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Tuesday 30th Jan

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    Tuesday 30th Jan

    Hey gang,
    Day 16 for me. I can honestly say this is the longest period of time I have gone without a single drink in at least seven years! I have you guys to thank, my therapist, campral, supps, my family, friends and so on.

    I am worried, though, I have vacation coming up in about 10 days. Wife and I are headed to the Caribbean for a cruise. I know I will be tempted that week and I am afraid that I will drink and fall back into that rut. So, I am going to take it one day at a time. What a freakin' test! I wish I wasn't even going, even though I know that sounds silly.

    The good news: I've become afraid of alcohol and what can do to me, so I think that will keep me from drinking too much. I'm also afraid of drinking on the cruise because I feel I'll try to make up for lost time. Yikes. Anyone else ever go about 30 days AF and fall back into a bad place or did you find yourself drinking less initially?

    Have a great day!


      Tuesday 30th Jan

      Good morning Abbers,
      firstly, welcome back Paddy. I myself have only been back since late December. I bet the guys are glad for the extra muscle you will provide for the guys corner. Pauly, you are so insightful where women are concerned.

      Our first AF January is almost over. I feel good. Last night was really not an effort. I had to take a bunch of painkillers for the aftermath of a biopsy on my thigh. My brain was going tralalalala and then I went to bed. I actually felt drowsy this morning; but I am not into pain these days, so I will take another bunch of pills. (My poor stomach).

      Have a wonderful Tuesday all of you.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        Tuesday 30th Jan

        Hello fellow abbers!!!

        Well day 22 for me and all is well....nearly killed myself in the gym this morning...but no pain no gain i guess!!!
        Things are still looking good with my lovely man...he just txt saying he'd like to give me a big hug cause my muscles are all sore...ahhh bless!!!
        Hope you are all having a goog tues. Am off for a long hot soak in the tub now...candles and all!!!

        Loves to all

        Lou-Lou x xx

        P.S Accountable its good to hear you sounding more positive you cant wait to see that little cutie!!!
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          Tuesday 30th Jan

          Hi are doing great! And a cruise to celebrate! Arm yourself for all the temptations..go ahead and have all those mixed drinks, but ask for virgin'll have something fun to hold in your hand and to sip can be in the festive mode without the alcohol and come home remembering everything and enjoying the cruise so much more because you are clear headed and sober the whole time...take a camera and focus on taking fun pics..anything to avoid those little moments that you can slip into fixating on something you feel you can't have..if you have other things to focus your attention on, you are less likely to go there. You may also try to be more diligent with any supps you are taking and maybe ask your wife to help you avoid temptation. My husband stopped drinking when our therapist suggested that we deal with the drinking thing as a makes all the difference in the world for me to know that if I'm tempted, he'll be there to say No for 'us'. Have a great time Andy, you deserve it!


            Tuesday 30th Jan

            oh, Andy...if it isn't more of a temptation and you like beer...order an O'dules..I've had many of those when I was put in a social setting and I enjoyed them...I also can handle alcohol free champagne when the mood strikes...some people may even doing that is tempting the 'devil'..but I'm not sure about that...just pay attention to yourself and if you are fixating on it, then avoid it...


              Tuesday 30th Jan

              dilayne;89936 wrote: oh, Andy...if it isn't more of a temptation and you like beer...order an O'dules..I've had many of those when I was put in a social setting and I enjoyed them...I also can handle alcohol free champagne when the mood strikes...some people may even doing that is tempting the 'devil'..but I'm not sure about that...just pay attention to yourself and if you are fixating on it, then avoid it...
              Thanks for all the good advice. I am really going to concentrate on getting a good tan. I might try the O'dules, but I've heard that has a little alcohol in it. Is is enough to throw me off track? Can I still count those as AF days? I'm taking my new digital camera, so I plan on taking a lot of nice high quality pics.


                Tuesday 30th Jan

                Andy, if you have any hesitation about the O'Dules, don't do it. Everyone has different ideas about 'sobriety' so I only mentioned it not being sure of where you were. Sounds like you should proabably avoid it at this time. I don't know if the alcohol is enough to trigger an addictive reaction, but mentally, it could hook you in.


                  Tuesday 30th Jan

                  I'm gonna pass on the O'Dules, I've been enjoying my tea and club soda with a splash of cranberry juice and lime drink.
                  Thank goodness my kudzu came today. I was off it for a few days and I really could notice an uptick in cravings.


                    Tuesday 30th Jan

                    good for you know where you are and what you need to do! Awesome!


                      Tuesday 30th Jan

                      Hi everyone!
                      Just a check in. I'm not checking in every day because I still feel hesitant for posting under abs when I'm not completely abs... I'm just more abs then I was when I was mods. I'M WORKING ON IT! Every day. This month, it will be 15 days drinking and 16 day AF. I know, not good enough.

                      Paddy, it's good to see you. Keep up the good fight! (not with the women, with the booze! ha ha)
                      Abby, you are crackin me up with the dinner you have to do tonight! Stay strong, sister.
                      Maggs, I'm with you on the Carr book. Trying to take away what I can and stop seeing the wine as nectar. Changeling, good points, too. I know what you mean, Ilex, by wanting to tip back the drinks after reading something like that. It happens to me after I go to my counselling appts., because I am SO uncomfortable delving into these issues and feelings. So frustrating. The addictions counselling is not supposed to make me wanna go home and get trashed! GRRRRRR.
                      Accountable, glad you are hanging in there. Oh my goodness. You sound good in moving forward and having good support. I'm VERY glad for that. Keep dumping away as much as necessary!
                      Paul, congrats on all your AF days!! You got right back on track after that one day... I'm in awe. Nice job!
                      Hi Kathy! Lots of big words from you today. ha ha ha!!! You sound great, girl.
                      AAthlete, how is the cycling going? GREAT job on the AF days and the changing mindset about what you're gaining by not drinking rather than missing out on cuz you are not drinking. Very relateable.
                      Lou, hot stuff, SOOO proud of you!!
                      Lori, thinking about you and what you have been through these past couple months. I'm so glad you are here giving your wonderful insight and moving forward with your head held high.
                      Andy, I'm going to the Cayman Islands at the end of Feb. Would LOVE to not be tempted the whole time there, but it's going to be a boozefest for everyone else. sigh. Still dunno what I'm going to do.
                      Dilayne, you sound wonderful, as usual!!
                      Macks and Mrs. Macks, love to you both and your family!
                      Victoria, good "seeing" you yesterday! You gotta keep inspiring us! Wonderful job.
                      Gabby, Katesm, about time too, bear, xtexan, mikeupnorth, and all others I'm missing, ... HI!

                      no drinking for me yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Then I'll deal with the next few days. I still want to string those several days together rather than 3 on 3 off, 4 on, 3 off, bla bla bla. Yes, better than drinking every day, I'll give myself that much credit, but honestly not good or healthy enough at all.
                      I'm going to sign up for some races and begin training again. Can't wait!



                        Tuesday 30th Jan


                        I am glad to hear that you might be signing up for some races!!!!! YAY

                        I am on Day 18. I couldnt write much earlier because I was at work. I have been kind of stressed today. I havent wanted to drink b/c of it or anything like that, but i have just been irritated today, and for no apparent reason. I know this happens to everyone, we just get in a funk, and well today i was. I woke up, ran my 2miles at 5am, which usually is quite a mood booster for me, got to work, got a headache mid afternoon, couldnt get rid of it, then got irritated by a bunch of little things that i let get to me and eat away at me for the remainder of the day. I Won't be running in the morning, the girl I run with doesnt run on wednesdays so I just wake up and stretch, I will just do my afternoon run, i am going to make it a good run and try to get out some of this tension!!!! Don't worry, the urge to drink has not come creeping up on me, I have had my moments, but my decision to quit in my head is overriding anthing trying to creep in, so I will be fine in that area, at least for the time being, and if I do struggle, I assure you I have a plan.

                        For those of you who are struggling with a decision to quit, remember, none of us made a decision in day, a lot of people read through these boards before they join MWO, I know I did, and it took quite a bit more courage before i was willing to post a word about myself. I have read through these board so many times to figure out what has worked, before i quit, and since i have stopped drinking, some of it has discouraged me, made me wonder if I could make it, some of it has uplifted me through unbearable moments...the point I guess i am trying to make, is each person who stops drinking or moderates sucessfully has done so in his or her own time...when he/she is ready...i said i would quit hundreds of times, but it wasnt until i had accepted that it was something i truly wanted for myself, not something I was being forced to do, that i was able to achieve some sort of sobriety...

                        Goodnight ALL



                        If I haven't said it enough, i will say it again, thank you all for your support.
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Tuesday 30th Jan

                          Lucky and Pansy.... duhhhh! HELLO! Sorry I missed you. Looks like you're both back on track.

                          Victoria, continue to be excellent. Hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

