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AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

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    AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

    Kaslo and Almost - I too was hiding my drinking a lot and you're right Almost - it was a big fat lie!

    And Kaslo I can totally relate to all the reasons for wanting to keep it to yourself. I just decided if I'm going to do this I'm going to do it on my own and no one can do it for me, so why bring my oblivious hubby into it anyway? He probably would have just said - "Really? That's great Honey, can you pass the salt?" similar to your hubby Kaslo! LOL.

    Anyway, I'm glad he's not an alcohol person at the end of the day as it makes it easier for me to stay away.


      AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

      Hi everyone
      :cheering: Huge congratulations to Almost and Blonde AF on your 30 days! Love the look of that cake!

      Not had much time to read and post these last couple of days but hopefully i'llcatch up later tonight and be able to post more tomorrow.

      Back soon

      Sausage x
      Day 28


        AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

        Thanks Sausage! You're right behind me. Can't wait to celebrate your big 3-0
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

          Oh ... Your positive chirps kept me smiling through the day.

          Came back to my posh hotel and did not open the complimentary Moet, mix a G&T, or order liquid room service. I made myself a lovely herbal tea, had a bath, read your posts and checked what else is new on the outnet.

          Tomorrow morning is running on the beach take #2.

          Thank you, guys ... Sending the sleep fairy your way soon.:bedtime:
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

            Almost and Blondie - I am busting with pride and joy over your 30 days milestone! The payoffs of living AF only get BETTER from this point on - I promise. Every day you are strengthening the revitalized pathways through your brain that will help steer you clear of the deadly addiction trap. You fought for your life and you WON! Your liver and pancreas and skin and heart and kidneys and stomach are all giving you a Standing O every second of every day!!!
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

              good work on kaboshing the Moet Shue - You are rocking this!
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

                Shue- good work with the tea! Tea for the teetotaler!

                Turn- thanks for your kind words. Well said and so true. Onto the next 30.
                DH is home from his travels so I am off for the night. Thanks again for such kindness and positivity. "See" you in the a.m. You all are tea-riffic! :h
                AF since 2/22/2012


                  AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

                  Tea-riffic Lav is working on her second quart of decaf green tea right now :H

                  Had a nice visit today with daughter & grandaughter. We decided to just hang out here.
                  My daughter has very nicely offered to come give me hand getting some of my gardens straightened out, hopefully we can get most of it done next week. YB comes to cut grass & that's it. He's not interested in helping out with all this other stuff we started together years ago including a huge raspberry bed

                  Glad everyone is doing so well & kicking AL's butt

                  Kaslo, so sorry about the s@#w. What the hell's up with that??
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

                    I had on shorts and sandals today, kas. Sorry!

                    CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 AF DAYS,
                    BLONDIEGIRL AND FAMOUS!!!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

                      Hey Fabbers-late check in for me.

                      Almost and Blondie:

                      I just love having you guys on this thread! Keep up the great work and soon we'll be celebrating 2 months!!

                      Great job Shue on ignoring the hotel stock. I'm sure your run on the beach tomorrow will be even better!

                      Greenie-we hit 85 today!! You should have seen the shorts on the girls around campus!! Seriously girls-do your butt cheeks really have to hang out???? I put on a skirt sans stockings, sleevless blouse (no AC until May 15th and it is HOT in the buildings!) but no sandals. The pedicure has grown out and I just haven't found the time for a new one.

                      My whole family knows I don't drink anymore. Only my sister thought it was a good idea as she had gotten very concerned with how much I drank at family gatherings. Still, she had no idea what I did when alone. So, they know but I haven't shared the milestones because really, they can't begin to understand so why bother?

                      Lav-how nice that you'll have help with the garden this year. Send her up to help with mine when you're done K?

                      Sugar- I think I saw you earlier today. Keep up the great work!!

                      Long busy day today. Started off with a 4 hour mandatory workshop and I still don't get what the purpose was! At least the consultant was funny and seemed to "get" us and what we go through day after day. I truly wish the managers were not there as it stunted our honesty and it was awkward. Still, I managed to say a few things which I'm sure surprised mine but do you think we talked about it later? yeah, right. he's off to Las Vegas for a conference and I say good riddance. The office will feel 10 tons lighter next week!

                      Pet therapy nite at the NH. I have NEVER seen a lazier dog in my life. good for the residents tho! :H Old English Bulldog named Hydrant. Yep.

                      Gotta hit the hay so I can do it all over again tomorrow.

                      Might be buying a new vehicle on Saturday if I qualify for a loan and the SUV in question turns out to be all it is advertised as. Will keep you posted. Might have to get a 3rd job for this!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Thursday, March 22

                        Hi Gang!

                        Kas and Mylife...about the partner not knowing about your 30 day too...Hubs obviously knows that I am abstaining from AL, (he still drinks a few beers daily), but I didn't even tell him about my goal yesterday...just you guys know. I know he would have been supportive but it's just not the same as with you all, if you know what I mean. And that's OK...we still had a wonderful afternoon and evening together...took a nice long walk on Long Beach in beautiful! Although it amazed me of the groups of young kids in their circles on the sand clearing drinking out of beer cans at like 4 in the afternoon. No cops around or anything. And then there was a guy who was walking and holding a beer can and his dog was running loose...and the dog wouldn't leave my dog dog is on a leash because she runs away if not. And my dog doesn't like other dogs at all. This guy's dog was being a pest and the guy could not control it...partly because he was drunk. I was getting pissed but didn't let it ruin the day. I said, "Dude, you really need to control your dog" (this was after I had laughed politely at the whole situation several times...patience was running out). And he finally got him on his lease...but it was clumsy the way he did it cause he was so drunk. Even hubs knew he was intoxicated the first look of him on the beach. So, it is just more proof not to drink! But the young kids with the beer cans...what a shame. That's how it all starts...
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

