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saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

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    saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

    Gosh I could use a sunbed right now! I am absolutely freezing . And my heat in the house is at 70 degrees! YIKES!

    I am glad that you are still your happy little self. But yes, I agree with Victoria. You are probably over doing it! Let your body rest Lou!


      saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

      Good High Noon to all.
      You are all doing just spectacular. Teddy Bear way to go fuzzy one, and Melon, Lou, Victoria, Changeling, Paddy, Maggie, Paulb and Accountable; and all who are yet to come.
      I wish you all a wonderfully interesting, dry weekend. Love yourself to bits.
      I am starting day 33 (I think). If I get some time today, I would like to try tawnys cookie rec. I let you know how it turned out.
      Ciao to all.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

        Hi all,

        Wow, Friday was tough. Toughest day I have had yet. I ended up eating a little to much and had a non-alchoholic beer. But hey, whatever works at this point.

        I am still waiting on my Campral. I checked the Web Site this morning and it said 21 days before they will start a search on it. I live on the other side of the US, so I guess in my case, it is going to take a little longer to get here.

        Andy, How was your night? I know you were having a tough time last night too.

        And Lou, I hear you about the weight. I told my hubby this morning I think he is secretly putting lard into my food when I'm not looking :H

        I need to get on with day 12. I seemed to be getting a lot done these days. Last night I managed to get 2 years worth of photos into books. I should have all the old stuff sorted and into books by the end of the weekend.

        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

          Day 10 for me! Not sure why my resolve is so strong this time. Even last night, when I was overly tired from lack of sleep and staying up all night 2 nights in a row, AND my daughter is home for 1 week before she leaves (for 3 months to college in Mexico) and I'm going through mommy withdrawals already, AND it was Friday night (beer & mexican food night), I didn't drink. I wanted to, especially at the beginning of the evening "stop time"...
          Instead, I poured my heart out to someone here (thanks, MKR! :l ), realized I needed to tell my daughter how I was feeling, accept all the emotions (feeling left out, because her friend is living with us and they travel as a pack; mommy worry; anger at how she was handling some responsibilities, and the ensuing argument complete with tears, etc.). It's all good this morning-I slept, she came in for snuggle time to wake me up, she's asked for my advice and help-and we both know why she doing it-just to make me feel better. Well, maybe her too.
          It's a very present concept on this board recently, and it's been discussed much more eloquently than I can...The premise that, even though we may be dealing with difficult and emotional situations, it is imperative that we find other coping mechanisms other than drinking. We have to dig deeper within ourselves for strength, even if it is to acknowledge that we're NOT coping very well, or we don't know what to do next. Even if it is to just sit and have a good cry (not a drunken, sobbing scene :upset: ). Then, being comfortable with just where we are...and not have to drink to suppress those feelings. Even if those feelings are helplessness, sadness, anger, grief and discomfort. I guess I'm relearning how to *be* a whole person.
          Love to all,
          Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


            saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

            Good Evening-

            Still on my sick couch but wanted to say hello to everyone. Thought I'd be all better today. Does it just take longer to get over a cold the older you get?? 'cough cough''sniffle sniffle......

            Congrats on getting thru Friday! Bear you did great at the pub!

            Tumadre- I talked to my good friend for about 2 hours this morning. Her daughter will be going away to college next year - only 3 hours from home - and she is already getting upset about her leaving. She has three daughters and this is the oldest ( and also my goddaughter). So I kind of understand....a tiny bit. I think you are doing really well not drinking during this time as it seems to be quite stressful! My friend and her daughter have been fighting and arguing the last week or two... just the stress of her leaving I think.
            Just wanted you to know you had compatriots out there going thru the same thing.

            Well...back to the couch. Everyone have a good Sat night -


              saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

              Well of to bed i go...for how long i cant say...ill prob be back wide awake in an hour!!!!

              Loves and goodnight to all

              Lou-Lou x x x
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                saturday morning day 22 - shocking!!

                P.S...Please continue with the rhyming...the silliness keeps making me chuckle!!!!
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

