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AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

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    AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

    I'm in for FB too-I don't post much but I love reading what others do and looking at the pics.

    If anyone wants to "friend" me, just send a PM and I'll give you my facebook name.

    will post more tonite fabbers!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

      Shue- nice Shoosies!

      Kaslo- you're advice was spot on. Thanks for taking the time to write all that down.

      Turn- congrats on saving all that cash. You deserve those hiking shoes.

      Sausage- buy yourself something fabulous. I treated myself to a manicure and a couple tops before Vegas. I think it makes sense to reward yourself. This is work but it pays off tenfold.

      Caper- I always joke that those thin mints do NOT make me thinner.
      Hi Sunni, Mylife, Blonde, TDN, Lav and all the rest of you awesome peeps.

      I'm off to practice my interviewing skills for Hooters. I'm up for a career change! Lol
      I need to firm up big time for those orange shorts and some stuffing may be in order as well.
      AF since 2/22/2012


        AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

        I don't know what is wrong with me today, but I've been feeling really down. No particular reason. I just feel depressed.


          AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

          Oh Fly I'm sorry to hear that. I loathe those kind of days. I have some PMS so we'd be quite a pair together. Hmm I wish I had a good dirty joke but I'm fresh out. Seriously though, I'm sending a big hug in your direction. Maybe a good night sleep? Thinking of you. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
          AF since 2/22/2012


            AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

            Hang in there Fly-it happens. Just gotta wait it out and maybe do an instant AF gratification-like shoes!! Or in my case-a car? Nope, haven't bought it yet! Still gotta get approved. I probably can't meet with the loan officer until Friday evening if even then so this could take some time.

            Kas-you had some great tips on job hunting and interviewing. I will keep them in mind if I ever get called for an interview again. This last job I applied for won't be calling candidates for interviews until mid April. Job closed on the 18th. What is up with that? That's moving slow even for the state!!

            TDN-I'm sorry you had to pass on the dog product job. That just stinks! I hope you'll still be on their list when you get your license back. I'm sure you will. :l

            turn-I love those shoes!! If only I had a river to walk in!!

            Not much news today. I didn't even finish the totebag for my neice. Its all sewn together but I still have to do some finishing touches- press the seams and then sew around the seams to make it nice and flat. Sigh. The totebag that took forever!! Oh, and I left a pin in it!! I'm like a sugeon who leaves the sponge in LOL!! We managed to cut it so that the ball head fell down between the lining and the outside. won't even be notices but for cripes sake! Talk about attention deficiet!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

              Papmom, you sound so crafty! I'm so jealous. My daughter got the crafty gene that I was born without.
              Ok night night all.
              AF since 2/22/2012


                AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

                so sorry Flyaway..wish I could cheer yez up.

                Re Facebook, I think admin could start a page that we then subscribe to??

                Is that how it works...????

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

                  Hey Flyaway, hang in there, tomorrow could just be fabulous (you never really know)

                  papmom, did you ever take a home ec class? :H
                  I actually wanted to be a home ec teacher at one time but my parents had a better idea for me (or so they thought). I would have been a happier home ec teacher, honestly.

                  Kaslo, so how do we prepare for an interview at Hooters? :H :H I'd love to hear that story

                  Got myself pretty well scratched up but I cleaned out the 60 ft row of raspberries. It hadn't been touched in 3 yrs. The YB lost interest in it & it was his damn project, not mine. I removed all the dead canes, some of the weeds & will drag it all to the burn pile tomorrow. I have 2 baby blueberry bushes to plant as well. I have broccoli & brussel sprout plants waiting, etc. I need a damn gardener :H

                  I'm going to Facebook to see if anyone is looking for me.....
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

                    Chin up, Flyaway! I've been having a few of those days lately as well.. must be something in the air. They do pass, though. Bubble bath, good (or trashy) book, cup of tea, your fav jammies... and off to bed with you :l Tomorrow will be a better day!

                    Lav, I sent you a PM!
                    So, now that you're all done with your raspberries you can come help here, right? :H
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      AF Daily - Tuesday, March 27

                      For the 70 y.o. Hooters interview, ahem, we'd like a demonstration of skills. Seeing as how everyone is going to be stone cold sober, I am pretty sure being able to feed chickens and operate a pruning saw will be considered a BIG plus.

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h

