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Magical March Madness - Week 3

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    Magical March Madness - Week 3

    Good morming Marchers,

    Can barely see a thing in the dense fog outside again this morning. Well, at least the fog is not in my head :H

    Sunni, you do know Sophie is with you in spirit right?
    You just stay on the good course you've set for yourself. 6 Months is coming very soon!

    Waiting for a call from my daughter - may be meeting her at my favorite place Longwood Gardens today - yay!

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
    No a##hole behavior for any of us today star!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Magical March Madness - Week 3

      Hello magicals -
      Just a quick note, as I just spent all my time figuring out how to join Photobucket, unsuccessful at getting the app on my Blackberry, finally email myself and upload my one teeny photo, dear me.

      Anyway, Lav - foggy here too, as I hope will show in the pic. I'm so grateful to whomever planted these daffodil (jonquil?) beauties.

      Sunni - I can't imagine getting over the passing of a horse. I've given my husband strict instructions to NEVER let me be a horse guardian. Dogs are enough of a heart-breaker.

      I was up all night with my male weimy, I thought I was losing him to bloat - did some home prevention, don't know if that worked, or if his distress was about something else. Made me realize that the nearest overnight emergency vet is over an hour away...geez. Oh well, country living has its ups and downs, eh Lav?

      Hello Daisy, shout out to Sped, Dew, Kaslo are you two feeling better? Chill - great revelation, what freedom. Big greetings to everyone, off to make another hot cuppa and try to wake up.

      to the light


        Magical March Madness - Week 3

        Bleh, taxes...I'm mailing mine in today. Well, just the State of Masshole ones because we get a return from Taxachusetts (wow, how did I get to be so cynical, geesh!) but we owe on Federal. Hence, the feds won't get our return until the bitter end. Ironically, what we get back from the State, we have to turn around and send into the Feds...funny, they have it worked out that way. Oh well. On the bright side, I'm one sober jelly bean

        Hi to Jolie, Shue, Chill, Cyntree, Lav, Dill, RavenJoy (sorry to hear about your daughter's ecapades with AL, may it be a valuable lesson learned!), Papmom (love the new picture of your doggie and also the sweet Spring flower! I have some popping up around the yard and was touched by seeing a pansy bloom from last year). Had to cut back my butterfly bush yesterday as it seemed to have grown overnight with the warm weather. Looking forward to the butterflies...a symbol of change.

        Hi to everyone else checking in today. I'm off to celebrate my 30 days with lots of fresh air, exercise and good living. I wish the same for all of you!


        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Magical March Madness - Week 3

          I love catching up with things, baby frog rescue (certainly after my own heart), companion house spiders, collaborating geese, sharing the missing of what we have lost, saving our own living selves from one thing or another. I had a pond guy helping me yesterday and evidently my efforts to have a healthy environment and protect my fish from the raccoons have been successful to a fault in that their ranks have gone from the four little survivors of the Thanksgiving Day Massacre to thirty-seven (37) in two years. They had no problem the thick ice during the –7F we had in December and are fat and zippy. Time for a “shubunkin-baby-goldfish-adoptathon”. I loved the poem about “thankfulness” and the companion article, Dill, it is wonderfully ambiguous. Glad you are liking Boardwalk Empire, Lord Bird Heart and I finished the first season and thought it was a gem.

          SD what you said being who you really are now certainly means a lot to me these days. In the past couple of years, after I have a few weeks AF, while I usually feel quite good about it, there are times when I am completely struck by how I don’t have the foggiest idea who the hell is inhabiting my brain. It is such a foreign experience, hard to trust it, it is as estranging as if I had been dropped alone on Mars. If I go back to drinking for a night, it is such a momentary relief, but then of course I quickly lose what I value about sobriety, particularly any sense of connection to anything beyond this self I had been missing, think “well that was stupid”, and stop. I am making a huge effort to think is fine to see my sober self as a stranger, and most of the time it is because at least she has the chance of a spiritual life and is not a jerk. So thanks everybody, you know who you are and it is always so good to hear what you are thinking. Congratulations on your 30, Blondie, you are adorable sober. Love, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            Magical March Madness - Week 3

            There really is nothing to forgive - everything is unfolding in the universe as it should (as was planned long before we even arrived). I am not going to spend the rest of my life being pissed off because things didn't turn out as I thought they would.
            God, I love that, Lav. Thank you!
            Having a so-so day but all is well in the land of sun Thank you all for being such inspirations!

            Off to do something constructive... a date with Mr. Dyson is in order, I think. Although.. why I should bother with floors in this season I don't know. Especially, since I'll be sporting an extra dog again come tomorrow. Do I have a sign somewhere that says 'dog sitting over here'? :H
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Magical March Madness - Week 3

              Hey Sunni,
              Wanna try a weekend watching the 'Insanity Twins'? :H :H
              I end up hating those dogs by the time their stay is over & it takes a week to clean up all the dog hair Hope your doggie guest is a good one

              cyn, I meant to mention that there are tons of vets nearby me - not much of anything else though.
              The New Bolton Center is nearby (everyone has horses around here except me)
              New Bolton Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Magical March Madness - Week 3

                Hi LBH!! I can completely relate to what you said in your post...that's exactly how I feel/ just say it so much better!! Isn't it funny how much (some) of our thinking patterns were/are the same about drinking? It still gives me so much comfort to know that I wasn't alone in how i was feeling...and those thoughts I had in my head, were the same thought others were battling as well. I love this site!!

                Sunni--you and Lav could go in business together!! People sure trust you both with their furry babies!! :H

                Blondie--CONGRATULATIONS!!!! WAY TO GO ON 30 DAYS AF!!!! You ROCK!!!! Everyday you just sounded happier and stronger...more positive and have such a GREAT attitude!!! Love reading your posts!! 2 months will be here b4 you know it....spring months always go fast!!

                Cyn--very pretty picture!! I STILL need to learn how to do that photobucket thing...I think every person on here has told me how to do it now!!! LOL!! Great job!!

                Dill--LOVED the geese story!! I think I read that maybe at an inservice long ago...I'm going to print it out though...I had forgotten all about it...yea, it's totally "us" in this group, huh?!

                Well..I need get my son to bed...we are on a new "behavior chart" for bed and morning time...yokes...not pretty around here at those times!! LOL!!! I love it when his meds wear off! LOL!!! Oh...last thing....I have an interview next Friday at 11:15 in that town I applied's for a counseling position...although they just had an Assistant Middle School Principal opening as well that I applied for (doesn't close for two weeks)...but we'll see how it goes!!
                Have a great FRIDAY!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Magical March Madness - Week 3

                  Good morning everyone

                  Crazy around here and even though I dont get to post I try and catch up on the posts. As SD just said you are all such an inspiration. Dill - loved your geese story. LBH - your posts are poetry in motion. Blond - congrats on 30 days.

                  Another busy day, car is in garage and have a list of things to do. The weather is so nice that I have started to spend time out in the garden.

                  Have a great week-end everyone



                    Magical March Madness - Week 3

                    Yay, it is Friday!!! A rainy day, soft sound of drops making it to earth, we really need it after all this warmth. I love spring.

                    LBH, so true that it is hard to feel a connection spiritually if the others spirits are in our body, a good reason to let go of drinking. We give alcohol special powers, and after an evening of drinking, come back to the reality that it really does not give us a good time, help us to relax or destress, but makes everything worse with that 3 a.m. anxiety/depression heart pounding/headachy wakeup. Yuck, it is such a blessing every day to wake up feeling rested and healthy.

                    SD, good luck on the interview.

                    Lav, Sunni, you are so generous to babysit others animals, I used to do that but no more. Too much work for me.

                    To all, have a lovely Friday.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Magical March Madness - Week 3

                      Thanks SD and everyone for the lovely wishes on the 30 days! Here's to another 30, right AlmostFamous! You all are so great, each and everyone!

                      I also love the Geese story and I have printed it to put on the bulletin board at my work. Fits us to a tee! Thanks for sharing! It's so amazing how nature directly relates to us on so many levels.

                      Running late for work as usual and gotta go. Wishing you all a beatiful day!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Magical March Madness - Week 3

                        Good morning Marchers,

                        Dealing with sinus pain on the left side of my face - pretty bizarre
                        I actually used a two day sample of Allergra & I think it clogged me up - groan.
                        Oh well, I'll go try to shake it loose at Curves then back here to dig into some yardwork.

                        Hello to LBH, SD, Blondie, Rustop, Star & all who pop in today. Have a good one

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Magical March Madness - Week 3

                          Hello marchers -
                          Ah, a night of complete sleep, what a miracle. No more death-defying acts by male weimy, we all sacked out for the whole night.

                          Blonde - CONGRATS! Well done, and now your energy will carry you forward...

                          Lav - hope you feel better, sinus pain, fooey.

                          LBH - Well said. After reading Bolte-Taylor and my most recent brain-resilience-plasticity book, The Chemistry of Calm, I am finally getting the message that Thoughts aren't Reality, and we can be whomever we choose. Slowly slowly it is soaking in. Pretty radical though. When Dr Jill related that as her left brain healed, it brought back pieces of her personality that she could then adopt or my that was a concept to turn over and observe. Also I find it interesting that she believes that alcohol is bad for Everyone - cuts the native connection we have to one another...hmmm.

                          I am worried this morning about my big baby frog (he/she was already full size). No sign of it...maybe it decided to hop down to the pond (but it's a quarter of a mile away!). Stay tuned.

                          I cut a bowlful of the jonquils and brought them inside - bliss. I haven't cut flowers for the house for years, yippee.

                          Wishing all a peaceful Friday...
                          to the light


                            Magical March Madness - Week 3

                            its been the warmest day of the year in England, ate so much home made flap jack I am going out to walk some off before bed, hoping to play golf tomorrow and apart from youngest spending whole evening on x box the kids are all being good, no one playing up
                            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                              Magical March Madness - Week 3

                              Hello Marchers!

                              Fairly productive day here and not over yet Doggies are getting along fine.. our visitor is an old guy, too, and even more deaf than Shelby. I was sending Shelby out looking for Sam (the visitor) and as I watched him waddle off I thought "perfect example of the blind leading the blind" :H

                              Lav, I hope your sinuses have cleared up by now? And no thank you on the insanity twins :H
                              SD, I don't think I've given the Photobucket instructions a go yet.. :H I'll do my part if you so desire!
                              Cyn, I think your big baby frog will probably be just fine. They can be quite sneaky in terms of hiding, too
                              Rusty, Star, and all.. hope you're having a wonderful Friday night.

                              Oh.. Raven.. pardon my ignorance.. flap jacks? (Are they like pan cakes?)
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Magical March Madness - Week 3

                                Evenin everyone!

                                Blondie - Wohoo on 30 days!

                                Lav - hope the sinus pain goes away - never taken allegra but am taking Claratin D and find once I stop for a day or two, I end up waking up with a headache (ummm - like today). Just doesn't seem fair to be hurting on such a beautiful day!

                                Just fixed myself a banana/strawberry smoothie. Changing up my evening ritual of a cup of decaf coffee for something cool and yummy now that it's warmer.

                                Sunni - good luck with your houseguest. My grandddog comes to visit every once in a while and he's a year and a half where my dogs are 8 and 9 - they barely tolerate him but all in all they get along pretty well. Please do give photobucket instructions! I am totally ignorant about how to post pictures here. Have pictures on my computer but don't know how to copy them here.

                                Raven - I actually have heard of flap jacks when referring to pancakes.

                                Cyn - I love having fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table but they are so darn expensive to buy. Found a wonderful grove of wild daffodils when hubby and I went on a walk in the woods last week - they lasted about 4-5 days. Ready to go back and get some more!

                                Star - "but makes everything worse with that 3 a.m. anxiety/depression heart pounding/headachy wakeup" - definitely sums up what I DO NOT miss about drinking. Well put my friend.

                                Rustop - hope your nice weather keeps up - I think we are expecting a blah weekend - cooler and rainy - we do need the rain though.

                                SD - good luck with the job interview!

                                My daughter and I are heading to a mall in Baltimore tomorrow - ready to do some major spring shopping - I'm psyched!

                                Have a great evening guys.

                                p.s. just have to throw in that I love-love-love everything about not drinking. Life is good right now and I'm very very grateful. Grateful for all of you guys, my family and for the maker above. Peace to all.
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

