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April AF Flock

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    April AF Flock

    Good morning Honkers! A big Honk Honk to you all!

    Caper--Great job staying sober while others were drinking. And you probably had just as much fun.

    Lav--I love Corgis! He's so pretty. And a chicken pillow? Who would have seen that coming? :H

    Pap--What cute buttons! Love them. And hooray for finding your phone.

    Rustop--Did you see the story last week on 60 Minutes by Sanjay Gupta about sugar? He had an MRI done on his brain while being fed a sugary liquid. The changes in his brain was the same that you would see with someone using cocaine! No doubt it is addictive IMO.

    Hello to Guitarista and everyone else! :h


      April AF Flock

      Hi Cyn, I cross posted with you. I have rosacea too. It used to be much more pronounced when I was drinking (obviously). Wow, such a restricted diet must be difficult!

      I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing well. Mine was 80-years-old when she had her surgery. The day before the surgery she was driving a car, holding down a family job, and living on her own. :upset:


        April AF Flock

        Hi Honkers!

        Honk honk to everybody!

        Lav, contrats on your doggie and I also love the name Matilda! My grandmother (RIP) had named a duck matilda when I was a young girl. Also another named Petunia and I have always loved those names for animals Good luck! Also, thanks for the TUT link...I have signed up for the email notes and checked out his website. I remember him from the book and movie, The Secret. This stuff is totally up my alley, thanks for sharing! I get "Secret Scrolls" from Rhonda Byrne's site weekly, so the daily thoughts will be a nice addition to that! Also, congrats on your weight loss!

        Sunshine, I always love your barn photos. The window box is lovely, thanks for posting!

        Well, gotta get my butt in gear to get some cleaning done around here. Hi to everyone! Oh, and Chill, I didn't realize you were taking an online nutrition course? Funny, I was just talking with my husband last night about looking into that. I find that I am reading everything and anything I can in my spare time on nutrition...I even scoured his textbook for the course he teaches on phlebotomy because it has anatomy and physiology in it (and let me tell you most folks would find it to be pretty dry stuff) but I really am interested in it! Plus I kind of do this for a living at the health food store (helping customers with dietary issues and selecting the right supplements), so it would be only a benefit to myself and my employers to get a course under my belt! Good for you on the juice detox. I am also a black coffee hound...strong and no sugar, nothin'...just good old hot black (organic!) coffee. I don't think I could ever give it up but I am also finding more good things about drinking coffee in moderation due to it's high anti-oxidants and also as a mood elevator, so I don't think it's all bad as we are programmed to think. Besides, now that I have given up drinking, I gotta have one vice, right? LOL.

        Well, hope you all have a super day. I'm flying off but I'll be thinking of you all!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          April AF Flock

          Just sticking my beak in here to say how much I enjoy reading this thread, I love the spiritual feel to it, along with the nuggets of information and advice, I always have a pen and paper handy when I read to jot down a book or a website that one of you have spoken about.

          Keep up the good work, amazing people and an amazing thread.

          ps. Blonde, I LOVE your signature x
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            April AF Flock

            Thanks One2Many! I love yours too!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              April AF Flock

              (repost from Tuesday's thread)

              LVT25, just was reading up on yesterday's thread and wanted to send my support your way...quite a string of sadness in your life lately with the friends experiencing the AL problems leading to destroying their health and lives...with so much to live for. AL sucks, period. Also, the long ago BF calling like that...very strange. I know my hubby wouldn't go for that. He's not the jealous type but I know he would be concerned for me. Hoping you will read this and know that I am thinking of you! Best, BlondeAF
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                April AF Flock

                one2many;1291292 wrote: Just sticking my beak in here to say how much I enjoy reading this thread, I love the spiritual feel to it, along with the nuggets of information and advice, I always have a pen and paper handy when I read to jot down a book or a website that one of you have spoken about.

                Keep up the good work, amazing people and an amazing thread.

                ps. Blonde, I LOVE your signature x
                Hey there! You wouldn't believe how much my Bookmark page has grown since joining this site. :H


                  April AF Flock

                  Evening Guys
                  I found a beautiful clip of us...........

        [/video]]Geese Sing Perfect Day - YouTube

                  Oney - Lovely to see you drop by! You have posted many nuggets of wisdom of your own which have blown me away. You would make a wonderful writer.

                  Cyn - Im in awe of your disciplined diet and very encouraged about what you have found re the arthritis. Whenever I feel like snacking im eating load of almonds and they seem to take the egde right off my hunger.

                  Lav - we had a beagle many years ago, they are quite mad and have an incredible amount of energy! Liked your corgi pic, I wonder if the Queen allows her's on the sofa's

                  Its my last day at work tomorrow! Yoo hoo! Of course all week I have been thinking how much I like my job :H Will I look back later this year with regret for my recklessness? Stepping into the unknown is very scary but regrets.... nah! Worse to look back and always wonder "what if I had..."
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    April AF Flock

                    Worse to look back and always wonder "what if I had..."
                    You are so right Chill. :l


                      April AF Flock

                      Good luck chillgirl in your new adventure,You have done so much and come so far, x :-)

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        April AF Flock

                        Hello goosers!

                        Cyn... I have to agree with Chill... I'm just in awe of your self discipline. I cannot imagine being that restricted in my diet. How is your mum doing?

                        Fly.. so sorry to hear about your mom, as well. Sigh. My mom passed away just over a year ago and while we knew 'something wasn't right' both my dad and I blamed the ridiculous amount and variety of medications. An autopsy revealed advanced stage of Alzheimer's

                        Chilli... the 'I don't want to be 50 and wonder what if..' is pretty much how I ended up in Canada :H Wishing you smooth sailing for your move.

                        A couple of weeks ago I had a mini melt down remembering my mare who died as a result of an accident a year ago. The anniversary date was yesterday and it passed without any further upheaval (or drinking thoughts, etc.). I feel on solid ground again. Thank you all for letting me express that sort of stuff here.

                        Hello to big bum, Mr. G and all you regulars!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          April AF Flock

                          Me again.

                          I just had a most mysterious package delivered. Remember the work issue I had last weekend? Well, my client sent me a huge basket of Mrs. Field's Cookies as a thank you.

                          Kinda made my day.. although.. COOKIES? Really? Sigh. They won't survive the night. Well, at least not all of them :H
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            April AF Flock

                            chill-congrats on your last day of work!! I'm so proud of you for taking this life by the horns and moving forward! It would have been so easy to just keep on with the status quo!

                            Lav-did I miss a pic of Matilda somehow?

                            Oney-so good to see you pop in! Honk honk!!

                            For everyone who has lost their mum: :l :l I lost my mum to alzeihmers in 96.

                            We are having quite the storm right now-totally unexpected! Very high winds and driving torrential rain! Where the heck did that come from? it was so gorgeous all day!!

                            Glad I'm safe and sound inside but not looking forward to drying off wet dogs in a few hours!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              April AF Flock

                              Hail to the Flock!

                              This place is jumpin! I've been finding it hard to post the past week or so - it takes me a while to read through the latest happenings and then when I do get ready to put my two cents worth in, hubby decides he wants to get on the computer! Now this is a person who basically has no idea how these things work. I have to get him onto the internet and google and then he one-fingers it from there:H Of course he has no idea I'm on here so even if I'm in the middle of posting, I usually exit quickly - sheesh!

                              Anywho - sounds like a lot here are experiencing the cold/allergy yuckies - several of my friends/co-workers have gotten a hold of a very nasty bug (hopefully they will not pass it on to me!) Hope all who are feeling under the weather get better soon.

                              Chill - you are truly an inspiration to those that are sometimes afraid to try new things or take chances. Wish I could be more like you - I'm trying!

                              Lav - bet you can't wait until you bring your new little addition home! Glad everyone seems to be getting along well.

                              Papmom - strange that you are getting bad storms there.

                              Gotta run - hubby is entering the building!

                              Have a great AF night everyone!
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                                April AF Flock

                                Sunni - now we're goosers? :H :H Love it!
                                Hope those cookies are fabulous!

                                Chill, hope you have a great last day at work
                                New beginnings are exciting!!!!
                                My Corgi 'grandson' is leaving hair on everthing......I'm sure the Queen doesn't have to vacuum up after hers :H

                                Mario, Oney, Fly - greetings!

                                papmom - this is the pic of Matilda I posted a few days ago.

                                Jolie, I am excited about getting Matilda. The last two dogs were both adults when they arrived. It's been a long time since I started out with a puppy. After all the baby care I've been doing the past 3 1/2 years I think i'm prepared

                                Have a great night all!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

