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AF - Monday March 12

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    AF - Monday March 12

    Hey-Ho Fabs and Fabettes!

    Weird day weather wise here... raining now and power flickering on/off. Not a whole lot of fun if you're in the middle of work/uploads. Oh well.

    Uni.. hang in there. Sometimes we need to take a step back from people who aren't good for us... even if they are family.

    Raven... happy you had a good party and sorry about the cringe factor.

    Lav... I want a nana nap, too! However, you definitely deserve one more... oh diaper derby queen! :H

    Kas... that's a lovely mental image. Brightened my day!

    Sugar... love the new self reflective more positive you! Keep it up!

    Shue... you were late! Don't let it happen again!

    LVT... did you say PINK????

    Ok, that's it. Pea brain here forgot who else was on page one. I'm blaming old age. Hope you all made it through a reasonably pleasant Monday
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF - Monday March 12

      Howdy Abberoo's near and far!

      Acceptance. Acceptance has been the key for me.

      Have a great week.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF - Monday March 12

        Okay, just got to say that the visual of Kaslo wearing Depends trimming the hedges just about made me spit water all over my laptop! :H

        Hey Shue-be-do! The Sleep Fairy farted in my general direction while bypassing my house last night. I was up until after 5am this morning, then managed to doze off only to be awaken by the damn phone ringing a couple hours later. Interesting how the positive reinforcement is working for your doggy!

        Lav you must be exhausted. I'd be worn out just from EB, but with the twins tossed in to boot... I hope you got a nap.

        Sorry to hear that you're struggling Uni. Eliminate the people who drag you down from your life, family included. We don't get to pick our relatives, but you can pick who you spend your time with.

        Raven, no regrets about the past. "Look to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." Or something like that.

        Hey there's the Sunny-Shiny-Horsey-Lady! :wavin: What's your snow situation these days? Has most of it melted? How has your back been feeling after your spill?


          AF - Monday March 12

          Guitarista;1279243 wrote: Howdy Abberoo's near and far!

          Acceptance. Acceptance has been the key for me.

          Have a great week.
          Helllllloooooo! Sorry I missed you.


            AF - Monday March 12

            Glad to be of service in the ha ha dept.

            Here is my photograph of the day too.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF - Monday March 12

              That is gorgeous Kas! I love the colors and textures. :h


                AF - Monday March 12

                Ya-te-hey all - just a quick flyby....this cyber community brings so much joy, strength and hope to my life. Thank you....Thank you....Thank You.

                Uni - I'm glad you're back. Struggling sucks, but it sounds like you are taking the right measures to get better and deal with the issues you are facing. I'm sorry your Dad is hurtful. I know this might sound harsh, but I have a friend whose bio father is a real jerk. She found solace in only thinking of him as the sperm donor. You've got to keep protecting yourself while you're healing. Let us know what we can do here to help.

                LVT - I was just asking about you....Pink laptop! You will feel so fancy tapping out your posts!

                O.M.G. KAS! Chainsawing bushes in Depends? Your posts really should come with a WARNING. I could've used a pair of Depends before reading that!

                You need an agent, Kas. One for the photography. The other for comedy.
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  AF - Monday March 12

                  Hey Kaslo,
                  That's some striking leaf mold you've got there (I think I'm allegic to it :H)

                  Granny had a short nap this afternoon ~ not too long, just about right
                  I usually feel tired after a weekend like that but I think this cold/allergy thing is kicking my a$$.......
                  Doesn't leave me with a whole lot of spare energy.

                  Uni, I hope you get what you need soon. Dads are not always what you expect/hope for. Mine certainly wasn't either. Don't let his faults control you

                  LVT, I have to say I have never seen a pink computer, send us a pic!

                  Greetings to FlyAway, Turn, Sunni & all the missing Abbers.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

