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AFDaily - Tuesday, March 13

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    AFDaily - Tuesday, March 13

    Good evening, Abbers!
    Fly, glad you got your shots. Hope your head is better!
    MyLife--a couple of days for your big 30!!!! Lots of celebrating around here!
    Kas and Shue, thanks for the words of wisdom about hubby. Shue, a friend gave me similar advice yesterday--although not as witty as yours!! I decided that today I would just focus on something else when the annoying behavior started. Well--I only had to do that once, so maybe there is hope after all, LOL!!
    Sunni--I think your neighbor ought to be chained outside!! How terrible to do that to a poor dog, and especially one who needs a lot of exercise. What I don't understand at all is why people like that have animals. I so wish that you could adopt him. It sounds like he bonded with you and really wanted to please you. I just saw something on Facebook about a state which is trying to enact a law against chaining dogs outside.
    I don't know what happened with you and the tractor, but it made me laugh because when I was in court for the DUI, the judge said that I couldn't even sit on a riding mower if the engine was running!! I have heard odd stories of guys who got arrested for DUi while riding a tractor into town to get to the liquor store!!!! Mr TDN had better forget about asking me to do the lawn this summer!!!
    Turn, I've been taking the Collagen you recommended as well as hyaluronic acid. Don't particularly like swallowing three of these twice a day, but I thnk I am starting to feel a difference. I've also cut my Paxil pills in half--down to 10 mg, as I am thinking that maybe the sore joints are a weird side effect. So far--just two days--no odd withdrawal symptoms I've read can happen when cutting back or stopping the medication. I hope to eventually stop altogether and tke the Amoryn I've had in my freezer for months. Lav and Pap3 seem to have had good results with that. Plus, I am sure that my anxiety was a result of the amount of AL I was drinking every day!
    Hope you all had a good day. I'm off to read and watch a bit of the silly British sit coms I love!
    Hasta manana!
    "One day at a time."


      AFDaily - Tuesday, March 13

      Hey Fabbers!!

      Sunni- down here in the lower 48 US, most people would have animal control called on them if they did that to their dog. That owner has no right to have a dog and he should be brought up on charges of animal negelect and abuse from what you said. I'm thinking that if you did go ahead and offer to "take her off his hands" because he obviously doesn't have time for her (but of course you would be 100% more tactful than I), then I think Shelby and Miko would come to terms very quickly. Miko is obviously starving for attention and just ate up all the positive training you did with her and would quickly understand that you are the source of her entertainment, not Shelby. I can see an agility yard in your future!!
      OK, off my soapbox.

      Shue-CONGRATS on 30 days!! Whoo hoo!! You are such a great addition to this thread-your sense of humor is delightful as is your no nonsense approach to life. Keep up the great work!!

      Fly-sure hope your migraines subside now that you've had your shots.

      Sausage-keep up the great work! Good job on getting through the witching hour!

      Kas-sure hope you're out of the basement by now!! Thank you btw-it's always nice to hear that stuff you write is read and appreciated but even if it isn't, this forum is a great medium for cartharsis.

      Turn-hope your DST lag is lessening for your. Being on vaca I haven't really noticed the return to darkness in the mornings (because I'm being a lazy ass and not getting up until past 7!!) but I sure appreciate the extra daylight in the evenings!!

      TDN-I'm glad your retraining of your hubby seems to be working! :H Go easy on the decreasing of the Paxil-do it smart and slow. I think you will realy like the Amoryn-at least you don't have to worry about side effects.
      Did you ever hear back from the Library?

      Got a little more done in the yard today. Cut back my ornamental grass around the pond and transplanted one of the plants. Looks like I lost 4 fish over the winter-at least I only see 4 out of the 8 swimming around the past 2 days. Now the pond is totally bare without the grass cascading into it and they have no place to hide. Too early to buy pond plants. Hmmm, what to do.
      Also spent a couple of hours on work work. Was going to do more in the afternoon but it was so gorgeous out (partly sunny and in the 70s!!) that I said "feck it!".
      Tomorrow I will play all by ear until about 4pm, then it's off to a full evening of agility lessons. I probably won't be able to walk or get out of bed on Thursday but I promised my friend I would go to her herding lesson with her and I have to be at her house by 7:45 AM. That should be interesting!! I definitely plan on napping when we get back!

      That's it for now. Can't believe its after 10 already!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AFDaily - Tuesday, March 13

        TDN, if & when you can work the Amoryn in to your daily supplement routine I think you'll be pleased with the results as far as kicking the last of the anxiety

        Sunni, can you do anything with piggy swissys? I'd be happy to put Maxie on a bus heading North :H :H
        I hate to see dogs chained up - that's a crappy life for them.

        Greetings to everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AFDaily - Tuesday, March 13

          On my cell phone here for a quick hello. Been a chronically busy and anxious
          Couple of days on the road here. You wont believe this but my work had
          Me tending the bar at our hospitality suite last night. Aaaaaaaggghhhh i just
          Hated it. Pushing booze and then trying to get to know the drunken mid level
          POliticians for the sake of generating biz.
          Dinner alone tonight which is fine by me. Sorry to sound whiny. Just need to
          Get some sleep tonight.
          Mega congrats to Shueaddict!
          Be well friends
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AFDaily - Tuesday, March 13

            Oh Deter....I'm glad you're getting a break from fiz patrol tonight. As if being on the road wasn't hard enough!

            pfffffffft to drunken pol$
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011

