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Sunday 28th January

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    Sunday 28th January

    Thanks Kathy,

    I do have a lightbox and I use for my office light. I think it does help quite a bit. Anyone who has issues with Seasonal Depression should think about one! Unfortunately, I know my issue is hormonal this time. Depression is almost synonomous with PCOS. In fact, some psych docs use the same medication in their treatment of depression that I use as the primary weapon against PCOS. Next time I go to doc, I am going to ask about getting my progesterone levels tested. Maybe I am not taking enough. Sigh.

    Thanks all, I appreciate the support.


      Sunday 28th January

      I should have known you'd be one step ahead of me Pans!:H Although of course, being depressed is no laughing matter....'twas hoping for once that I had something in my bag of tricks for Felix.

      Anyway, my heart is with you, honey. I'm no stranger to depression, although mine hasn't been hormonal, and I'm sending you some cyber hugs and good vibes.

      Lou-Lou, thank you for thinking so highly of me. All I've done is think a lot, really. Like Tawny said on another thread, thinking or drinking--don't know which is better or worse, or whatever. Either way, I've done a lot of both. Like an armchair quarterback, I can often see for others what I don't see for myself.....

      At any rate, back to sewing. I can't find my seam ripper! GRRRR.

      Hugs to all!

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Sunday 28th January

        Just checkin' in day 14 for me. Tough weekend, but well, that's to be expected early on.


          Sunday 28th January

          Hi all,

          Just got in and read through the thread and wanted all of you to know that I am thinking of you all and wishing you the very best. You guys mean the world to me and I will never forget how you have helped me through this difficult time. Have a great night.



            Sunday 28th January

            Bit scared

            i think i like this guy a hell of a lot....but it does seem that he feels the same. This is the first time iv let my guard down for a long if it goes wrong how am i going to cope....he is so sweet and knows all about me..he is also a mental health nurse and works with the likes of Ian Brady (moors murderer) so i s'pose i cant shock him that much!!!! thing is i really do think iv fallen for him in a big way....i just hope i dont get hurt cause the way i am at the moment it'd kill me!!!
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              Sunday 28th January

              30 days for me!

              I was adding up what I would of spent on alcohol/cigarettes for 30 days and I have saved a total of $625 (approx.) buckeroonies! HOLY CRAP! (I have been marking on my calendar what I have spent on ciggies and what I would of spent on them plus the alcohol). That is a small fortune that would of gone into the toilet!

              Lou, just be you.... One thing I would like to say however, is to take it slow. When you are coming off of alcohol, one can be very vulnerable. However, I remember the days of having a crush on someone. It is pretty exciting! Just make sure you take care of you first and then the rest will fall into place.

              For the rest of you all.... have or try to have a great day!


                Sunday 28th January

                Hi Paul, Ilex, Changeling, Victoria, Lou, Bear,Pansy, Kathy, Weemelon, Sammys, Seabreez, Andy, Birdman, and Accountable! Lots going on here today.
                I actually just wanted to say hello and thinking of you all.

                Long day for me so I'm headed to the couch for a bit and then bed.


                  Sunday 28th January

                  I'm headed off to bed myself....god i really wish i hadnt fallen for this guy so much...i don't let my guard down very much....we shall see how it turns out and i know that you'll all be there for me whatever way it goes

                  night night and much love

                  Lou-Lou x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    Sunday 28th January

                    Well it's Sunday at 7:00pm for me so officially Sunday is over. I made it through my first Sunday in years without drinking. Go Me!!

                    Here's to a bright eyed Monday Morning for all.

                    Great Job on the 30 days, Accountable.

                    Nighty Night,

                    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                      Sunday 28th January

                      :goodjob: Laura
                      Good for you
                      It will be a good Monday


                        Sunday 28th January

                        Bear, Lou, Pansy -Victoria , hello to all. Wow did I have a bout of the crazies on Friday night. Moood all up and down and heading more down. I hadn't felt that way for a while and it spooked me. But I am okay now and happy I didn't drink - I logged on but my wireless kept cutting out - Pual answeredd by plea for help - Thank you Paul!

                        So - the point is I though I was doing so welll - no cravings and feeling so good and whamo - crazy girl (time of month fators in here). I need a stronger game plan next time it hits 28 AF days today. Thanks to all just ofr being here!


