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April AF Flock

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    April AF Flock

    SD--Positive job vibes and a big Honk Honk to you too!

    Chill--The maternal instincts bypassed me too. But I've got a kitty jammed into my side or on my lap at all times.

    Stargazer--I'm interested in the Slim For Life book too, but the thought of giving up coffee scares me! :H

    Cyn--It's so tough watching our parents get older. My mom has been in a steady decline since she had emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction in 2008. Too much to tell, too many falls, but now she has severe dementia and is living in a home. We took care of her for 2 years until she fell and broke her pelvis and was unable to walk any longer. Positive vibes for your mom.

    Blonde--It's great that you aren't "thinking drinking" all the time now. We can't let our guard down though. Hope your cold leaves you soon.

    Dill--Enjoy your time with your daughter and grandson!

    Rustop--I'm with you on cutting sugar out. My weight has been creeping up too.

    TDN--I'll be thinking of you at 2pm. We've got to get our taxes together too.

    AlmostFamous--A happy Honk Honk to you too!


      April AF Flock

      Morning all,
      Greetings from the great American Southwest where it has been snowing for hours. I do love snow even if I had to wait til April to get it.
      Sympathies to Blond and Lav. Hope you're feeling better soon. I ended up with what I guess was the flu. Fever, chills, cough, headache that just would not quit. Finally getting over it.

      Cyn, sorry to hear about your mom. It's hard when aging parents aren't nearby.

      Dill, have a wonderful visit. It is weird to be sober in New Orleans.

      Chill, sounds like you are embarking on all kinds of things with a very centered, steady approach. Like a good goose should.

      SD, for me changing jobs was always kind of fun, but I was always a teacher, always in the same district, just a different school, different grade, different faces. Good luck.

      Hey Rusty, Rustop, Pap (like the Papmobile), Mr. G., LBH, everybody old and everybody new.
      Good Tuesdays to all.


        April AF Flock

        Hello Honkers!

        Real quick today, not much time as I'll have to catch a muddy horse and load up for riding lessons soon.

        Just wanted to throw a tiny bit of colour at you:

        I've been busy at the barn

        3 mums, one gorgeous (divided) ligularia, a handful of daffodils, a baby lily, and sweet pea seeds are in the ground so far. Yay!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          April AF Flock

          Good afternoon Honkers :H

          Just back from visiting puppy Matilda!
          Totally meant to get some pics but left my phone in the car. I had Maxie with me & she behaved thank God The pup is adorable, looks healthy & is very playful. Maxie was cool. calm & collected around her so I think we'll be OK. Going back next Monday to bring Matilda home so I have a bit of time to prepare
          Also had my teeth cleaned this morning.......busy, busy!

          On the weight loss front - I ended losing a total of 7 lbs during Feb & March. For me that's huge :H
          I think I have finally found the right way for me. Keep the calories down around 1200 & get my butt to Curves 3 days/week & do some active on the other days (housework, gardening, walking, whatever). I don't think walking did enough calorie burning for me - adding in some strength training helped. I still want to see another 10 lbs disappear so I'll just keep going!!

          Dill, good for you remaining AF in NO. Enjoy the baby

          cyn, glad your Mom is OK. Must be tough living so far away from her. Any chance of getting her to move east??

          SD, hope you hear something soon on the job front!

          Greetings to Chill, Star, Blondie, rustop & TDN! Hi Shelley, Fly & Sunni!
          How's that foot looking TDN? Hope it's improving.

          Must go do some stuff!
          My daughter's Corgi is here for the week & I just can't get used to him sleeping on his back with his little legs up in the air - weird!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            April AF Flock

            Evening Gang

            Lav - Im so excited about your puppy! Love her name too. My Elle does the lying on her back with legs in the air everyday but not to sleep. Her eyes are open but she is trance like, im convinced she is meditating, she is a real Chilldog.

            Sunni - Happy planting, the poor plants here are mega confused, after a week of mild spring weather we had snow today!

            Sped - "like a good goose should" I love that! Great catchphrase for this month.

            TDN - Hope the job interview went well, what is it for?

            Flyway - coffee has been my drug of choice since giving up the booze. I like it strong and black with no sugar but I am soon starting a juice detox and the coffee has to go for a little while. It will be tough....

            Almostfamous - Im the as hell on the outside and shaking on the inside but im definitely more confident since being sober.

            Star - My Nutrition Diploma is distance learning and im very impressed so far with the help you get via emails, I also have a Tutor I can call at any time. I havent started any assignments yet and will probably wait till Im settled in my new town. What got me on this whole "cutting out preservatives" was my reseach into healing arthritis and I have uncovered some great info. One lady who was crippled with it and wheelchair bound happened to go on a detox, totally seperate from the arthritis and noticed that after a week her pain had subsided at an incredible rate. Through diet she has totally cured herself and is now a keen and fit cyclist.

            Rustop - You are spot on with the "evil" of sugar. What I can tell you is that while we have a little of them in our lives, be it booze, chocolate, cigarettes and starchy food we put ourselves through unneccesary hell. That "little" bit keeps us hooked and craving more more more. Its hard to think about cutting it totally out but when you do you find everything suddenly gets easier and the cravings vanish. I spend my whole life in a vicious circle with food trying to limit my intake but it was always torture and I was always always hungry. Since cutting out these things I swear my desire for them has gone.

            Cyn - Sending love to your dear Mom.

            Dill - Enjoy New Orleans.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              April AF Flock

              Lav--Resistance training is so important! Congratulations on your loss. And I love the name Matilda too! Can't wait to see her photos.

              I ended up ordering the Slim For Life book from Amazon. Can't wait for it to come in!

              I also ended up in kind of a crummy mood today which I allowed to happen. I firmly believe that our thoughts create our moods and I knew I was creating a foul mood at the time. :H But really I was kind of pissed off at my husband. I have been telling him that I want to go to Savannah GA since around the first year or two we were together (we've been together 21 years). Obviously it's not important to him because he always comes up with some reason that we can't go. I raised a stink about it this past fall, so we took leave from work this week to go. Guess who came up with crap to do at the last minute? (him) Guess who's sitting at home all week? (me) Guess who wants me to go to Munich with him in the fall for Oktoberfest? (him) Guess who has no interest in sitting in a beer tent watching people get drunk? (me) End of story/rant.


                April AF Flock

                Thoughts do become things
                Sign up for the daily note from the Universe at TUT (Totally Unique Thoughts)
                It makes me smile everyday
                TUT's Adventurers Club::Welcome

                I don't want to get too negative on the husband thing but......
                that's exactly the behavior I put up with for 37 years - doing everything HE wanted to do then HE runs off because he's unhappy

                I'll be back with a pic of my Corgi grandson making himself comfy on my sofa - really!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  April AF Flock

                  april will be a sober month for me.... off to a great start. had dinner with drinking inlaws and i drank Soda water..... another night was earth hour and neighbors had a big bon fire and all were drinking but not me... nope..

                  so far so good ..
                  AF since Sept 2013...


                    April AF Flock

                    Relaxin at Mimom's house :H :H

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      April AF Flock

                      Hey caper ~ good for you!
                      Let everyone else drink - we don't have to
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        April AF Flock

                        hey fellow Honkers!! :H

                        Hey everyone,
                        Didn't get a chance to pop on yesterday or last nite and look what I missed!!

                        Lav-new puppy??? YEA!!!! Can't wait to see pics. Haven't read yesterday's thread yet. Another Bernese?

                        TDN-great job on the interview. Fingers and toes crossed for ya!!

                        Cyn-glad your mom is out of danger but boy that must have been really scary! Your bi monthly visit plan sounds good. Can she move east to be closer? I know you just packed her up to move to a smaller place.

                        Chill-I'm so happy to hear you are so happy!! I will have to check out the Jason Vale book. When 4 Klondike bars in one setting doesn't seem excessive, there is an issue. Ya think?

                        SD-I agree. If the job doesn't feel right in your gut don't take it. Hang in there with the waiting.

                        Thanks everyone for the comments on the Jeep. My covers have shipped and I will def post pics once they are on. Can't wait!

                        Rotten nite last nite-lost my phone at work, spent 3 hours looking for it. Ended up at Best Buy at 9pm buying a cheapo no contract phone for emergencies ( I have no land line) which turned out not able to be activated unless I called AT&T which I couldn't do because the phone wasn't activated!! Duh! Found my real phone this morning safe and sound in another office (turned in by some kind soul) and was also able to finally activate the cheapo. Didn't sleep a wink last nite and now I'm getting a cold. Guess the universe is keeping me humble after my Jeep score! But at least it found my phone for me!!

                        The drama in the office has somewhat subsided but it's obvious our VP has it in for my boss and my good friend who is second in command. She can leave without a worry as her hubby has a military pension and she can alway get a PT job. I think she is ready and since the VP just informed her she no longer can work 10-6 but has to work 9-5 (she has an hour plus commute) this may just be the last straw. That extra hour is important to her as she gets all her phone calls to the students done when the office is closed and on the morning side gets to take her pup for nice long walks.
                        My boss on the other hand will be in deep trouble if he gets canned. He can't go anywhere as he doesn't have a Master's and his reputation precedes him I think. It's going to be very interesting how this plays out. I've seen what the VP is capable of and it ain't pretty.

                        I forgot my neice's totebag today so couldn't finish it at class but I did get material for a baby blanket and scored some pig buttons for the totebag-gotta love Etsy and paypal!!

                        time for bed. So tired but feel like I won't sleep. Ambien here I come!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          April AF Flock

                          Good morning everyone

                          Wow, what a change in the weather. We have gone from bright sunshine to sleet and snow yesterday. Looks like Mother Nature is keeping us on our toes!!!

                          Chill - I think you are right. I know in the past I have always done better with the all or nothing approach when loosing weight. Weight watchers promote healthy eating but a little of what you fancy and unfortunately I fancy the sugary things too much!!! Once I start I cannot stop.

                          Lav/Papmom - Love the photos. Hang in there Pap, you got the jeep, found your phone and things will sort themselves out workwise.

                          TND - Great job on the interview.

                          Fly - sorry about hubby. Relationships are all about compromise, difficult I know.

                          Happy hump day to everyone else. Am rushing as I have swimming this morning and daughter wants me to buy tickets for concert when then come online!!



                            April AF Flock

                            HONK HONK!

                            Hiya Honker's,

                            Geez, this weeks thread is a novel already!

                            Best wishes with your mom Cyn.

                            All the best with the job hunt SD and TDN!

                            Get well soon you other geese! Let us others move to the front.

                            Wishing everyone a safe, sober, and magical week. Hope everyone's safe and sound.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              April AF Flock

                              Good moring fellow Honkers!

                              Still feeling kind of rough but not going to let that keep me down. I don't think these allergy symptoms are going anywhere soon

                              Nice piggy buttons papmom
                              One Piggy Swissy per household is enough :H I will be adopting a pup from the Delaware Puppy Rescue. She's a beagle mix, extremely cute & hopefully won't grow too large!

                              rustop, sure hope you return to spring-like weather soon!

                              Greetings G & everyone! Wishes for a great AF hump day for everyone!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                April AF Flock

                                Hello Honkers!
                                Wow, what a lot of news here...thanks everyone for your sweet wishes for my Mom. She seems to be doing well so far. In answer to some queries, no she is not ready to come east, she is really active (a little too?) and involved with her life there, and her apartment is really great - looks out over a little lake, where she loves to watch the GEESE. And yes, I did share the Geese story with her...

                                Fly - I so admire you (and your misbehaving partner) for taking care of your mom for those 2 years, that happens so rarely nowadays. I am crossing fingers that my mom doesn't have to undergo any surgery, that seems so often to lead to some form of sorry your mom is so ill now.

                                Lav - Matilda is just adorable, what a great addition she will be to the fam!

                                Sped - glad you got a taste of snow for the year - LBH - what is this doing to your garden?!

                                SD, and all job seekers, best of luck!

                                Dew - thanks for checking in and describing your retreat. I think it takes a special person to be with themselves for a week - brava to you.

                                Chill - you sound IN-CRE-DI-BLE. So strong and clear. I'm interested in finding out more about the Vale book...Two weeks ago I suffered for the first time a terrible eruption of Rosacea (sp?) the facial redness and bumps. Very painful, and I was such a sight that I didn't dare go out of the house. I already am an aware eater, and have not done refined wheat or much sugar or any dairy for years, I only drink tea...but I'm finding in my research that food is a huge trigger, so bye bye black tea, anything fermented, dried fruits, vinegars, animal protein, gluten, citrus fruits, aaaargh. I've been living on quinoa, steamed vegies and garbanzo beans (oh, and not supposed to have too many beans either). I'm hungry a lot, as I'm not sure what to feed myself. But I will say this: my arthritis pain is really diminished when I stick with it, and my face is healing. So there!

                                Best wishes to all - PMom congrats on the car - GMan, Honk Honk back atcha - Rusty thanks for asking after me - sending everyone great spring energy today --
                                to the light

