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Tuesday 30th Jan

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    Tuesday 30th Jan

    Good morning all!

    Haven't posted over the past few weeks or month ... Have been really busy. Unfortunately, I can't pride myself in AF yet. The most I mastered up to now is 2-3 days. Had a bloodcheck yesterday, to see how my liver was. It's fine. But still, I cannot live with the thought of drinking 5 glasses or 6 each evening. It's this whole routine thing that really goes on my nerves, and which I don't think I can break if I don't use medicine.

    Anyway, this week I'm off to the clinic again, just to discuss my options. I think Topa-Dopa is back on the table again. I didn't take it last time, when they prescribed it out of fear of the side effects. But I guess this time round, I'll go for it. Antabuse is also part of the option, albeit not 1st choice.

    Let's see. And for all of you who managed AF for so long. Congrats!
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Tuesday 30th Jan

    By the way, I did finish Allen Carr's book on breaking free of alcohol. He did not convince me, though. Especially when he argues that one cannot break free from alcohol just by sheer will-power ...
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Tuesday 30th Jan

      Paddy, I just posted on the guy thread wondering about you. I am glad you are back. Was getting worried. I, too, am reading Carr's book and so far (and I am only 50 pages in) he is not what I was so hoping for. Maybe I will feel differently by the end. Anyhow, I am glad you are back. The men around here need you!!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Tuesday 30th Jan

        Hi Paddy.
        It's good to have you back. And, as Lush so subtly pointed out, we need help.

        (Don't tell them I told you, but something's gone wrong.The women here are thrashing our asses.(A vivid, and not unpleasant picture just entered my head) Fan and Macks and a few others are putting up a good fight, but it's no use man! If we stray anywhere near the truth of our intellectual superiority, they are all over us. (ooops...another vivid image)There are just too many quick-witted and intelligent women here.)


          Tuesday 30th Jan

          LMAO Paul. Another reason I love you.......
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Tuesday 30th Jan

            Thanks Lush and Paul. It's good to be back! We'll trash their cute little tushies, you'll see. Ooops, just had a naughty picture coming to my mind .... Down boy, down boy.... Maggy Thatcher in bath of ice-cubes and vinegar ... ahhh, better.
            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


              Tuesday 30th Jan

              Hola Paddy

              Hi Paddy
              So good to see you back - wondered where you were hiding.
              It seems to happen here, you get to know people a little and then they dissapear leaving you wondering did they make it or .....

              Regarding the Alan Carr book , I hate the writing style of this book (particularly all the talk of devestation) and did not enjoy reading it.
              I think it has one simple message that is of vital importance
              To succeed in staying sober it is essential to change your mindset from thinking of drinking as something pleasurable that you will be missing out on.
              To see it in its truth as something evil that you have escaped from.
              For me (day 34) this was the key.
              Moving forward slowly, every day a little better.
              Best regards


                Tuesday 30th Jan

                Morning All - I agree with Changeling about AC's book. Like C, I think the one thing to take away from the book is that it is not something pleasurable that we are missing out on. I must admit that having finished the book it almost did tip me back into having a drink (I was about day 8 then) but mainly because I intend to ab for 30 and then (probably) mod. AC basically says that you have to stop, so it kind of went against what I was thinking. I try and maintain the mindset that I am doing this for me, because I want to and because I need to re-discover myself and my feelings which have been swamped these last yrs by drink. I see it as a bit of a social experiment on myself!

                And boys............ stop kidding yourself - you know your place; the sooner you accept it the easier it will be for you............ x :H

                Happy Tues to all before and all to come

                Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                  Tuesday 30th Jan

                  Good Morning Absville,
                  I hope everyone has a great stress-free, no worry Tuesday. Day 23 for Abby in Absville. Nice to have you back Paddy. Accountable, I thought about you all night. Stay strong and do whatever it takes to make your life whole and happy. Congrats on being a new Auntie.....
                  Not to busy of a day for me. I have a meeting with a bitch and a asshole at 3 pm. I know before I committed to AF, right after the meeting I would be headed home for a BIG glass of wine. Instead today, I will make myself a nice cup of green tea.
                  Follow all those to follow.... Congrats on your AF days!!!


                    Tuesday 30th Jan

                    Morning, Sounds like a busy week for alot of us. I just like reading all your posts they provide me with great insight and make me feel like I am not alone in this.



                      Tuesday 30th Jan

                      One more vote for the overall message in Carr's book - that if you focus on the fact that you are missing out on something by drinking it will be extremely difficult to quit. I also don't agree with everything he said, but have taken that to heart and it has worked so far. I focus on everything that is going right because I am not drinking, not everything I am supposedly missing out on from not drinking - big difference in my little pea-sized man brain!!

                      Which reminds me, one more vote for the men of MWO! Maybe we should do a calendar or something....:H :H
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        Tuesday 30th Jan

                        Good Morning all abbers and wanna be's.

                        I am on chapter 9 of Carr's book and don't know if I can stand to read anymore. It's his writing style (or lack of ) that distracts me and some of the stuff just makes no sense (to me). Being critical is one of my character flaws so I am going to try to focus on what Carr says that makes sense and what I can use. And yes....that would bethat the "nectar" is not nectar after all. I am finally starting to understand that. I am starting to see abs as a gift rather than deprivation. All for now.



                          Tuesday 30th Jan

                          Good morning all,

                          Welcome back, Paddy. I've missed you, and I'm glad you've returned!

                          Allen Carr IS a bit of a hard read, I think. His writing style is atrocious and messianic, and some of his ideas are quite dogmatic. (I like that, Maggie, the "lack of" writing style, LOL!) That being said, however, I think there is much to be said for some of the concepts in the book. I like the fact that he encourages you to empower yourself and change your mindset and puts the responsibility for sobriety back in your hands. A feeling of aversion toward alcohol is starting to take shape in my mind.

                          Anyway, I've got some billing and other stuff to do today, but I also have a big break while I'm at work, so I can do the hypno cd and read the Allen Carr book as well. I was irritated at first at having the down time, until I realized that I could use it to take care of ME! Yay!

                          Brrrr.....It's so cold here!

                          Have a great day all, Paddy, lush, Paul, Changeling, Ilex, Abby, sammys, Aathlete, Maggie, and all to come!

                          Hugs to all!

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Tuesday 30th Jan

                            Day 18 . doing well, I also agree about the book and what needs to be taken away from it. I hope everone has an enjoyable day, I will check back in later.

                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              Tuesday 30th Jan

                              Good morning all. Day 32 for me. Feeling pretty good/optimistic this morning. I am going to get ready in a little bit and go on a road trip with my little one to see my sister's new baby. Awwwwwwwwww.... cannot wait!!!

                              Wishing you all another wonderful day!

