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Wednesday 31st jan...

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    Wednesday 31st jan...

    Hey Becca, it seems to me that you are the only one that doesn't think you are trying. You are stringing together some abs days better than before, and that's good. Maybe you can try striving to get back to abs a little quicker when you slip. That seems to help me. You mentioned getting back into training in your post last night, and that seems like a really good plan too!

    I know that the lightbulb went off for me recently, that my depression might be more BECAUSE I was drinking rather than I was drinking because I was depressed. It has helped me a bit in saying no rather than yes to the sauce. Last night I worked down near Washington, DC, so it is normally a long commute home anyway--well we had a burst of snow right at rush hour, and an hour commute turned into a 3-hour trip. GRRRR. I did think at one point that it sure would have been nice to have wine when I got home, but the thought passed very quickly, espec. when I realized it would solve nothing and leave me tired and unmotivated today. I had forgotten all about it by the time I got home.

    Louise, thanks for being such an inspiration. Weemelonhead, I really don't think you give yourself enough credit for being a really neat person and a joy to know. I must admit though, you are very funny with your self-deprecating humor, ever think of doing stand-up comedy?:H

    Accountable, you are being very brave and upbeat. Please don't forget that we are here for you if you are feeling down again, okay?

    And to everyone else, Paul, Aathlete, Sammys, lush, Fan, Maggie, Ilex, Victoria, Macks, dilayne, and Pansy, have a great day! You are all an inspiration, whether you have 1 day or 124!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Wednesday 31st jan...


      I can relate to much of what you have said. Not in the sense that I am a blamer (except really good at blaming myself), but I had this picture of what life would be like off the drink. I thought that I would magically get enough sleep, this was a major disappointment and in a sense affected all the other areas that I thought would magically come true. I thought that I would magically start working out, the extra weight would just fall off, quit smoking, my anxiety issues would disappear, I would become the perfect employee....and on and on. Those sleepness nights left me without much motivation to do much of anything other than not drink. I would beat myself up for not improving the other areas of my life, not realizing what a huge improvement just not drinking actually was. Regardless of the amount of sleep I get--it is magical to not wake up day after day beating myself up, trying to remember what I did and feeling just crappy.

      However, it is time that I bite the bullet and begin to improve other areas of my life. I am excited and there is alot that I want to do. I would not have the motivation for any of this if I hadn't bitten the bullet and quit drinking. I don't want that old life back for anything.....and I want to fulfill other goals that I have. I want it all! My problem is that I want it all right now! You post has motivated me to get busy-thanks!



        Wednesday 31st jan...

        Good morning all,
        firstly, Wee I am so happy for you. I knew you'd come round and yes, you do deserve our admiration, sympathy and whatever else I can muster. Go girl.
        Irish you are my star in the firmament. 124 days is simply awesome. Thank you for your example and wise words, which simply pour out of you to everyones benefit.
        We are having a blistering snowstorm right now, but it is rather pretty and I don't have to leave the house until the afternoon. So I don't care. Well, I am starting day 31 AF today.

        All my best wishes for a wonderful day to Aathlete, Lush, Paul, Ilex, Victoria, Maggie, Accountable, Dilayne, Becca, Kathy, Discovery, Mack and whomever I might have forgotten or is yet to come.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Wednesday 31st jan...

          Kim - I am with you on wanting all things to be perfect right now!! But as you so wisely said - our lives; no matter how we might think of them as falling short of the ideal; are so much better without the drink......

          Time to get busy and start dealing with things rather than making excuses!

          Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


            Wednesday 31st jan...

            Hello to all

            And a happy Wednesday to you 23 for me...yay!!
            Still not sleeping even tho im trying my hardest to tire myself out...just got back from the gym (again) and i am aching all over...really went for it today, by buttocks are so sore from doing so long on the treadmill that i can hardly sit!!! and iv got my salsa aeroobics class followed by callenetics tomorro...i must be mad!!! but its keeping me busy and i wanna get myself really really fit!!

            Loves to all

            Lou-Lou x x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              Wednesday 31st jan...

              Day 17 AF.Off to see my therapist for my weekly appt. Very happy to go in and tell him that I haven't had anything to drink!


                Wednesday 31st jan...

                I ran this afternoon for 40 minutes on the treadmill, I listened to my ipod (which by the way i have still only figured out how to turn on and hit play, that damn thing is confusing) I have a feeling that will get me to sleep fairly quickly this evening.

                I didnt have as tough a day as yesterday, i was in a bad mood all day yesterday, dont know why, still dont.

                I am on day 19, i was drunk for the first 12 days of the month and sober for the last 19, it is really cool to look at my drink tracker and see the days of sobriety so much brighter than those drunk ones.

                Tommorow will be day 20 for me, i have been thinking about what that means to me all day, I was thinking about how excited i was on day 10, when i finally hit double digits, that was exciting, the fact that i was going to double digits kept me going through that day, and here i am, on the verge of doubling that number!

                I am looking forward to even more days...however the numbers seem to add up so slow sometimes, but hey, they still add up!

                I am so proud of all of you, and I wish you all the best...have a wonderful evening


                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  Wednesday 31st jan...

                  Hi everyone! Too many to say hello to since I'm so late in the day today. Maybe I'll just address this page
                  Lou....exercise has helped me don't have to do it All in one day though :H hot baths are great too...

                  Andy - I am so proud of you and happy for you ! You are toughing it out and doing what you have to do and ---wow 17 days! You have to feel good about that.

                  And Victoria! 20 days is something to celebrate. I remember your posts when you first started here (not all that long ago) and you have made huge progress in a short amount of time. I think it took me about 4 months before getting past day are doing great.

                  I am not feeling too great though - finally got that cold that has been threatning for a few weeks. Sore throat, sinus headache...tired..sneezing...all that fun stuff. So I am taking a theraflu and going to bed. I had a cap of nyquil last night then realized it was 10% alcohol...I've decided that does not count. Then I got all paranoid worrying that I could get addicted to cold medicine ( some people do)....but I think I'm ok now!!!
                  Have a good night. We may get freezing rain tonight so I may be working from home tomorrow....burrrrr


                    Wednesday 31st jan...

                    Good Late Evening All,

                    What a wondeful melon post!!!!I've read it 5 times it is so chockerblock full of insight. Will have to read it another 10 times tomorrow. Who among us does not think that we are full of faults??? I have been cranky,mean and selfish.... and that's only in the last 5 minutes. Keep posting please!!!Your posts make me think ....and that keeps me from reaching for the glass.
                    January seems to have been as resoundingly successful month here in abs. Congratulations to all.



                      Wednesday 31st jan...

                      Good evening all. Kind of posting late here today. I kept busy all day long getting stuff organized - throwing hubby's stuff in boxes. (I wanted to haul all into the garbage can, but the nicer part of me took over temporarily) Today was so empowering. It was like taking over my kingdom. Getting rid of the negative!!!

                      Funny thing is I don't feel that bad about my marriage being over. We had such a roller coaster marriage to begin with, and were drunk for most of it. He doesn't want to change and I do. So I believe in the long run, this is for the best. I am feeling really good about the future. I could possibly be in denial, but I really don't think so. I have an appointment on Monday morning with my father's attorney to draft up the separation agreement.

                      Day 33 for me.

                      I saw my nephew yesterday, and GOSH, what an angel!! So tiny. I was looking at my own daughter who is 20 months old, and I was simply amazed at how fast they grow............ My sister's new baby just melted my heart. I couldn't put him down!!!!

                      Sounds like everyone is doing well here! Have a great night everyone!!


                        Wednesday 31st jan...

                        Everyone sounds great, but damn, AFM, I like your sass, girl!! You sound pretty balanced about things overall, and that sounds good to me!

                        Congrats, Lou, Victoria and Andy!
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Wednesday 31st jan...

                          Hi to all, just wanted to say a quick hi to AFM- your strength is truly inspiring. You could have spiraled downward and you didn't. I am very very happy for you. It sounds like this is going to be a great turning point in your life.
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

