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Magical March Madness - Week 3

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    Magical March Madness - Week 3

    Good morning everyone

    What is is with this month, the weeks seem to be just flying by!!!

    A lot cloudier this morning and not promised good for the week-end.
    Such a pity with the parades etc. One of my daughters is going
    to Scotland for a night on Sunday to see a football match with her
    boyfriends family. I am taking advantage and going away ourselves to
    a nice hotel so something to look forward to.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day week-end everyone.


    Magical March Madness - Week 3

    Good morning rustop & everyone!

    Cloudy skies here as well this morning but I think it's supposed to clear up later.
    I have no idea where the closest parade may be this weekend. Out here in cow country one day is the same as the next :H
    Hope you enjoy your weekend rustop!

    Hi to Jolie, saw you posted on yesterday's thread. Congrats on your 75 AF days - woo hoo

    I'm off to Cuves then expecting my double date for lunch (a 3 yr old & an 11 month old)

    Have a great AF Friday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Magical March Madness - Week 3

      Happy Friday Marchers

      Jolie - Lovely to see you here, please stay with us,
      75 days AF:banana::banana::banana: good going girl!

      Sooooo glad it is Friday! After being away last weekend I have a mountain of chores to do and lists to write and I pray for some dry weather so i can get out for some long walks. Ok back to work.....
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Magical March Madness - Week 3

        Hi sweeties. I understand about your poor nose, Blondie. I had basal cell cancer a number of years ago and two days before I was to leave on a lovely vacation in San Francisco, I had a surgery which involved shaving a large patch of my (long) hair off, right in the middle of my forehead. With the bandages I looked just like a truncated unicorn. The wound to my vanity was huge. After the surgery I couldn?t go home for ten hours because the block my house is on was shut down in a swat team emergency (I am not making this up) involving the house next door (they used my front porch as a command post, Lord Bird Heart and I watched it on TV), and when I did get home there were curious neighbors, reporters, and strangers swarming all over the place. The gentleman who lives across the street tried to make a little joke that a ?sensitive man? would overlook my mess of a face and I, still groggy from narcotics, said something completely out of character like ?right now I am just hoping for an old fashioned fellow who just looks at my #*^%?. We still laugh about it and he still says ?nice #*%^? now and then. In any case, I had fun in San Francisco, no more cancer, my hair grew back, the little scar adds a bit of mystery if anything, and I look FABULOUS.

        Shifting to the present, I am OK here but a bit spinning and pulling my own chain with spring projects. Am home today in any case waiting for UPS to bring my new iPAD3 which is exciting and taking care of my sweet tiny dog who yesterday had $$$ surgery on her bladder to remove two large stones discovered incidentally during x-rays for the ?$$$$ bone incident? three weeks ago. I am so grateful that I had the money saved up and that I can put it back in the bank again far more easily with what I am saving on booze. That stuff is expensive and what do you have to show for it, certainly nothing from Apple or a happy Yorkshire Terrier. Thank you for helping me do this. Hi JOLIE. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          Magical March Madness - Week 3

          Aaargh. Just was finishing up a really chatty post about my dog, etc. when the computer decided to download updates and restart. Hmmm.

          Well - hello all, welcome back Jolie and congrats, Blonde hope you heal well, thanks for another wonderful story LBH, sending everyone good wishes...

          Take care all, wishing you a happy Friday filled with self-care and connection.
          to the light


            Magical March Madness - Week 3

            Hiya Cyn, and happy St. Pat's day to you and all Marcher's!

            Lots of self care and connection occurring here, and no room or need for booze.

            Sunny blue skys and 22c here. Yeaah! And don't forget, spring is coming for you folk in the north!

            EDIT: Just saw you are 75 days AF Jolie! Bravo! Keep it going.

            Wishing everyone a safe, sober, and happy weekend.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Magical March Madness - Week 3

              Happy Friday everyone!

              It's so good to be back - you guys have no idea how welcome you all make me feel.

              Lav it turned out to be not so bad today - at least the 2nd half. I'm sitting here waiting on hubby to finish his conversation with the neighbor outside so we can go walk the dogs! (I swear he is worse than any woman I know!) Went for a really long walk last night - first in a long while and I slept completely through the night - yipeeeeee! haven't done that in a while.

              Happy St. Patrick's Day Mr. G - and to all who are irish (or will celebrate it anyway). No parades around here that I know of - just hoping the weather will be nice.

              Hi Cyn - same thing happens with my computer - it's very annoying

              Jeez LBH - hope your little yorkie is on the mend - that's a lot to go thru in such a short time.

              Hey Chill - thank you and love the little dancers!

              Rustop - your little getaway sounds awesome! Hoping to plan a weekend trip somewhere in April when work finally settles down for me - love western Maryland/PA/West Virginia area.

              Okay - this is getting ridiculous - if I could handle both the dogs myself I'd take them on a long walk but they are 70+ and 80+ pound dogs and a little too much for one person.

              Hope everyone has a great night!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Magical March Madness - Week 3

                Hiya Jolie,

                I don't mind a yap myself.

                Re computer updates. You can turn that off you know. I know it's easy on a p.c. You can google it, or check your manual.

                Have a great weekend and congratulations on your AF time once again. Keep it going and enjoy the treasure that is unfolding. It's all yours!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Magical March Madness - Week 3

                  I never let my computers control me like that cyn :H :H

                  Greetings to all the Marchers
                  Yes, we did have a pretty decent 2nd half to the day Jolie. This morning when it was foggy & damp I opened the door to let my dog run out to pee. She looked out & turned right around & went back to bed :H

                  Chill, hope yuo have some decent weather this weekend too!

                  LBH, hope your doggie is OK. We had a Peke-Poo mix when I was in high school who had the same exact problem. I kept that jar with her bladder stones for years (thought it was cool). She recovered just fine

                  Hi G! You sound great these days, glad you are marching thru the month with us

                  OK, I was thinking of Cassia - have we heard from her lately??

                  papmom, you busy??
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Magical March Madness - Week 3

                    HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY

                    Hi everyone

                    Just a quick check in before all the madness starts. The sun is attempting to come out so I hope the rain stays away till after the parades.

                    Dont think I will bother going to see one, did it for years when the girls were young. There is a dog show on and am thinking about going to it. LBH - hope your pooch is ok.

                    Everyone else have a great AF Paddy's Day.



                      Magical March Madness - Week 3

                      Hi Marchers!

                      Happy St Pat's Day!!! This is my first non-AL drinking St. Patty's day in a long time. I am looking forward to celebrating with a clear head! No hang overs tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend everyone. I'm off to work but luckily I'll be out by noon and will have the rest of the day to relax. Enjoy yourselves and have fun!

                      PS, I finished the Jason Vale book last night and I really must say, it was a total change in the way I perceive AL now and I will be writing to him to let him know how much of a difference the book has helped me. I really don't even want to drink boggles my mind how one book could make the difference but I am really grateful. It's all about our perception and how we think of AL. So nice to be "free".

                      Peace to everyone and have a lovely holiday today!

                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Magical March Madness - Week 3

                        Happy St. Pat's Day...

                        The weather here is spectacular, spent yesterday evening outside sitting on the deck, playing board games. Today, WW, a walk, then cooking corn beef and cabbage and soda bread, with some old friends to dinner. Lots to look forward to, it is amazing how the warmer weather and sunshine improves your mood.

                        Jolie, welcome back, 75 days is great!

                        To all, have a lovely Saturday.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Magical March Madness - Week 3

                          Good Morning Guys

                          LBH - ooh I'd love the new ipad3! I have the original no.1 and love it so much. Sending your little Yorkie much love and how wonderful to realize the benefits of not wasting our money anymore on poison.

                          Lav - You asked about Cass, she was travelling as had a brief trip back here to Scotland to see her family and now I think she has friends over staying with her there. I see her on FB and she is as busy as always.

                          Rustop - I love dog shows!

                          Blondie - So glad you loved the Jason Vale book, I still havent started it, I have about 20 on my to read pile but will definately put it to the top and read it next. I love methods that give you different ways to look at things.

                          Mr G - you can come here and yap anytime :h

                          Star - I wish I could sit on your deck.....

                          Its only 48f here and with a bitter wind but its dry so I will be dorning my boots and ski jacket and venturing out for a good walk. I realize now that in winter here its cold and dark and in spring and summer the only difference is that its cold and light!
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Magical March Madness - Week 3

                            Happy St. Pat's day! The grass is so green outside my window!

                            I've been absent for awhile, I know and I am going to get back to posting more frequently. It's just that this time of year is so busy for me and I find less time available for myself at the computer (except for work activities that is).

                            I'll make an effort to be more faithful. For now I must go back and read and catch up with you all. (I sound like Cyn!)

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Magical March Madness - Week 3

                              Just a quick check in from work before you send out a search party. I've been dealing with funerals, doctors, and late nights at work. Haven't had time to check in for a couple days. But I'm feeling fine and tomorrow will be a month AF for me.

                              Blonde I felt the same way about Vale's book. I find it helpful to reread it about once a month. It's amazing how much this is a psychological addiction.

