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morning day 21

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    morning day 21

    hello everyone - on day 21 and am so chuffed.
    i feel clearer than in years and have much more time to do stuff as not hungover at the weekend.can now do 2 gym classes at weekend if i missi nweek due to work - impossible before as would have been SO hungover.
    still anxious and mood swingy but partly cold/pmt too i think - also i don't have my old coping technique and presumably my serotonin isn't what it was yet!

    Not lost weight though - i suspect i have been over treating my self with food/not tracking what i eat - I think i need to invest in long baths, new lip gloss and the like insteadof extra food.

    Thing is i ate too much anyway while i was drinking and fell off ww wagon about 6 weeks ago. now doing own calorie counted programme until have headspace to deal with ww meetings.Can do calories lot easier without looking stuff up in books constantly - plus each time i've lost a reasonable chunk of weight it's been via that.apart from 4 weeks on atkins but put straight back on and felt awful,
    with exercise, no smoking and no drinking something had to give and it's the ww meeting.
    I do want this to be the year i finally sort my weight though - wouldlike to lose a stone by birthday at the beginning of April.
    Really thought I'd lose some weight by not drinking - and actually i would have put on had i still been drinking which i haven't since Christmas.And now i am exercising as i not hungover - on nights when work doesnt over run - like last night when i missed my class.At least there's lots of classes on at weekends and i have ran once this week
    anyway ramble ramble good day all and we can do this
    one day at a time

    morning day 21

    Good on you Hairy Beary!!! Gym, no fags AND no booze...the melon bows (or would do if she could get past her own protruding belly!!!)....
    Don't worry missus, with a regimen like the one you describe, the muffins will be scattering along the wayside with gay abandon in no time.................and the melon will be close behind, picking them up and munching...banana and fave!!!!

    You're feeling good beary!! That's the main thing...all in good time my friend, all in good time...even Mother Theresa used to wear Brigid Jones pants...without them, people mistook her for Pavarotti, strange but Well....strange but made up,'s the thought that counts!!!

    GO BEAR!!!!


      morning day 21

      Hey....see I put 'God' time in the bit before mutti Therese instead of good time????? it IS a sign...I am the new david ike, or whoever that guy in the shiny trackpants was.......................The evidence is right there before you..........who wants to wash my feet in oil?????????? form an orderly queue please


        morning day 21

        thanks Melon, - I almost posted this to your last post about kicking your own arse (ooh pips everyhere!) that has lots of replies,about how we think/see the world affecting everything.
        It really made me think.see I think a bit like you I thought no fags and no booze = perfect life.
        |t doesn't.
        In fact for a bit it's worse as brain chemicals are all over the place, and things we would have blocked out now have to come out. Your post also made me realise that i thought i'd stop drinking and magically drop the weight.It will undoubtably help but I still need to do some work - and stop eating so much!
        Anyway big thank you to you - off to do some breathing exercises before I start my reports and do the odd affirmation,and kick myself up my own furry behind.

        one day at a time


          morning day 21

          Hi Guys - I am so with you on your thoughts! It is SO easy to think that life should be perfect without the booze; the truth being of course that the booze just hides the mess that our lives are in and that we don't want to deal with.

          I too, Bear, and disappointed that I haven't lost weight (day 19 for me) - I thought that it would just drop off..... However, I am trying not to be too hard on myself for the time being. I also realise that I need to start taking responsibility for that part of my life too at some stage. Like you maybe I have been eating instead of drinking. I also need to start exercising regularly and keep thinking that next week I will start - damn, I really need to take responsibility for this. Actually - maybe I am now hiding behind the excuse of NOT drinking!! HELP!!>>>>>>>.............

          Anyway - hope everyone has a fine day here in Absville, whether your bum be hairy or smooth.....

          I x
          Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


            morning day 21

            Ilex dearheart.....I feel that you weight is the LAST thing you need to worry about.I think you need your fascination with fluffy bottoms sorted out first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx


              morning day 21

              Good morning to all,

              Yes, me too, stopped drinking and waited to drop at least 20 pounds, didn't happen, probably because I now eat tons of chocolate instead of drinking....I use the excuse of NOT drinking to give myself permission to overindulge in the sweet things...
              I know its just another craving and a mind thing, and I will do something about it soon, but, not yet....

              And as for fluffy bottoms, well we have had fluffy belly buttons, so why not?? Whose going to start, ha ha ha
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                morning day 21

                OK, so I see how it is...Over here in Abs we have fluffy bums, and over in Mods they have muffins!:moon:
                Glad I got that all sorted out! :clapclap:

                *How's that for insightful, Kathy?
                *Oh, and Tawny-this is what I wear when I'm cross-posting :banana:
                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                  morning day 21

                  Dearest Melon - I just thought that it was amusing because presumably Bear's bum is very hairy and yours in contrast must be very smooth. At least I have never met a melon who doesn't have the smoothest of derri?res.......!

                  Kind of two ends of the scale really - and then all the other bums lined up in the middle somewhere........

                  I x :moon:
                  Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                    morning day 21

                    go on then.............where's yours on a 1-10 scale??????? did you know that bumhole depilatory and BLEACHING???? can be done to make the old tea towel holder nicer to look at??????? YUK!!!!!!!


                      morning day 21

                      good grief - think I'd rather have surgery somewhere where most people could see it - supose it depends on your job though, and if that's your best feature.(?)
                      The mind boggles - and ouch!
                      one day at a time


                        morning day 21

                        'Best feature'............................I LOVE that Bear!!!!!!!!!! And there would probably be more than your mind boggling if you had it done!!!


                          morning day 21

                          Well done Bear.

                          I too though that the weight would fall off, but it hasn't. But I have re-discovered my sweet tooth. I'm a vegetarian and this also included not eating fish or egg. However, now I have started to eat egg again, I have found my new love.....cakes. So I now why I'm not losing weight.

                          Also I was compensating my alcohol with non-alcoholic drinks like shloer and even without the alcohol content they can be high in calories, so I've switched to flavoured sparkling water.

                          I think I will start keeping a food diary as well, but for the time being I'm just enjoying the feeling of being AF. Well done to you for quitting smoking too. I'm not sure I'm ready to give that up just yet.


                            morning day 21

                            it's a strange world out there
                            one day at a time


                              morning day 21

                              Mandy that's what happened to me - i found AF beer and I like it - less cals than normal booze but i would be just as happy with diet coke.aqua libre is quite low i think - i need to stock up on diet 7up for home as i love it!
                              by the way my last post which i can't delete is about the bleaching thing that Melonhead was talking about
                              one day at a time

