Thanks Lisa and Nancy. I really did feel like testing the waters because I was curious I guess, if that makes any sense. Anyway, a little nervous about tonight. I don't want to drink now, but a little worried about when 5 pm rolls around. I should be OK, though!
No announcement yet.
Friday's thread
Friday's thread
Thanks Lisa and Nancy. I really did feel like testing the waters because I was curious I guess, if that makes any sense. Anyway, a little nervous about tonight. I don't want to drink now, but a little worried about when 5 pm rolls around. I should be OK, though!
Friday's thread
Hiya Nancy, we were posting at the same time....Can i come round to yours on Sunday for dinner....Your making me hungryI don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Friday's thread
Hi All and GO COLTS!!!!!
Maggie, Great Job and just say no to those chips and cheese. Evil things that they are.
Rocky, Company is always hard. It's at great excuse to drink and job well done.
Kathy, Just a thought. You can adjust the settings on popup windows in Internet Explorer and in your firewall settings. I have Norton Internet Security and I can turn on Ad Blocking and turn off Popup window blocking if I want to. Check into it and maybe you can get yourback.
Sammy. Burr... Keep Warm!
Changeling and everyone over 30 days. Thank you for the great posts. It is so helpful to read that it gets easier. It's great motivation going into the weekend and the Superbowl weekend at that.
Mike. I really liked your post on Powerlessness. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Lisa, I hope you feeling better soon. How about some hot apple tea with lemon and honey.
Andy. I am on day 11 and your post encouraged me to not even think about testing the waters yet. I am proud of you for tossing the bottle and getting back to it. Some folks would have said f**k it and kept going. Great job!
Mack, Have a good weekend at Nancy's house. Although the airfare might be a little $$.
I could use a little input from some of you. I feel like Friday is now just another day and I'm not sure I like it. It's like I don't look forward to the weekend, if anything it is causing some stress to think about it. I use to wait for Friday (many more drinks to be drank) but today I feel kind of blah about it. Does this get better? What happens now!
LauraHumor is just another defense against the universe!
Friday's thread
Happy Friday all!!
Hope today has been good to you all and brought some positivity....except our poor poorly Lisa, i hope you feel better soon honey x
Well iv just got back from my stint at the you know i wasn't even aching today and i thought id be in agony!!! anyways i did longer today and much more cardio and it wasn't nearly as hard...i think I'm swapping one addiction for the other, but I'm sure we all know which is the healthiest. Still haven't seen any weight come off but iv heard that it comes off slower than it goes hopefully ill wake up one morning and be like twiggy!!!! i deserve it for all the bloody work I'm putting in!!!
Anyways enough of my ramblings...I'm off for a soak and then a nice healthy weight watchers dinner.
Back later
Lou-Lou x x x
P.S I got my letter from work today saying that theyre definitely not gonna dismiss me....yay!!!"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Friday's thread
Hi Laura, sounds like you are in what I call, "in between rooms"..or a "transitional space"'s a tough place to be in, but a really good one if you can sit in it for a's that space between "Fridays=drinking" and "Friday's=something different". Can you create a new ritual that you can look forward to on the weekends..create something new to do on the weekends and maybe Friday is a time for you to just pamper yourself. Just hang there for a while and sit in that "transitional space"...the answer will come up and reveal it to you if you can sit still long enough! Keep us posted!
Friday's thread
Hi everyone
So good to see this Abstinance thread thriving.
Laura, Sorry to hear that your Fridays seem a little flat at the moment
trust me it WILL get better. It's a slow progress when you are changing such a big thing in your life.
But the rewards are fantastic, stick with it girl
Try to think of all the things that are going to improve in your life as you move further away from the drinking.
I know that for me it just keeps getting better and better, sure life is still not perfect, but my worst day now is never going to be as bad as when I was drinking.
Lots of good vibes coming your way.
Friday's thread
I, too, stopped looking forward to Friday night and the weekend once I went on my ABS period. It does suck at first, but gets better. Tonight (knock on wood) begins my third straight AF weekend. I try to fill Friday up with watching TV or a good movie. I might even go to the movies tonight.
Friday is the hardest day of the week for me. After that, Saturday and Sunday are a breexe. Good luck with everything and thanks for your words.
Friday's thread
I am not sure exactly when the whole concept of the "Friday - cut loose" mentality left me. Glad it did and it does. Now on Friday's I am still excited that it is the weekend. Friday nights (since it is winter) you usually will find me curled up on the couch watching movies or TV. I usually stay up late reading a book and sleep in on Saturday until around 9a. I usually have plans on Saturday--that are no longer messed up or cancelled because I don't feel well. Saturday evenings now usually mean the kids stay up late and we play. After they are in bed in I put in some music and do stuff around the house. It is wonderfully amazing to wake up Sunday morning to wake up to a clean house--and again feeling good.
Another very cool thing is that I no longer dread making plans. I used to dread this because I was pretty sure that I would not be feeling well that day. Tomorrow I fly to Chicago, get to eat at a 5 star restaurant and see a concert. Stay in an awesome hotel--and I have a 7:30a flight in the morning on Sunday. In the past I would have been dreading the flight since my anxiety would be through the roof due to drinking the night before, I probably would not eat much at dinner (wouldn't want to mess up the buzz)-go to the concert, barely remember it and pass out in the hotel. And by no means would I have planned a 7:30a flight! So here I am, I am going to do all the same things I would normally do just without the alcohol--and I know that I will enjoy the food, the company, remember the concert and make my flight in the morning.
Friday's thread
Hello everyone,
It's good to hear you are all doing tops. I have been really busy and need to concentrate on work stuff. I am still AF though.
I was informed this morning that the Super bown will be observed at our house this year and I need to come up with "man-food". They have requested my chicken wings. I guess I'll make some wild rice with barley to go with the sauce and an apple cake for dessert. They can eat that without taking their eyes off the screen.
I have to admit that I am not into ball games.
Laura, I am sorry, but I have nothing to offer you as a Friday replacement. I could be working 7 days per week and I have to take my "free" time whenever I can squeeze it in.
Mack, could you please ask your airline to do a detour via Canada, because I want a steak too. I am not invited yet, but perhaps you could sneak me in the back door.
Now I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend.
xoxoxox Lori.*Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein
Friday's thread
Thanks for the well wishes.....
apple tea with lemon and honey - I'll have to try that.
So far I have sat on the couch and watched Lady and the Tramp and then Fun with Dick and Jane.
Now I've got a 5 disc collection (20 movies) called Greatest Leading Men - with Spencer Tracy, Jimmy Stewart, Gary Cooper, Humphry Bogart, Steve McQueen, John Wayne, Fred Astaire, Kirk Douglas, James I have my evening all set!
Kim- enjoy your trip. I know what you mean about the early flight etc. I kind of get a thrill now of saying -Meet at 7am?...yep, not a problem! Now you can enjoy your time with none of the anxiety brought on by worrying about 'when will I drink? will I get enough? will I be able to have something stashed in my room for later?' Alll that stuff- you don;t have to worry about it! Have a great trip!
Love to everyone else - hope it is a good weekend for everyone.
Friday's thread
Day 21, Ran for my 40 minutes this afternoon, wanted to stop after 5, then 10..and so on, but I managed to make it and then drag my butt home, I am so tired. I have to work this weekend, super. No, its not that bad, we usually get out early, but it is still work. I have been logging my progress the past 21 days, and i have noticed the days i get more than 30-40 minutes of exercise i am not angry or upset alot, but you know, it could just be cuz i'm too tired to put forth the effort it requires to be angry or upset...hmmm.
I hope you all have a great evening!
VictoriaIt's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.