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Magical March madness - week 2

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    Magical March madness - week 2

    Hey Marchers

    Thursday already! The weeks are flying by as well as the months.

    Lav - I can just about cope with a city for a day then I crave the countryside. Its going to be quite an adjustment when I move to Birmingham as my friend lives in a busy part of town. My saving grace is the nearby park and the local Buddhist centre is across the road where there are daily meditation classes.

    Blondie - I sympathize with you on your nose. I always so admire people who cope bravely with facial disfigurement, it must be awful. Its the 1st thing the world see's and no matter how hard we try, oppinions are always formed on how we look.

    Cyn - please tell me more about the doggy swim therapy, is this for a particular ailment?
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Magical March madness - week 2

      Morning all!

      I am so glad to be posting (and not just reading) back here with all of you. Been posting in the newbies nest since January but not lately because I'm feeling a little out of place here. Not in a bad way - just not sure where to be posting so I've been just reading. (sure sounds like I'm rambling here :H)

      Anyhwho - I'm at 75 AF (I think) days today. Was here this time last year and enjoyed almost 5 months of being AF. Long story short, made my way back here in January and feeling a whole lot different. Always thought last time that eventually (after I had racked up some AF time), I could occasionally enjoy a glass of wine with friends/family - this time I'm sure that I can't and I've finally accepted (and embraced) the fact that alcohol does not need to be part of my life ever again.

      Missed all of you but I have been reading so feel like I've caught up with everything going on around here.

      Thank you to Rustop (please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was you) - who welcomed me back over here several weeks ago from the nest. I know I can never ever let my guard down, but I'm not fighting with myself on a daily basis to stop at the liquor store - I just feel so differently about AL now. I'm realizing that I can enjoy life and have become involved a lot with my church (no room for AL there ) so I'm keeping busy with work and other stuff. Enough about me - looks like everyone here is doing wonderful!

      Chill - so sorry to hear that you are struggling with arthritis - you look way too young to have to deal with that already. Liked your visualization and glad it helped you.

      Star - I've been fighting a cold for over a week now - think it's getting better and then it rears it's ugly head again. Never tried Zicam - maybe I should

      Hello to Lav, Sooty, Papmom, Dill, Rusty, Cyn, Blonde, all I've missed. So glad to be back here with old friends :h

      Hubby and I went for a long walk at the state park down the road from us and walked a trail for about 2 miles when we found this beautiful area of daffodils just growing wildly in the woods! Beautiful and I picked a bunch to put on my kitchen table!

      Have a great day everyone!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Magical March madness - week 2

        So I tried to post a picture of my flowers - help please? My way didn't work.

        p.s. Blonde - hope your nose heals nicely!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Magical March madness - week 2

          Hi Jolie! So glad you are posting here! I post here more than on Newbies the Nest but it is sometimes very overwhelming and hard to keep up with everyone as I really can only post in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings if I am lucky and there sure is a lot of activity there. Also, I feel that my posts get lost there but on the abbers section, we are more like family. I feel more at home on these threads and have made some very good friends! Even got some holiday cards from abroad last year and I was delighted with those!

          75!!! Good for you! I also am in the mindset that AL does not need to be in my life whatsoever...even a glass of wine here or there makes me feel weak in every sense of the word. Why put myself in harm's way? It's so nice to be free of that, isn't it? I really don't desire AL anymore because I see it for the useless decaying crap that it really is...poison that our bodies try to get rid of ASAP! I thank Jason Vale for helping me change my mindset. I no longer feel longing to drink because it really does nothing to me but harm. I am grateful for my new found freedom!

          Have a lovely day everyone! I see a new 3rd week thread started and will check in with you all there too!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


