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April AF Flock

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    April AF Flock

    Ooh, I like the pig bag papmom - OINK!
    Nice additions to the Jeep too
    Hope you have a very nice Easter day with your family.

    BD was fine! I'll wait for a decent picture or two from my DIL (mine are never great).
    My Corgi house guest has gone home - think I might miss him. He's such a little bundle of fun!

    Just found out today that my DIL is expecting me to babysit all day Monday
    Her regular Monday sitter is on vacation so I may have to postpone my puppy pick up until Tuesday. I'll see what develops.

    Chill, Dill, SD & everyone I hope you had a nice day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      April AF Flock

      Happy Easter, Goslings & Geezers :H

      Whew, what a day. Fun, fun, fun, but I'm seriously pooped and stuffed to the gills. Wait, I don't think geese have those...

      Dinner was delicious... AND.. get this: Not only did my son cook but he and his g/f cleaned up everything during cooking AND the dinner dishes :wow: I told 'em they can come over to cook ANY time at all! :H Btw, Matt made Cheese Cappelletti. And then we had a very rich cheese cake (my daughter's request) for dessert. I sure hope the calorie gods were looking the other way today. Uggh.

      Peanut took a little while to get the hang of what he was supposed to be finding but whoa! - once he caught on there was no stopping him:H

      Well, I think Mr. Wonderful and I will catch a movie tonight and just keep a low profile.. I don't think I can muster much more energy today. Hope you all had a wonderful day as well! Papmom... LOVE the bag! Your niece is a lucky girl! Dill..welcome home! Lav.. nuh-uh.. you can't post pone Matilda... you PROMISED! :H
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        April AF Flock

        Dill, Dill,'re home! We all missed you! See how this thread has grown while you were gone? And you were the director of the AF Flock theme....and geese what? New members have joined our fun flock. I now pronounce you Membership Director.:H
        I'm glad you had a nice time with your family and new grandson. But DRIVE all the way to NO?, thanks.

        Papmom-oooohhhh....I like the new Papmobile's seat accessories....and the tote bag....lovely. Please let me know if your friends change their color scheme in their dining room and find the purple table runner will not work.:H

        Lav-I thought of you today....and you, too, Chill. I went running along the lake path today and I saw a woman with a Corgi. Now I know 3 people who own them...they are so cute.

        Yawn, I have work to do before I go to bed. My mom went to Holy Saturday Mass. She asked me if I wanted to go and I said no, but she found a friend to go with. Her faith just blows me away.

        To everyone, have a wonderful Easter tomorrow!


          April AF Flock

          Lav-you definitely just got sainthood! I personally don't think your DIL should impose on you when you had very specific plans for Monday-there is no one else who can pitch in? I just hate to see how many times you postpone your plans to babysit at the drop of a hat. Just sayin'. (and because I love ya!!)

          Rusty-I doubt my friends will return the fish table runner! Glad you like it so much tho-Its so nice to get some validation in at least one part of my life!!

          Sunni-another whirlwind day for G-mom! I don't know how you and Lav do it!! Your kids and grankids are very lucky to have you both!!

          Gotta love Freecycle!! When I traded in my subaru, I forgot to put the cargo cover back in the car. It was going to auction and will probably end up in the junk yard so it really didn't matter. But, what to do with it? Too big and heavy to throw away. I put it on Freecycle on the off chance someone was missing theirs and low and behold 2 hours later I got a hit!! he'll come by tomorrow or Monday to check it out and see if it fits. How cool is that!!

          Nitey nite all!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            April AF Flock

            Good morning everyone

            Just a quick check in to wish you all a very Happy Easter.

            Love all the photos and its great to see so many of you enjoying your grandchildren. Dull here this morning but hopefully it will not rain. Have a small turkey for dinner with all the trimmings. Going to try and keep away from the chocolate though!!

            SD - the only time it really bothered me being an only child was around the time my mom died when I was 17 and then my Dad was in hospital for 6 weeks. I would really have loved to have somebody to share all that was going on with at that stage. Apart from that, especially when I see the way my husbands siblings behave I am actually thankful at times being an only child.

            Have to dash as I am going to mass and want to give the goldie a walk before I go. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.



              April AF Flock

              Good morning, and Happy Easter!

              I've been away from the computerfor a few days, but still making proress, thanks largely to my new friends! Had some depression (which I think is related to the chemical dependency, but Hey, I'm no doctor) on Friday. It's amazing how often I think of all of you, and say to myself, "You can do this; look at all the support you have!"

              I will be back later to catch up more properly, and to say Thanks for your recent Welcome's, but I wanted to check in quickly and let you know that things are still going well, and that tomorrow will be Day 7 for me. And I will reach it. Thanks again, and I wish you a wondeful day.



                April AF Flock

                Good morning Flockers & Happy Easter!

                Looks like a nice day ahead! I am running to the cemetary to leave flowers for my Mom then back home to get some sort of Easter dinner together. Had nothing planned because I didn't know if anyone was coming over

                Still not sure what's happening tomorrow with the grandkids/babysitting/puppy pickup situation. The kids have been too preoccupied with their own stuff to communicate properly with me so I will get my point across today

                Have a great AF Sunday & congrats Bouv for a successful AF week!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  April AF Flock

                  Happy Easter, April Flock!

                  Still trying to wake up and recovering from all that food yesterday. I think today will be a little quieter and that's just fine with me

                  Here's a picture from yesterday's egg hunt:

                  Really glad we did it yesterday, as it looks kinda gloomy outside today. Quite cool, too.
                  Bouv... glad you are plugging along and we'll get to celebrate 7 days AF with you tomorrow! Lav, whip those kids into shape.. I kinda agree with Papmom. You have a life, too, and shouldn't be expected to jump up at a moment's notice. Grumble.
                  SD... I'm also an only child. I was a bit on the lonely side but then I didn't have sleep overs, etc. and I think those things are important, especially for an only child.
                  Rustop... that must have been so difficult to deal with on your own at 17 :l

                  Ok, time to let horses out and get on with my day. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    April AF Flock

                    Hi April Flock!

                    Happy Easter! Hope you are all having a wonderful one! I am off to make breakfast and take a walk. I'm enjoying a lazy morning with hubs and the pets...we rarely have a morning off together so I am taking advantage of every minute!

                    I'm almost to 50 days (Tuesday will be #50!). Love this new life. So glad I am here!

                    Hopping off for some Easter fun...have a grand day to all and be good to yourselves! Big Easter hugs to Chill, Pap, Lav, Dill, Rustop, SD, Det, Sunni, Shue, Saucy, Fly, Jolie, Rusty, Lily, Cyntree, Guitarista, TDN, Sugar, Momof3 et all. PS, Pap, love the pink accessories for the jeep and also love the quilted piggie bag!!! You are very talented my dear!


                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      April AF Flock

                      PS, Hi and Happy Easter to Bouv as well! Glad to have you in the April Flock! Fly High!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        April AF Flock

                        Happy Easter!
                        once I broke out I could observe the whole of my life and the world around me through eyes I had no concept of pre-sobriety.
                        Yes, Chill, that’s it! Well said. For me al use started out so normally and seemed so innocent. Yet, over time it grew out of control and changed me in ways I did not perceive at the time. I often try to go back in time to memories of a me that didn’t “need” alcohol. I remember a time in my life when I went to parties and events to be with the people! I didn’t even drink at all! When did that stop? Over time I got to a point where I went to a party for the alcohol as much as the people, and sometimes even more than for the people. Eventually I made my way to drinking alone and preferring not to have people to interfere. I’m truly glad I have been able to see things in a new light, although it is disconcerting and even painful at times. AF is so much better.

                        Pap, you have pizazz! I love the papmobile eccoutrements. The handbag is really cool. Are you going to make yourself a Goose Tote? I wonder if there is any cute goose fabric out there….Sounds like a trip to the fabric store for me in the near future.

                        Lav, what happened?! Did you promise you would babysit on Monday but it slipped your mind? I can imagine that being the case with your busy, busy life!! I hope putting off puppy pick up can be a solution. I don’t think you could pick up the puppy and babysit, that would be too much even for you!

                        Sunni egg, What was Peanut looking for? Easter Eggs? He is precious!

                        Rusty, I think it is more likely all the new threadsters joined in because I wasn’t around to scare them away!!! I hope they stick around though. I’ll promise to be good!

                        Rustop, Turkey sounds really good! We’re having ham and roasted veggies here. I’m also staying away from the chocolate!

                        Welcome, Bouv, :welcome: You are doing great!!

                        Blonde, congrats on “almost 50”!

                        Wishing a peaceful AF Sunday to all.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          April AF Flock

                          Back again, all chores done!
                          Ended up with a pork roast as I really don't eat ham anymore

                          Dill, NO I didn't forget DIL has way too much on her plate & forgets to tell me stuff like she's put me on the babysitting schedule on an unusual time & day
                          I've straightened it out with her & she's not upset (I don't think). Anyway, she's still coming over for dinner :H I have a travel crate in my car & will go get Matilda tomorrow morning after Curves
                          Now my daughter tells me she had to call EMS for her father-in-law. They found him in a very bad way yesterday afternoon. He's 75 & in acute renal failure ~ not good.

                          Blondie - hope you are enjoying your day!

                          Sunni, Peanut is going to be dreamming of eater eggs for months :H
                          Glad he enjoyed the egg hunt!

                          OK, time to check the temperature on the roast
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            April AF Flock

                            Happy Easter guys

                            Suni - really cute pics

                            Dill - Sadly when I look back, if im really honest, AL was always a problem. Just today I came across an old diary from when I was a 24 year old and it made quite scary reading at the amount of partying I was doing.

                            I finally started my packing today.... uugh, its going to keep me pretty busy this week plus all the paperwork I have to do relating to the move.

                            In other news, I have a date! about bad timing! I have liked this guy from afar since the minute I set eyes on him last August, I showed him a rental apartment which he then took. We have passed each other a few times when he's been out jogging and I've been walking Elle but only to say hello. Anyway last week I had to show his apartment to a new tenant, he moves out next week on the same day I leave, he too is leaving town. We managed to have a good conversation and I was smitten.

                            Anyway, tonight I finally plucked up the courage to send him a friend request on facebook and he replied asking if we could have a drink before we both leave. So Im seeing him Wed evening. Of course Im now a nervous wreck and its back to the same old issue of when we are in the bar and I have to say I dont drink.... I hate this part and especially since on a 1st date a drink is such a welcome relaxer. Never mind I will cope but im so out of the dating game the whole prospect is quite terrifying and what if we like one another?!! We have only a week to get to know each other before having to say goodbye....... I will keep you posted
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              April AF Flock

                              Ohhhhhh... date night!!!

                              Don't mind us munching in the back, Chilli! :H
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                April AF Flock

                                Happy Easter!!

                                Been a busy day around here...ended it by taking my son to my sister's house to spend the night (he was BEGGING to...ugh!!!) and I took my parent's exchange student to a movie...we saw Titanic in was pretty cool...of course, always makes me sad to think such a tragic loss of lives that could have been prevented (at least what the movie leads you to believe).

                                Anyway...did some more stuff for the class reunion...and now I'm beat...well I guess it is almost 1:30AM!!! Hope everyone had a Happy and blessed Easter with their loved ones!! But this chick....goose-girl...whatever??? needs to head for bed!!:H

                                And Chill...I'll be sittin' right next to Sunni munchin' on the popcorn---I'm excited FOR YOU!!! And only a little jealous...(or maybe more)!!! Have fun!!
                                Good night!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


