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Magical March Marchers - Week 4

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    Magical March Marchers - Week 4

    Good morning to all...

    LBH, how great to have something delivered right away, what great customer service. I guess it is just the next phase of life, sleeping on your own but I have to get sleep.

    Lav, how do you make teas? Do you just cut the plant and rubberband them, waiting till they dry out? Let me know. The puppy is a darling baby, nothing like adopting a new pet. How exciting.

    Rustop, leting our kids drive is a necessary evil, it makes our lives easier, but it is scary!!

    Sped, sorry you are sick, hope you get the meds you need.

    Chill, hope to hear from you soon.

    Blonde, it is nice to get back to work after time off. I feel purposeless without a job, after so many days off. I like to work, but just not too much.

    We are working on our taxes, hopefullly don't owe too much. Last night I was looking for more info, per our accountants request. I will be glad when that is over for the year.

    Greetings to you Sunni, loved your picture.

    Hello to all, have a great Saturday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Magical March Marchers - Week 4

      Good morning friends,

      Up at the crack of dawn thanks to a rowdy 3 year old

      Rustop, I well remember that feeling of letting the kids drive on their own ~ kinda sickening actually I just kept telling myself that they passed their Driver's Ed courses, they were smart kids & knew the consequences......and I prayed a lot
      I am trying to not get too attached to the pup yet. She is awfully cute!!!

      Star, you can use your herbs fresh or dried for teas. Use more if fresh, less if dried.
      Making Herbal Teas

      Our taxes have been submitted by the accountant & we actually don't owe anything this year on top of our regular quarterly payments - yay!
      Expecting a return that wil be split again this year since my husband can't be bothered to act normal & live here :H
      Any wonder why I've been longing for a new pup???? :H

      Damp & chilly today! I hope my son gets here to pick up EB before I start climbing the walls. He's gotten to be a serious handful over the past few months & has not be listening to MiMom.......

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday. Hope you are feeling better Shelley!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Magical March Marchers - Week 4

        Quick check-in before I head back out again.
        Rustop.. Google images!
        Lav.. :h What a cutie! Mostly the pup but also the little pooper :H Taxes. Ugh. I haven't even started yet. Is there a Procrastinator Anonymous?

        I spent most of the day on barn stuff but also got to play with the boys this afternoon. Had both of them in the round pen. Atlas was really good but oh boy! Trouble and I are having some trouble! :H He don't like to be 'pushed' (in the horsie world it's all about who pushes/moves whom). There was a bit of rearing and bucking and lots of typical Arabian indignity. At which point the lunge whip actually made contact with the offending rear end :H I don't how much head wave I really made today but we have to start somewhere. He's never had any ground work done with him and has pretty much been allowed to walk all over people. But we'll fix that

        That's it for me.. better run off to the store before they close.. Happy Saturday, everyone!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Magical March Marchers - Week 4

          Uh Oh ~ Sunni's got the whip out :b&d: :H :H
          Good luck with that lady!!!!

          I put the 3 yr old terrorist in my car & took him home before lunch. I just couldn't stand him anymore
          He was a bit shocked but I told him he doesn't get to stay here with me if he won't listen....we'll see what happens in the future
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Magical March Marchers - Week 4

            Evenin everyone

            Lav - guess that tough granny love has to take over here - good for you sticking to your guns - it must have been hard but I'd bet the farm that next time he comes he will think twice about listening to you:H The puppy is A-dorable! Hope he becomes yours.

            Sunni - ha ha - I was kind of being sarcastic but here's the truth - I love to shop - even for groceries! The part I hate is lugging it all home and putting it away.

            Sped - take care of yourself and hope you feel better. A friend at work came down with strep throat last week - hit her very suddenly and then there seem to be all kinds of bugs floating around. Lots of rest and tlc for you!

            LBH - I think basil is my absolute favorite - I love the way it smells. Think I may plant some lavender this year too.

            Very blah weekend weatherwise but at least I'm not working so that makes it all better

            Blondie - I love to sit out on my deck in the summer - bet your porch is just as awesome!

            Star - have to admit that sometimes I will go into the spare bedroom for some much needed sleep while hubby is snoring or while my hot flashes are keeping me up and restless.

            Rustop - know how you feel - you will always worry about them but it is kind of nice when they get that independence!

            Okay - waiting for hubby to come in so we can watch a movie - hope it's good. Let you all know tomorrow!

            Sweet dreams everyone!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Magical March Marchers - Week 4

              Hi Everyone!!
              Quick post as I've been :nutso: these past few days!!! Snuck in the house while my son and his friend are outside playing in the backyard....I guess it's another weekend of sleepovers!! Anyway...I had my interview on up, took my son to school and then drove about 100 miles to the went....ok, sorta...the first half was good, after my little "deer in the head lights" brain fart right at the beginning...I SWEAR I couldn't tell them my name when they asked me--it's like I couldn't remember a damn thing!! It was actually the second half with the Asst. Super that I think I MAY have blown it...I don't know, we'll see. At one point, he asked me if I wanted to continue on with the interview??? After we got going a bit, I asked him why he'd be asking me such odd questions...(when he knew I was applying for counseling)...he then proceeded to fill me in on what my duties would be...a TAD (huge TAD) different than what I do now...I think he could tell I was shocked/surprised/disappointed??? All the above....need-less-to-say, I didn't hide it very well. I finished the interview and will hear something by next Thursday (hopefully earlier).

              As kind of a half joke and half I wanted to see her reaction (to confirm how happy she was I COULD be leaving)..I told my principal I was really having a hard time with this and going back and forth whether or not if Iwas offered the job if I would take it...with my family living here and loving the kids I work with here, along with SOME of the staff...her face someone punched her in the stomach...she just started stuttering umm..umm...and then a student walked by and she said his name and looked and me and said...I really needed to talk with him...good luck tomorrow.:H I thought...just checking--now I know!!:H

              My son then started his basketball tournament last night when I got home (his dad came over for it and stayed the night for the games today)....they did alright (4th place)...I'm just glad basketball season is over and we can move on to baseball...he LOVE LOVE LOVES baseball!!

              Ahhhhhh.....I'm being invaded by stinky, sweaty boys!!!!:yukko::nutso: And so the madness continues!!!

              I will have to hop back on tomorrow I'm afraid....BIG HELLOS TO ALL!!!!!!!
              Have a Super Sunday....and April Fool's Day! SO glad there is no school's like the worst day in the world to work in an elementary school...your shoe is untied!!!!! APRIL FOOLS!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!:H (times 100). LOL!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Magical March Marchers - Week 4

                Well Magical Marchers, we made it! Glad to have a full entire Month of sobriety under my belt! Onwards to April! Looking forward to sharing another glorious month with you all! Have a lovely weekend!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Magical March Marchers - Week 4

                  Good morning, everyone! So, who's gonna start the April thread, hm?

                  SD, glad you don't have to endure the little pranksters today :H Never thought of it, but yeah, that would probably be a trying day to work at any school! :H

                  Have a fabulous Sunday and April, peeps!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013

