I know there is so much about AA that is daunting to a brand-newcomer or a prospective member. However, in the beginning, I tried to remember that I could NOT get sober on my own, & that kept me coming back to AA. I also remember that one of the things the program recommends is to take what you like & leave the rest. It's not a cookie-cutter program. We don't all walk in lock-step. We can think for ourselves & tailor the program to our own needs & beliefs. The steps are mere suggestions.
I've found that for every AA member there is a unique philosophy & set of beliefs. We're all individuals & there is no loss of identity upon joining AA. For that I am thankful, because I'm an older person & worked hard to establish my own personality, philosophy, & ethics.
Again, thank you all for your good wishes. I pray you all will accomplish what I have & more.