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morning day 21

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    morning day 21

    Okay, drumroll please......newgrl/Victoria is on day 21! Woohoo, three weeks, here is my progress report so far: Three weeks ago i quit drinking and smoking, I have had neither since then. I have kept a journal of my percentage or urge per day for my old habits, and what methods I am using to bust them, I was also tracking my wieght each day. I have found first of all that my easiest days are those where i get at least 40 minutes of exercise in any form, I am in a generally better mood and I sleep better. In the past 21 days I have also lost 10lbs (please dont kill me those of you who havent lost wieght, I have been running 20 miles a week for the past three weeks trainning for my upcomming 1/2 marathon, I was bound to lose some wieght)

    Thank you all so much for you help, i am overjoyed waking up this morning to my three week mark, and I am not in the mindset sitting here that I have to make it "forever" b/c that would be so long to look forward to, but I sure am looking forward to my one month mark and so on, and I couldn't have done it without all of you.

    Thanks for listening,

    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      morning day 21

      Well done Victoria that's great - and well done o nthe weight loss too.
      I too gave up the fags and the sauce day 21 for booze and day 26 I think for the fags.
      good luck on your half marathon - I really need to commit to my gym sessions.

      I've begun running a beginners programme so it's not enough to really stretch me/burn cals but enough to make me feel good.You run for a minute, wal kfor 3 then repeat for half hour.
      Slowly you increase run time until there's no walk time left.

      Like your diary idea - haven't done that but I am sure that would be my pattern too.
      well doen again you should be so chuffed with yourself, i really don't want to drink but iknwo that is dangerous so am really on my guard at the moment.
      one day at a time


        morning day 21

        BLEACHING !!!!!!
        Good God, the old anus horribilus has just disappeared halfway up my back......
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          morning day 21

          Bravo Victoria!!!.and thank you and Mandy for bringing the thread back to normality.......!! I think I may have caused a deviation (in every sense of the word) back there...the melon is tired as earthworms but cannot for the life of her, go to sleep.I guess it is showing!!


            morning day 21

            Hee hee....what a funny thread. Well, Victoria, you're running 20 miles/week and preparing for half marathon, you go girl!

            As for the rest of you. I am right with ya. I am on day 8 AF and am losing some weight. I am a former WW lifetime member times two, but just cannot get into the counting of points and stuff again. I did Core for a while, liked it kinda but was too paranoid of over eating. I was still drinking wine anyway so no weight loss (are kettle chips a Core food?)

            What I am doing now that I LOVE and is CHEAP is the Jenny Craig alternative on ediets. No thinking or counting, just eating stuff I like. They do all the thinking, counting and planning. I have a picture of the Wilhelmena (sp?) 40 plus year old models from the More magazine by my computer to keep me motivated. I plan to be in a wedding dress this year and want to be looking HOT! :danthin:

            Good luck to all in the sheddding of pounds and the avoidance of the grape.



              morning day 21

              Good Morning,

              It's nice to come here and get a good laugh as well as some inspiration.

              Conratulations,Victoria, 21 days AF and 10lbs less to boot!!!!!!SUPER
              I'm back to day 2 again but feel very positive right now.

              Melon, I hope can get some sleep.
              Maggie, are you getting married?????
              Will post later but have a great day.


                morning day 21

                I feel your Pain...

                ...Bear and others in this hard fought battle.

                Score- 22 days AF
                Weight Loss- "0"!!!!!

                I agree- the self medicating with Chocolate is NOT helping the Weight Loss score!

                "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                  morning day 21

                  Ok Victoria, not only are you young and smart but you are athletic and lost weight! 10lbs?!?!?! Yikes ! I guess I better get out there and walk a few kms more a week. I have lost a total of 5 pounds in 35 days. I was never heavy - just a bit 'fluffy' from water retention I guess. But gosh girl - you are an all or nothing type of girl aren't you??? Keep up the great work!!


                    morning day 21

                    Thanks AFM, I was never heavy either, i was a bit "fluffy" from the alcohol, so i figure most of that wieght i lost was from either water retention or something like it...I sure do hope it stays off!!!! I am a little all or nothing, lol, thats what got me hooked on the alcohol!! now I am attempting to get hooked on running( not away from anything...
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      morning day 21

                      I am the same my friend!! Keep up the good work!!

