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AF - Sunday March 11

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    AF - Sunday March 11

    Good morning Affies,

    I am lying in bed reading through your posts, like I do every day. You guys fill me with so much hope, happiness and gratitude. Thank you.

    Downstairs hubby ans son are making cooking noises and thankfully I hear the coffee grinder too.

    Sausage, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!! I am impressed at your resolve.
    Almost, wish you bon voyage, will follow your other thread.
    FLY - so sorry to hear about it. But I am with Sunny here, it is a blessing the man went so quickly and painlessly, doing something he loved. Most of my hubby's family of golfaholics would agree.

    Yesterday late afternoon, the fog lifted, the sun came out in all its glory and I was left with this super clear magnificent view. It felt like the kind of clarity I am feeling now after coming out the AL cloud. I let go of the guilt yesterday and truly lived in that moment and ejoyed it to the fullest.
    I wish you all a wonderful day.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF - Sunday March 11

    What an absolutely glorious photo Shue! Thank you for sharing it with us and thank you also for getting us started today. I agree with you too, my FIL's life and death was a blessing. I'm sad, but everything is okay. I just can't sleep. It's 1:15am my time. I'm going to put in a sleep/meditation/hypnosis/something CD and hopefully that will help. :h


      AF - Sunday March 11

      Morning everyone!
      Fly, I hope you managed to get to sleep eventually and the meditation was helpful. This is something I want to find out more about.
      Fabulous picture Shue - great start for the day.
      Well it's finally my actual birthday today, it's a fabulous day here too - brilliant sunshine, although not that warm. Plan to gou out for a light lunch and then a beach walk with the Mr Sausage and he kids. (Mr S and I enjoyed a nice AF meal out to celebrate last night) and I woke very refreshed this am.
      Will update you later on how my AF birthday went.
      Have a great AF Sunday everyone

      Day 17


        AF - Sunday March 11

        Good morning, Abbers!

        Sausage--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Isn't it nice to wake up AF with no fear of what happened last night? No horrible hangover? I am glad you had a nice AF dinner and it sounds like you have the perfct day planned!!! Enjoy every moment of it! You've come a long way, and it only gets better.
        Shue, that photo is stunning! What a beautiful sight. And hubby and son making breakfast! Ah, it's going to be a great day for you!! I so love your enthusiasm and spirit--and the coffee, of course! Mine has EVCO in it--am doing that every morning, then having another TBS in a cup of tea later. And i start out with the apple cider vinegar in a bit of water every day.
        Sunni--is it true that you had four months yesterday? Saw it on another thread. YIPPEEE!!! Maybe Blondie can make a cake for the occasion!!
        Daylight Savings Time has ended, so we lost an hour's sleep last night. Three Stooges don't go by that--they just wake up ASAP to start looking for food. DH must have eaten something really bad outside yesterday, as he ran to the slider in the sunroom last night, ran out and threw up. When he came back in, he seemed fine, but while I was in the kitchen later, he did it again--only this time on the rug. Think I managed to get it up in time and can barely see the stain. Will treat it again today.
        Our newspaper this a.m. has the entire front section devoted to repeat DWI offenders in the state. I haven't read it yet, but there are some who have ten offenses, and I think the number of repeaters is something like 14,000. They even list the names of anyone with four or more. God help any of them trying to get sober using health insurance!! All I know is I take it one day at a time, but never again want to have another horrible experience like that. NEVER.
        Okay, need to shower and dress--have church at 10:00--and finish my cake pops so I can bring them with me. Later I'll do some choclate dipped strawberries for us.
        So looking forward to the spring like weather coming as of tomorrow!!!
        Have a fantastic AF day, all!!
        "One day at a time."


          AF - Sunday March 11

          My internet at home is slow as treacle, still, I cannot be away from MWO for too long …

          BlondeAFAmbition;1277977 wrote:

          PS, Sober Saturdays ROCK!
          Yes they do, but it did take me some conscious effort – like not opening the bottle of white for making the smoked salmon fettuccine (used water with lemon instead) – it was a nice sauv blanc (my poison of choice) – and as hubby went to watch Ireland beat Scotland at rugby (sorry Sausage) – it was too much to risk being at on my own with an open bottle in the fridge on Sat night. So I baked a soda wheaten bread, defrosted the last of the bloc de fois gras – and indulged the taste buds explosion while watching “The Blind Side” on my own.

          Congrats on becoming Senior Blondie, hope you have a good weekend at the store.

          Sausage – Maybe you did not get “Sixteen candles” on your birthday cake yesterday – how about 16 AF stars from us and counting????

          Sugar – I am a bit new to the AF thing so no advice from me, just want to tell you that you do sound better and stronger. It must be very hard for you but you are pulling through it. :h

          Turn – I finally got to see the photo links (damn snail pace internet) OMG – I would really like to see that someday, and given how I do not mind the cold … I might just make it someday. Keep a seat on the convertible for me .

          Fly – the sleep fairy owes you big …if she doesn’t deliver I’m sending in the repossession team.

          TND and Pap – our dog has the garage to himself - still, when he barks at night I feel the walls tremble. I remind myself that this is what we got him for – we got broken into twice while we were sleeping – thankfully he only barks at strangers – and not many dare pass by. BTW – I worked on him with the vet on the dog aggression – introducing new dogs over and over – I had to give him many corrections. Out of 6 new ones he lunged at only one – the oldest and slightly frail. I am still not happy. Damn domineering streak, he's worse than I am.

          Choc dipped strawbs, TND???? :strawberry::strawberry::strawberry:I am drooling more than your three dogs combined (+ Pap's, come to think about it)

          Library Naughy Girl – got yourself some afternoon delight? I am jealous – with our son + friends around all the time that is mission impossible.

          I am off to give my big dog a work out – he needs a drill sergeant to tire him out on the mountain..
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            AF - Sunday March 11

            Good morning Abbers!

            I feel great today. Friday/Saturday I had the blahs but I just kind of went through them anyway and today I feel fantastic. Blah or not, the Sober life is SO MUCH BETTER than the drunken life!

            Shue - that picture is GORGEOUS!!!

            Sausage - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

            Threedog - yes we lost an hour but you know what - I didn't even notice as I'm an early riser now. I'm really looking forward to the longer days so I can go walking at night.

            I was inspired by Blonde I think and this morning I pulled out my french press and my Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee (yes we have that too!) and put in a dash of cinnamon and it is yummy!!

            Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Sunday.


              AF - Sunday March 11

              Hi Sunday Marchers! Happy Daylight Savings Day! Blah, I have to get to work an hour early...booohooo. But on the flipside, out in the daylight and an hour ahead...whaaaahoooo!

              Shue, awesome photo...and I don't even like the snow! Enjoying some strong coffee this morning myself!

              Happy Birthday Saucy! Way to go celebrating it AF. Thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful day!

              Hi to Fly, TDN, and everyone checking in today. Make it a glorious day all!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                AF - Sunday March 11

                MyLife, xpost my friend! Enjoy your coffee!!!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  AF - Sunday March 11

                  Good morning Abbers!

                  Very nice pic shue although it does look cold
                  Looking forward to 60 degrees today & maybe some daffs opening.

                  Happy birthday to Sausage, make it one to remember

                  Fly, hope you caught a bit of sleep.

                  Greetings to TDN, mylife, Bllondie & all to come.
                  Must go feed hungry animals & grandson!!!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF - Sunday March 11

                    Hello all,just wanted to check in and say happy birthday Sausage
                    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                      AF - Sunday March 11

                      Hi everyone! Here's to another beautiful AF day!:goodjob: Thanks for the GORGEOUS photo Shue. I am soooo jealous. What a way to wake up. I believe I could do anything if I could have that view every day.

                      Happy Birthday Sausage!!:day6: I hope you have a fabulous day~!

                      Day 18 here, and feeling great. Seeing my family in a few hours, and a bit aprehensive, but it will be ok.

                      I'll be in and out of here all day.

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        AF - Sunday March 11

                        Good Morning Fabber Abbers,

                        Shue, Wow, I can feel your clarity and gratitude through your post this morning. Since becoming AF, I still revel in the small things in life that bring me peace and contentment. Just can't experience those under a cloud of alcohol.

                        I am recovering from the stomach flu...ugh...

                        It is great to see so many new AF folks here. Keep up the good work.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF - Sunday March 11

                          Gute marning Fibbies.

                          Happy birthday Sausage, and many more!! I have had a few AF BDs now, and they are the best. In fact I cant think of anything that is not improved by the absence of AL for me, anyway. Shue, even my best cooking is better with ice water or a light cranberry pomegranate juice on ice, it allows the food itself to stand out. I dont miss the complex blend of my favorite white wine with a cream shallot lemon reduction, because as you know, the reduction would be subsequently swamped by everything I have in the cupboard ending with two shots of Courvoisier, and then I would feel like a poisoned pup. As I get older I have to consume less and really enjoy what I have.

                          Mom of 3 sorry about the stomach flu, I hate that.

                          As for daylight savings, I LOVE the longer days, and being in my garden. I can see there are wee iris, snowdrops, crocus, maltese cross, foxglove leaves, all greening up. Wonderful.

                          I am feeling very much better, still coughing and not very energetic, but better. My English editor has my annual treatise on the vegetation of Arrow Lakes beaches, and I have a big contaminated materials removal project coming up but meanwhile I can relax and wander around with my camera. Mr Kaslo is very busy at work, so I cant lure him off to some place for a shooting holiday, but we spent the day yesterday packaging up a care package box of stuff for the two grandkids and eldest daughter. Nice dinner, quiet evening of word puzzles and hockey. Seed catalogues. MMMmmmm. Love my life now. So much simpler and fuller at the same time.

                          Fly, you have a wonderful attitude. So many interesting people on here. I meant to comment yesterday, on Guitar mans discovery that if he thought his anger through he could detatch himself from it. That is just brilliant. Like the great American humour writer James Thurber says in a title to one of his stories (and a book, I think)....Let your mind alone!

                          One thing is definetely for sure

                          Love to all, Kaslo of the Fr. Sn.

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF - Sunday March 11

                            Hello Fabbies!

                            It's an incredibly gorgeous day here... and I'll be darned if I sit inside! :H
                            TDN, it's 5 months, actually I wasn't gonna say anything until I made it to 6 months but RC 'outed' me :H

                            I shall read up on your adventures later.. it seriously is way too nice to be on the computer. Have a fabulous day, everyone... and Fly... I'm thinking of you :l

                            Oh.. and Happy Birthday, Sausage!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              AF - Sunday March 11

                              Good afternoon Abbies. I finally fell asleep about an hour or so after I posted then woke up at 7am with a horrible headache. I took my head-meds which knocked me right back out and I'm just waking up now. No headache though.

