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AF - Sunday March 11

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    AF - Sunday March 11

    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to say thanks for all the birthday messages. Had a really good birthday and it has been AF. Went out for a nice lunch in an Italian restaurant ( with Mr Sausage and the kids) where I had an excellent pizza ( it did gluten free pizza bases!). Then we went to the beach for a walk and the kids played a bit. It was a sunny spring day here, v mild for Scotland! Tonight I'm sipping a sparkling AF grape juice, just to finish off the day!
    Day 17 completed - without any difficulty at all.
    Thanks again everyone for all your support and encouragement over the weekend.


      AF - Sunday March 11

      Good job Sausage! I am so very happy for you! :bday3:


        AF - Sunday March 11

        Hi lovelies!!!
        Just a quick check in. In Vegas and very sober. Woot!
        Papmom- feel better

        Sausage- Happy Birthday!!!!!!

        Lots of early drinkers here. Not me! Heck, I have been shopping all day.
        Sorry so short. Wishing you all a fab af Sunday.
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF - Sunday March 11

          Hey Fabbers-home from work and just chillaxin' reading the paper watching some TV. Will get some dinner in a bit.

          Sausage-CONGRATS on your AF birthday!! Well done! A walk on a beach (any beach) sounds just awesome. You are very lucky to live near one.

          Almost-Have a blast in Vegas and good job on the AFness. Keep up the great work! I'm fine BTW-no sickness in this household for once!!

          Fly-glad your migrain is finally gone. Still thinking of you and family.

          MOM3-feel better soon( i think Almost meant you actually). No fun having the norovirus!!

          Sunni-glad you're out enjoying the super weather!!

          Kas!! You're alive!! So glad to hear you are feeling better and up and at 'em!
          Don't overdue OK?

          Shue-that pic was gorgeous!! On a side note about dog training. I am so totally turned off by anything but positive training these days. I tried the leash corrections with DD and all i accomplished was to make him associate dogs coming into his (huge) space with something uncomfortable and scary (the leash jerk/correction). Quite the opposite of what I intended. Now it's strictly clicker training for me-click and treat. Hopefully very soon he will associate the scary dogs with yummy treats and a wonderful mommy who feeds them to him whenever a scary thing shows up. If you've never been exposed to clicker training, Karen Pryor is where its at. 2 of her best books are:
 Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs (9781890948214): Karen Pryor: Books


 Don't Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training (9781860542381): Karen Pryor: Books

          I know you didn't ask but that's never stopped me before!!

          Took Mickey for a nice long walk when I got home in celebration of the extra hour of sunlight. Felt great! Tomorrow all I have on the agenda is grooming for Mick and DD, return library books and buy some cat food. All of this happens in the same town (which I totally wish I lived in again) so gas expenditure will be minimal. Then the rest of the day is mine. Can't even feel guilty about not doing some work work because our system is down for 24 hrs while they upgrade to a new version. Ahhhhhh, vacation!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF - Sunday March 11

            Greetings FABbers!

            Happy Happy Happy Bday to dear Sausage! What a tremendous gift you've given to yourself, your family AND the world by being fully present and free of addiction. Nothing that comes with a bow comes close, but hey - just stick one on your head and do a sober jig. Seriously.

            I've got a confession. I like to be silly. When drinking, I was able to act silly quite easily (during the glowy fuzzy buzzy stage.) But you know, I have been having occasional fun being silly while sober AND guess what? It's actually MORE fun! Proof there is no need for a liquid to unlock the inhibitions. What silliness have you engaged in lately?

            Thanks for starting us off with the bee-you-tee-ful pic, Shue. Is that where you've been skiing? Looks like a Bad-assssss Black Diamond, girlie. You like bumps or speed or both? As for me, these days, I can only dream about trying to catch up with Kas on x-country skis. Beware the brown klister.

            Mylife I am so glad you're here, on this thread! You have to be glad you are no longer up here this far north this winter. We are just 5 inches away from shattering the all time snow record in Southcentral. And were are having a VERY frigid March. I won't see any daffodils until June, unless lovely Lav posts some pictures from her garden to warm my frozen heart!

            Librarygirl...I can see you flexing your AF muscles. You've broken the toxic tie now you're working on building healthy new pathyways in the brain. You're healing more and getting stronger every day. You will be another AF Ninja today!

            Kas - glad you're finally feeling better. I saw your SNOTsicle photo while on vacay. It made me howl with laughter. The locals in Bonaire are still scarred. I'm sure.

            Mom3 - sorry you're feeling bad now. I hope you come back soon when you're feeling better to let us know what's up in your life and your Yoga journey.

            Sunni, girl, we need to catch up. No more water breaks, I hope, in the Horse Mahal.

            Papmom..Thanks for the book tip. I've got to get the pug puppy into beginning obedience class. He is not as sharp as our other pug who finished at the top of his class. It's all positive. That's the only way.

   your best to keep getting sleep. You need to be strong in the upcoming weeks....

            hugs and happiness to all the rest of you who may come in through here today.....TDN...Sugar...Greenie...Marshy...Doggy.. ..LVT...Sid/Cozmo....AFM....Almost and where the heck is It'sJustMe?

            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              AF - Sunday March 11

              Paging LibraryGirl! Paging LibraryGirl! How did you make out today dealing with family? I am thinking of you.


                AF - Sunday March 11

                I think I've sneezed 400 times today :H
                Can't believe this is a run of the mill head cold ~ must be allergy

                FlyAway, headache stayed gone I hope!

                LibraryGirl, I want to hear about your family gathering too, hope it went well!

                Didn't get a chance to take any pics but yes a few more daffs opened up today. I had all I could handle chasing EB & the Insanity Twins today Tomorrow they all go home :yay:

                Wishing everyone a great night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF - Sunday March 11

                  With this warm weather I'm thinking it's an allergy too Lav. I've had a very mild scratchy throat for a couple weeks now, but I'm not sick.

