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April AF Flock

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    April AF Flock

    OMG, Lav, that doggie is SWEET! I missed that photo also so thanks for reposting! So cute! You must be having a ball and I bet so is she!

    Hi Jolie! Glad you checked in! I try to get on the abbers section at least once a day but the other MWO sections I go almost a week without checking in. But on my days off, like today, I try to catch up as best as I can. Good to see you on here!

    Well, my eyes are a bit strained now as I've been on the computer more than I said I was going to be today. It's all good though. Now I'm off to bed with a cup of Sleepytime and a book. Hope you all have a great evening!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      April AF Flock

      Oh lav-so so cute! I think you're ready for a puppy too! Can't wait to watch her grow up!

      Jolie-hi girl!! So glad you popped in. I know all about getting behind on the posts. Some weeks I can't even remember how I got to Saturday nite :H!

      Storm is over but still raining a bit. It was a narrow band that passed through-Blonde it must be getting to you by now-and there wasn't supposed to be residual rain but what do they know? Not complaining tho as we are under a high fire risk these days.

      Speaking of which, one of the towns hit hard by the tornado last June 1st is now battling a bad brush fire which is very close to some of the rebuilt homes. Praying the fire fighters are successful. Tornadoes and wildfires are not the norm around here so this is kind of scary.

      Too tired for tea even so off to bed I dotter.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        April AF Flock

        Evening/Morning all -

        Chill - have a great last day of work. You have overcome so much in that job, and as always made it such a success for yourself. So today for you is a new fly path, a new destination. You know that we'll all be right behind you, honking our support!

        Great to hear from you, Mario and Oney. Fly, so sorry to hear about your Mom, what a shock and a long journey. I wish you strength to deal with it all. I'm so lucky that my mom is recovering well this time. RE: rosacea, you too?! I'm reading about supplements (hiya Blonde) for various 'issues', and guess what - the recommended supplements are the same for everything that I deal with health-wise. Do I see a pattern here? Lots of inflammation. It's up to me to take care of it...

        PMom - you got rain? I saw the clouds, but we only got a few drops...I hope soon we have a serious rain storm, we need it here.

        Sunni - I meant to say this morning how great it is to see your glorious barn, and all your gardening efforts. I'm sure that the anniversary of the passing of your mare was painful - glad you were able to get through it. Please post more about you 'working' the horses! I'm mad about horse-work (even more than riding - though I wanted to click my heels and appear at your doorstep for a riding lesson.) What books are your favorite about 'communicating' with horses? I'd like eventually to work with horses (possibly equine massage therapy?), so at the moment I'm trying to learn as much as I can until I can explore more training...thanks for any recommendations.

        Wishing all a good night, and Rustop, Sooty, G-bloke, Chill and whomever else a great start to the day --
        to the light


          April AF Flock

          Good Morning Flock

          A very quick fly by from me as would you believe I slept in! My phone, which is also my alarm clock switched itself off. No time for reiki this morning :upset:

          I just had to say LAV! OMG she is adorable, I never saw the photo last week. She looks a little bit border terrier too. How old is she and when do you bring her home?

          Cyn - Inflammation!!! Its my new no.1 subject! I can't believe how much it affects us all and no one seems aware of it. So many illness's could be improved if this was treated. I have 3 new books to read just on this very subject. I really think its probably going to be my main study focus for my course assignments. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this subject.

          Cant believe I slept in on my last day at work! Grrghh!
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            April AF Flock

            Good morning everyone

            Papmom - storms seems to be in the air. My cousin and family were due to sail last night from England and get here this morning. I got a text at 6am saying their sailing was cancelled due to bad weather and they were in the middle of trying to re-book. Had everything got for big cooked breakfast. Hope they now make it for dinner.

            Chill - good luck with your last day at work. Love what Cyn said about flyng a new path.

            Mario and Oney - Welcome, love both of your posts. You both speak a lot of sense, it is great that people like yourselves stick around the site.

            Lav - now you have me puppy broody, sigh!!! We got both our dogs as pups, a lot of work but as you say, with babies more of the same. I also think it will be nice for this little one to grow up with the grandkids.

            Have most of my cleaning done so going to go on a nice long walk. Had not expected to get one in so this is a bonus.

            Have a great day everyone.



              April AF Flock

              Good morning to all on this cooler Thursday...

              No rain here, but we need it, just cold, I had to turn the heat back on, darn!

              Chill, there are always some regrets, no matter what we do. I miss some of my friends at my old job, but that is about it. I have to say that with each change I have made, it is a move forward and I feel that it is the same for you. You had to get out of Portugal for a time, and although it has been a mixed bag, you have done so well for yourself.

              Sunni, you made it through an emotionally difficult time, asked for support, and are now on the other side. Grieving just hits in waves, powerful and intense.

              Cyn, so sorry for your health issues, what a limited eating plan, but if it works, it must be what your body needs. I continue to wonder what they are putting in food, I do not remember reactions to diet in the past. I too have noticed sensitivity to different foods and also really limit dairy.

              This is such a fun, informative, supportive thread, hello to visitors and of course to Lav, Pap, Rusty, Rusttop, chill, Sunni, Blonde, SD, Fly, Guitarista, Jolie, Sped, Dil, Sooty, and everyone!!!
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                April AF Flock

                Morning flock,

                Star - we are a tad cooler here today too but looks like Easter is going to be beautiful i nthe upper 60's. I'll take it.

                Lav - I just want to eat that puppy up!

                Rustop - trying to get a walk in with the doggies every night - it's not a long one but I still feel better afterwards. I think it's time to get the bike out

                Chill - last day on the job can be an emotional one - hope all goes well for you there.

                Sunni - I'm with Cyn - your barn is absolutely beautiful as well as the flowers!

                Pap - how's the new wheels? I got a new vehicle the week before Christmas and I am still lovin that new car feeling (and smell )

                Today is my Friday - yay! Stopping after to work today to look at washing machines - mine died 2 days ago. Anyone have any suggestions? The guy at the store said the front loading machines are on their way out because people aren't buying them. Looking at a top loading energy saving model - just hubby and me so there isn't an excessive amount of laundry like there was when the kids were there. Anywho - I'm seeing lots of $$$ as I'm going to go ahead and get the matching dryer as well (my dryer is old and knowing my luck, would probably give out the day after I bring a new washer home :H)

                Hope everyone who drops by makes it a wonderful day!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  April AF Flock

                  Good Morning Growing Geese Flock,

                  It IS growing, isn't it? Wow, it looks like we have some new members of our flock! Great to see you Oney and Mario!

                  I'm home for the rest of the week! WHOO WHOO!!!

                  Fly-did I miss something? Did your mom pass away? I sifted through some of your previous posts but I couldn't find where you mentioned it. I am soooo sorry if she did pass away. She was/is lucky to have a lovely daughter like you.

                  Jolie-hey, woman....great to see you! You asked about washers/dryers....I have Maytags....they came with my condo....and knock on wood....they are at least 20 years old and still kicking. I absolutely love mine, They are not front-end loaders, and actually, I do not care for front-end loaders. One of the reasons is....if you forget to add a piece or pieces of clothing that need to be washed, after you've turned on the can't do that. Another reason is that sometimes, you might want to soak something in bleach for several hours and you can't do that with front end loaders. Just my two cents. .

                  Lav, Matilda is soooo fun to have a puppy in the house. She looks so soft. Now you have a new baby, in addition to Maxie and the three granddogs!:H

                  Cyn-so sorry to hear about the rosacea....that must be so painful!...:lthat diet sounds so restrictive and I give you lots of credit for sticking to it. Re: probably don't eat any dairy (including yogurt, etc.) but my daughter told me that dairy is the WORST thing you can eat if you have any kind of inflammation. With's my neck, and I think she's right. For what it's worth, I had some redness in my face because of drinking, and I buy Vivite from my doctor, and it has worked wonders. It has also worked for her teenage son, who has pretty bad acne.

                  Rustop-your friends were going to SAIL over? That blew me away. Sorry they have to postpone their plans. Enjoy your walk.

                  Sunni-I love your is absolutely beautiful. I thought of you yesterday. There's a magazine I get that features local women, and there's a story about a woman who has therapy horses. This woman looks a lot like you, and she finds her work with handicapped riders very rewarding.

                  Pap-how's the new car?

                  Chill-you sound so relieved to be free of that job....I am proud of the way you just march on to the next adventure.

                  Blonde-I'm with you and Chill-I love my coffee strong and cream or sugar. Why ruin a great cup of coffee with cream and sugar?:H

                  A cheery hello to anyone I may have missed: Star, Dill, LBH, Shelley, Mr. G:h, Sooty....have a fabulous AF Thursday!


                    April AF Flock

                    Morning Gang,

                    Rusty, ditto are my thoughts of ruining a good cup of java with tainting it with cream or sugar...bleh! I started taking mine black back in my early 20's and never looked back!

                    Chill, Kudos on taking such a will surely pan out to be rewarding for you and I couldn't agree don't want to look back and say "What if"... Good luck my friend!

                    Rusty, interesting what you said about dairy and inflammation...never heard that before. I don't suffer from any inflammation luckily but I will pass that tidbit along when I hear of someone who does. Food is our best medicine, it really is. What we eat and sometimes, more importantly, what we DON'T.

                    Well, off to check the Thursday thread! I have today off and than have to work Friday and Saturday....a bonus this week is having Sunday off for Easter! Dinner with our family in the afternoon but at least Hubs and I have the morning off, which is rare. I'm making French Toast!!!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      April AF Flock

                      Good morning (what's wrong with goosers, Lav?) :H

                      Cyn, I have pretty much forsaken all other horse trainers besides Chris Irwin. I took Atlas to him last Spring and the results were astonishing. That's where we are going the last weekend in April, too. The difference between Chris and all the others is that there are no gimmicks. No 'special' equipment (crops, reins, whatever), what he teaches is very simply how to read your horse, how to be proactive and how to learn to be its leader. My friend and riding coach is a certified CI trainer... that's how I caught on. In May I'm taking Trouble to a clinic here on the island with another CI trainer. Additionally, she teaches 'Centered Riding'... I'm really looking forward to it.

                      Thanks everyone for the barn comments It's been in the works for such a long time and it's just awesome to see it come together now. My vet walked in yesterday afternoon, looked around the tack room and said "Christ, can I move in with you?" :H

                      Ya'll gonna look down yer noses on me... but coffee MUST be accompanied by French Vanilla cream. Mmmmm. Mocca would be preferable but the stores don't have that anymore. Boohoo.

                      Chilli.. I hope your last day goes well!

                      Jolie.. if you can spend the money, I used to looooove my front loading Maytag Neptune! It doesn't fit in the basement here, so I sold it with my house. Sigh. Careful though... are you in the US? Those machines have had major problems with the seal when built in the US. What is sold here, is built by European standards and I never had an issue. Oh.. I just read that Rusty doesn't like front loaders :H I can't bleach anything in the machine because we're using a septic system.. so that never occurred to me.

                      Rustop, where are your friends sailing from? What a great way to travel! Hope they make it for dinner.

                      Lav, you must be getting excited about Matilda's arrival! You're a brave lady. I can do babies but I don't think I want to house train a puppy again! On the other hand, who could resist such a gorgeous handful of fur? I'll just enjoy her from over here and let you deal with the work part :H

                      Jolie.. funny about your hubby. Mr. Wonderful knows about MWO but if he threatens to come within reading distance, I change windows... I feel very protective of all of you and what we share here.

                      Ok, I better get myself together. This afternoon, a sick peanut (grandson) and possibly on her way to sick daughter are arriving and I have some cleaning and baby proofing to do

                      Have a great day, everyone!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        April AF Flock

                        Good morning Honkers

                        Boy am I ever lazy this morning but that's OK. I always seem to be able to turn the energy on when needed

                        cyn & others - thought you may want to see this:
               The National Rosacea Society

                        I think our environment has a huge impact on our well being!

                        No rain here although we need some. I hear we are already almost 5" short & that's unusual for these parts.

                        Chill, Matilda's mother is a mix but looks mainly Beagle like. The pups really look nothing like her so it will be a mystery, honestly. The pups will be 8 weeks old on Saturday. I would go pick her up then but I have my grandson's 1st BD party to attend that day (will be gone most of the day). So Monday will be pick up day

                        Greetings to Blondie, papmom, rustop, Rusty, Jolie, Dill, Sunni, LBH, Shelley, SD & all of you!!!
                        Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thirsday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          April AF Flock

                          Fly-did I miss something? Did your mom pass away? I sifted through some of your previous posts but I couldn't find where you mentioned it. I am soooo sorry if she did pass away. She was/is lucky to have a lovely daughter like you.
                          Rusty no, my mom is still alive. I'm not sure where I posted about it here but in 2008 she was 80 years old, living on her own, and working. She has had bowel obstruction surgery in the past due to adhesions from a hysterectomy she had several years before. Well she ended up with another bowel obstruction. They had to do emergency surgery on her and she never really recovered from the surgery. She seemed very confused in the hospital and we talked to the doctor about it at the time, but he just attributed it to her being old and in a new setting. He said it wasn't unusual for this to happen and that she'd return to normal once she got back to her old environment. After 10 days she was able to come home, but was too weak to be on her own. My sister and I took care of her thinking that she would eventually be able to move back to her house. We walked her, bathed her, exercised her, etc. She stayed at our houses for 2 years while she steadily declined. Dementia came on very quickly. We had to have a baby monitor in her bedroom at night because she'd get up and start wandering. You couldn't leave a room for 5 minutes without her getting confused about what was going on and getting up and trying to get out the door, or even worse turning on the cooktop.

                          She ended up sick and vomiting again one day and we thought it was another bowel obstruction. Took her to the hospital where they rested her bowel. She recovered but by the time she was able to leave she was so weak that she couldn't walk. The hospital sent her to a rehab facility for PT. We asked them at the facility if they could use some kind of soft restraint for her wheelchair because she couldn't remember that she wasn't strong enough to walk on her own. She kept trying to get up. They told us that it was against the law to restrain her. Within 2 days she got up on her own and fell face first into the edge of her nightstand. She crushed her orbital socket and sustained mild brain damage. She went back to the hospital, but they couldn't operate on her because of her fragile state at that time. So after a few days the hospital sent her back to the home for PT. Once again they wouldn't restrain her and within the week she got up on her own and fell and broke her pelvis. She can no longer walk and my sister and I can't lift her, so she's permanently living in a nursing home now. Oh and by the way, after breaking her pelvis they now leave a tray in front of her on her wheelchair so that she can't try to get up. :upset:

                          This all started in September of 2008. We cared for her for 2 years until the broken pelvis. She now weighs 86 pounds and is on hospice. She doesn't know my name any longer.

                          Her greatest fear was losing her sanity. She had an aunt who ended up with severe dementia and she told me that her greatest fear was ending up like her. My mom was a woman who always took care of everything and everyone. She prided herself on that. It's painful to see her as a prisoner in this body. Although I will be sad, I will also celebrate the day when she can finally be free and be with my father.


                            April AF Flock

                            Hi, Guys,

                            This is my first (ever) post here. I've been an occasional visitor for a couple of years, I think. Always looking for that magic post that would inspire me. Well, April 3 was another Day 1 for me. One of many Day 1s. Day 2s, 3s and beyond - not so many.

                            I've been reading April AF Flock every day since and haven't had a drink. Not an accomplishment, but a start. And I feel great. I can't believe how close, welcoming and supportive you all are. I hope I can join you, and stop just sitting on the sidelines.

                            Fly's post really make my heart go out to her, and prompted me to write. Moms are special people and I hope it's appropriate to add her (and you and your family, Fly) to my prayer list. I'm sorry to hear that yours has been through such pain. I wish you peace.

                            Thanks for extending such a warm welcome to newbies.


                              April AF Flock

                              Oh Fly :l I'm so sorry. How heart breaking for you and your sister.

                              Welcome Bouv! And, I don't mean to bust yer bubble, but EVERY day AF is an accomplishment Well done. We all started with day one.

                              Ok, back to whatever it is I was supposed to do now. Having one of those days where I put something down and then spend 10minutes looking for it after :H
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                April AF Flock

                                Hello & welcome Bouv57.
                                Wow, we could be neighbors?? We'll talk about that when you're ready
                                Glad you decided to join us & congrats on your decision to kick AL out of your life. Let us know how we can help.

                                Fly, so sorry about your Mom. Having worked in health care all my life I've seen so many people go through similar circumstances. Restraining patients is a thing of the past but there are other ways to try to keep them safe. I hope your Mom is comfortable during this time. Moms are special, lost mine 25 years ago, she was only 65.

                                Wanted to post another link re inflammation (you know I'm always good for links )
                                Best and Worst: Top 10 Most Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Foods! | Clean Convenient Cuisine
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

