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sat 27 jan

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    sat 27 jan

    blimey never thought I'd be first up - happy saturday to you!
    went to pub last night and no booze for be honest most of people there wern't my close friends and were so so drunk that they were shouting over each other,chucking stuff about. to be honest those guys bug me a bit when i was really drunk but even harder when I'm sober.
    anyway v pleased v self, came home to watch big brother (not big or clever but no thinking tv) and had a alocohl free beer - which i really liked. iwas really craving booze before i left to go out but then though how gutted i would be.anyway rying not todrink too much af beer but keep as treat - don't want to get into taste again too much as can't have it when I'm out cos they don't sell it.
    back to diet coke for me - have good day all of you and I'm off to gym in a bit which will really need to drag self to!!
    one day at a time

    sat 27 jan

    Well done bear - glad you got through the 'Friday night' thing.
    It is so interesting being the sober one at these events.
    I hope on reflection you can see that you didnt miss out on anything at all.
    Plus - just think how good you woke up feeling.....

    Best wishes


      sat 27 jan

      Good on you hairybeary......As Changeling said, you must have felt like a squillion dollars this morning!! And yes, aren't people who are drunk 'entertaining'?????? Very interesting to be part of from a sober perspective......I must admit, that is one thing I REALLY like about being AF...I know that my antics were always the topic of conversation for many a week between friends after a 'do', and they weren't usually laughing about them either.......I was the person who everybody 'forgot' to invite, as I was such a liability....keep all these thoughts in the Bearbonce as you progress.....everything helps!!!
      Much love....and well done again..........weemelon x


        sat 27 jan

        Hi Bear - What an eye opener to be the sober one when everyone around is drunk. Good for you- glad you had that night - it can make the next morning even sweeter.

        Enjoy your Saturday..


          sat 27 jan

          Well done bear.
          Glad you made it.
          I was just looking at my DrinkTracker.
          I'm really pleased with that. 27 '0's' and just the one blemish. not too shabby.


            sat 27 jan

            I'm glad that you came through with nary a scar dear bear! :goodjob:
            AF as of August 5th, 2012

