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Wednesday 31st jan...

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    Wednesday 31st jan...

    Mornin' all!!!
    Well first....a morning prayer for Grateful Em and her family, on what must be a terribly heartbreaking day for them, and many others that are involved in this HORRENDOUS situation......Em sweetie, I am sure that everyone here sends much love to you, your husband and your dear young man today....:h
    Also Accountable....many melonhugs to you my are going through the mill at the moment and no mistake....strength my girlie xxx

    And this brings me to my post....................
    It has now been Wednesday for nearly 4 hours in Kiwiagogo land.....and I have been awake for 3 of them ..............When i first got up at first thoughts were.."oh God...not again...will I EVER be able to sleep for more than 3 hours a night, I won't get home from work 'til 8:00pm, oh, I'm so tired (whinge, whine, moan)...

    until I went through a load of the recent posts, and shared some of the 'real' issues that many others are going through here.........

    I have been very good recently, at using my fingers to (almost gleefully in a miserable sort of way!) add up all my 'problems', and then use these as an excuse to blame the whole world and everything in it for all the negative feelings that have been swamping me for the last few weeks....Recently, after posting about my general miserability, I decided to take some time for a good hard look at my life and attitude, and see what could be done to bloomin' well sort it out, and after having read the board this resolve is even stronger......I seemed to think that because I have stopped drinking...everything else should be rosy and scrumptious in the melonpatch...sort of like I 'deserved' a jolly and carefree life as a 'reward' for not drinking...........
    I ......and no one else...poured wine down my neck every night, even though I knew it would make me feel bad and behave ATROCIOUSLY to everyone else around me, ruining my families life, any social functions I have attended, and letting my employers down through under performance due to hangovers.....there are plenty of people who DON'T do this, and yet I seemed to think that because I so 'graciously' decline the old vino tinto now, that the universe owes me one big favour??????? Gosh...wot an inflated idea of self importance!!!!!
    What I am doing now, is living my life as many other people do, with ups and downs, only they have been strong enough to face them without such a destructive crutch. I have told myself that I will never drink again.....and the fluffy little melonbrain has taken that information to heart and is heeding it strictly....the next thing it needs to know, is that I am not some sort of martyr for doing so, and that this is no time to rest on the laurels and think that no further effort is necessary just because I have crossed one of my major hurdles.......There is plenty of work to do on myself, and I have to get BUSY.......When I posted my story in 'just starting out' at the end, I wrote that I was a very depressive and negative woman on the booze, and i just hoped that this wasn't the true personality I would be left with during my sober life hahaha...well....I have got a short sharp shock to discover that this is not such a big joke! I AM a 'blamer' drinking was always 'caused' by something other than me...and now my feelings of unhappiness are 'of course' anyone elses fault other than mine...NOT a pretty picture, but one I have already started to re paint......

    I have 54 GLORIOUS days of sobriety under my belt...and yet I have not been making the most of them...I have kept myself in the same mental position as I was when I was slurping, but with other issues instead.....WOT a waste of my time..........well no more...yes I will have downs, but instead of wallowing in them, I will try my very hardest to do something about them, or at least live reasonably companionably with them....Welcome to the world Melongirl!!!! Now GET on with it!!!!

    Much love to all today....and once again, to Em and thoughts are with you....your strength in difficult times is an inspiration and a further wake up call......may God see you through with love and compassion........:h

    Wednesday 31st jan...

    Yeah, but isn't it nice to be able to right that with a clear head??

    You're doing awesome, Melon, and don't tell yourself any different. Keep working on sorting out those other issues and in time it will happen.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Wednesday 31st jan...

      Wee, I could relate to much of what you said. I know you will come out of this a better, happier person......
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Wednesday 31st jan...

        Good for you Melon!


          Wednesday 31st jan...

          Oooohhh cripes and lummox...this was supposed to be todays thread, a sort of thought for the day, and a happy, positive one too, not melons sympathy line.....she deserves a smack in the pants..... not your kindness!!!
          Now come on...lets hear someone else's news....ignore the canteloupe......she's seedy...ha ha seedy...get it??? oh all right


            Wednesday 31st jan...

            I am heading out the door, but Wee I sent you a PM. Thinking of you.... much love, Accountable.


              Wednesday 31st jan...

              Melon, I love a fighter and you are one indeed. I agree with you alot of times it is 99% attitude. Is the glass half full or is it half empty? No more wasting my life being hung over.



                Wednesday 31st jan...

                Oh are truly a blessing. You are so gifted and you don't even know it. Maybe once you start to see, feel, hear, know, etc. your value, contentment will follow. You are most certainly on the road that leads there.



                  Wednesday 31st jan...

                  Well, weemelon, you have given yourself the needed smack on the bottom--we are only just giving you the deserved recognition for having an important insight about yourself and your attitude! Good work, Miss Melon!
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Wednesday 31st jan...

                    Good morning to Everyone, and especially you my Weeseeingthelightmelonhead.....I think we were all guilty of blaming someone/something else for our drinking...It was never our fault that we got smashed, whether it was a negative or a positive reason, it was easier that way...Once we realised, as you have done Melon, that the fault lies with us and we have to take responsibility for our own actions it does in a way empower you...And, yes, I do agree all the problems etc. that were there when you were drinking are still there but the difference now is you can deal with them so much better, no more putting them off till tomorrow and reaching for another bottle of wine...Also if you have never known the dark how can you appreciate the light, and if you have never been down, then being up and happy will just be taken for granted....Congratulations on your 54 days AF, well done.....

                    The first thought in my head this morning when I woke up was " It's Wednesday, I wonder how Em and Donnie are "....This will probably be a very bad day for her and her family, Em just to let you know we are all praying for you and yours......

                    I have just added up my AF days and they come to 124, I would not have managed that without this site and all of you, so I would like to say a BIG THANKYOU to all of you for being there....

                    Take care,
                    Love from Louise xxx
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Wednesday 31st jan...

                      Wow Louise - I am in awe at your number of days! Well Done You!

                      Melon - I so relate to your thinking! The times before when I tried to stop drinking there was always an 'excuse' to go back to it after a day or two. And I think that is what is different this time round; when I have a bad day or I'm feeling lousy I understand that other people feel like this too and that they don't resort to the drink to sort things out (well to mask everything). At least this time round I know that if I'm feeling bad - I have a chance, just a small chance, of being able to sort it out properly. Either by giving my body what it needs (I'm irritable because I'm tired for example) or by beginning to unravel the threads of my life that go way back and are in someway causing me problems now.....

                      Anyway - a very happy and peaceful Wednesday to all here. Days 17 for me.......

                      Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                        Wednesday 31st jan...

                        Day 19 for me,

                        It is early, I am having a cup of black tea, relaxing, I dont have to run early this morning, so I will drink my tea, make myslef a hot breakfast, and take my time getting ready. I have no idea what the day has in store...other than the fact the news is telling me it is 14 degrees outside, can someone maybe go to work for me????

                        I guess i will end it at that..hope everyones day is wonderful!


                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Wednesday 31st jan...

                          Hiya all,

                          What a great way to start your day! Melon, being able to see your own faults as an outsider would, is a sure sign of reaching a higher state..While life around you might not be improving at the rate we all thought it would and should. You are becoming more aware, maybe just having to deal with lifes pitfalls without the blinkers we get from a bottle, makes us a bit wiser and a bit more streetwise every day..

                          Greatful Em and Accountable for me, We are all with you and thinking of you today....I cant imagine what it must be like for you:l

                          To everyone else...The days are piling up...Keep up the good work..

                          And Irish..124

                          Have a good day all...Love Macks:l
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            Wednesday 31st jan...

                            peace and love to you and your son...I just can't imagine..I feel for you all and all the young men and women who are in Iraq..and the innocent there as well!

                   are happening!!!


                              Wednesday 31st jan...

                              I'm thinking of you too, Em.
                              Accountable, hope you had a good night's sleep!

                              Managing to stay AF this wk (only wed, I know) so far... and will be AF tonight. Tomorrow is Kanga Day, right? Last month I forgot about Kanga Day and had 1 lousy drink. Felt horribly guilty, and I will do that great man honor by staying AF tomorrow. The 3-4 day AF followed by 3-4 day drinking pattern I'm on right now sucks. I spend a couple days getting to feel better, then feel good enough to go ahead and drink. I haven't quite experienced this type of pattern before, and it's no good. Not that daily drinking save for 1-2 days per wk was any better, but I'm still striving for LONGER stretches of abs. Didn't want anyone to think I've given up or quit trying.

                              SO happy for Weemelon! Great thoughts to read this morning, and extremely relateable. Thank you.

                              Everyone take care!

