take away some tools to shift your preception of yourself from the weekend. I truly believe that your destiny is to work at a holistic retreat center somewhere. Keep moving towards that and it will all fall in place. :l

          Rustop-congrats on the .5 weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race!!

          Star-so glad you're feeling better. Hope you continue to do so.

          Shout out to Mr. G who's visits are most welcome, Dew, Rusty, Dill, Sooty, Blondie and anyone else who didn't check in today. Miss you!!

          Got a little more done in the yard today. Cut back my ornamental grass around the pond and transplanted one of the plants. Looks like I lost 4 fish over the winter-at least I only see 4 out of the 8 swimming around the past 2 days. Now the pond is totally bare without the grass cascading into it and they have no place to hide. Too early to buy pond plants. Hmmm, what to do.
          Also spent a couple of hours on work work. Was going to do more in the afternoon but it was so gorgeous out (partly sunny and in the 70s!!) that I said "feck it!".
          Tomorrow I will play all by ear until about 4pm, then it's off to a full evening of agility lessons. I probably won't be able to walk or get out of bed on Thursday but I promised my friend I would go to her herding lesson with her and I have to be at her house by 7:45 AM. That should be interesting!! I definitely plan on napping when we get back!

          That's it for now. Can't believe its after 10 already!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Magical March madness - week 2

            Good morning to all...

            That Zicam is awesome, my cold symptoms are completely gone!! Yesterday was a beautiful warm and windy day and I was able to fit a walk in during my work day. Also, I have been eating well and feel 100% better, if I could just be healthier on the weekend.

            Rustop, it is crazy busy with kids in the house, your time will come soon.

            Pap, glad your enjoying the warmer weather.

            Sped, you are so lucky to have the freedom to travel and visit. Enjoy the warmth and sun!!

            Lav, glad you are feeling better.

            To all, have a great day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Magical March madness - week 2

              Hi Marchers!

              Can't believe we're facing the middle of the month already. Temps have been lovely this week and the weekend is supposed to be a record high for St. Patty's Day! I have arranged to work just a half day Saturday since I have to work a half day tomorrow to make a farm run in Maine, so I hope to get to the beach on Saturday afternoon for a long walk with hubby and the dog! Have a great day everyone and keep up the good work this month! This time next week I will have my 30 days!!!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Magical March madness - week 2

                Good morning Marchers!

                Happy hump day to one & all
                I'm off to Curves for the first time this week (missed Monday), deliver fresh brown eggs then back here for some yard work since I don't have much else going on (work wise).

                Have a great day!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Magical March madness - week 2

                  Hi everyone

                  Happy hump day from me too. Have had a busy one rushing from one
                  place to another. Went swimming this morning, then walked the dog and
                  after that picked daughter up from school. Went straight to the horse and then
                  she had a driving lesson just after that. Back home briefly and then I need to take
                  other daughter to the bus!!

                  Still the sun is shining and it is good to be busy. Glad those of you not feeling
                  great are improving.



                    Magical March madness - week 2

                    Happy humpback day guys

                    Any sign of Sooty?

                    Rustop - No sun here, just cold and grey with temperatures of only 8c/46f.

                    Im envious of you guys across the pond enjoying 70f. I have forgotten what heat feels like.
                    Glad everyone is feeling healthier. I have been boringly angelic with my diet recently and after a stressful day at work today, I stopped at the store, not for a bottle of wine but a large bag of crisps (potato chips). I would rather have chocolate but will keep to my agreement for lent. Im going to soak in a bubble bath then watch some crime drama in my pj's and over indulge in my cheesy snacks. I have a huge pile of ironing which is just going to have to wait. Tonight I HAVE to chill.......

                    Papmom - Thank you for you vote of confidence on my normal-ness, Maybe it's everyone else who is odd :H

                    Sped - you sound full of energy as usual, how long are you in Califonia for?

                    I am enjoying a new daily routine of visualization regarding my arthritis and I am convinced I can think myself better.
                    I visualize the arthritis to look similar to limescale and I have little smiling M&M type men who have jet washes and to the sound of some upbeat music they dance around all my imflamed joints hosing away the limescale. Scrubbing into the corners with brushes. Then when the bones are all shiney and white they get out their mops and with a lubricating oil they shine the joints and make everything smooth and flexible, all the while smiling and dancing. I reapet this exercise twice a day, never missing a day and I really belief I will be able to reduce the constant pain I endure. I will keep you posted with my progress.

                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Magical March madness - week 2

                      Hi Gang!

                      Chill, your retreat sounded amazing. I have never been to any sort of retreat so I am intruiged!

                      By the way, Chill, I got the J. Vale book earlier this week and am about 1/2 way through. Loving it. Glad I broke down and sent away for it. I think it will be the icing on the cake so to speak!

                      Hope everyone else is having a great night. Hubs teaching tonight so I am on my own. Had a good derm appointment earlier...they did a biopsy on a spot on my nose (so I came out with a bandaid on it...yikes...looked like I had gotten into a fight or Made sure I went to a grocery store way out of town on my way home as I didn't want to bump into anyone I know with that on my face!). Doc said it prolly is harmless but doesn't hurt to double check. The questionable moles I have checked out ok but I have to go back in 6 months for another check up. Hopefully my nose will be fine and now I have a red mark on the tip. Darn it. Glad to have tomorrow off to heal!

                      Well, have a beautiful evening everyone! I'm off to have a cup of tea and read more of the Jason Vale book. Tomorrow I have to take a trip to Portland, Maine, for work. Love that city...almost as much as Rockland .
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Magical March madness - week 2

                        Happy hump evening, all.

                        Back from a quick overnight trip to NYC. It is amazing how stressed-out and unhealthy all the people there looked to me...I do enjoy the 'melting pot' aspect of the city, but this time I seemed to see on the faces in the crowds the toll of the daily grind there.

                        It was a real relief to me to get back to the 'country' today...I guess I am not made for a city at all. Chill - I understand how many of us feel like we don't 'fit in' to 'normal' life, but I am starting to embrace my deep comforts, no matter how they may seem to other people. I agree with PMom, I hope that you find a community of like-minded people to work among.

                        Star, so glad you are feeling better, what a relief, huh? I'm still on daffodil watch...

                        I'll be off early in the morning for my 1-hour drive to take my pup for swim therapy -- I'll check in later -- hope everyone has a sweet night and a good day tomorrow -
                        to the light


                          Magical March madness - week 2

                          Good morning everyone

                          Just back from a beautiful walk along the river. Real spring morning with the birds singing, it really does your heart good.

                          Cyn - like you I prefer the quiet of the country to the bustle of city life. Enjoy swim therepy with your pup.

                          Chill - I agree with Papmom. Just because we dont fit in with the mainstream does not mean there is anything wrong with us. Look at how much all of us here on MWO have in common apart from Al. I joke that I will become a recluse in later years, as I get older I just dont have the tolerance for bs....!! If I am happy in my own skin that is all that matters. Your visualization routine sounds very interesting, let us know how you are getting on.

                          Blonde - Hope your nose is looking better this morning. It is safer to get to checked out.

                          Everyone else big hello and have a great day.



                            Magical March madness - week 2

                            Hello everyone, I am here Chill, thanks for asking. Things have been very hectic here lately and I either haven't had time or the space to post.

                            I haven't read very far back either, i hope we are all ok, I will be around more at the weekend, will catch up then

                            Take care everybody :l


                              Magical March madness - week 2

                              Thanks Rustop! I agree, it's better to have the skin checked out, even though today I am waking up with a bigger red mark on the very tip of my nose than yesterday. He said if it turns out benign, he can laser the mark off, which will be a relief since I've had it for years now and I can't cover it with makeup...not even concealer. Why does it have to be at the very center of my face??? Urgggggggh. Why not my back or even forehead so I could cover it with bangs...but NOOOOOOO...right at the freakin' tip of my nose. Oh well, as they say, things could ALWAYS be worse! There is light at the end of the nose so to speak as I can get the laser but for 150 bucks, sigh. I'd gladly pay it though...just to be rid of it. I know, I guess I'm vain!

                              Hi to all checking in! I have been really sticking to my diet and exercise routine for the last 2 months and after being on a plateau for a while, I dropped a lb this morning. Hard to believe as I thought it was that time of month but happy to break through to another LB. One more LB and I will be at the goal I set for myself back in January! How is everyone else doing? What does anyone who has tried to Coconut Oil think? I haven't been doing it every single day but certainly more days of the week than not. I'd be curious to hear feedback on if it is helping with anyone's diet.

                              Gotta drive for a long time today for work to pick up some products in Portland. 4 hours round trip. But I get to drive my boss's Honda element so that is sweet!

                              Have a lovely day everyone!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Magical March madness - week 2

                                Good morning Marchers,

                                We have marched to the middle of the month already - geez!

                                Blondie, sure do hop your nose is OK & heals quickly.

                                cyn, NYC is exciting but I sure couldn't cope with living there especially at this stage of my life. I've become accustomed to a quieter, less frantic environment. Glad you are enjoying your 'country' living.

                                Rustop, I'm seeing signs of Spring everyday & loving it

                                There you are Ms Sooty!

                                Greetings to everyone else & wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

