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April AF Flock

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    April AF Flock

    Hi Flockingtons,

    Chill- I def.need to check that book out! I have 10 pounds that like me but I don't like them.

    Lav- feel better!

    Night night!
    AF since 2/22/2012


      April AF Flock

      Hey Chill, embarking on another exciting journey huh? Good for you

      Almost, I am pretending to feel better today so I have gotten some stuff done
      You know ~ fake it until you make it :H

      I have an appointement to take Maxie & go visit the new pup Matilda tomorrow. I hope we all get along well so I will be able to bring her home next Monday. I'm excited, love puppies & all the busy stuff that goes along with them
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        April AF Flock

        Honk Honk! I'm feeling fine!


          April AF Flock

          Glad to hear that - Honk Honk to you too Fly
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            April AF Flock

            And a hearty HONK from over here as well :hallo:

            'Twas a beautiful day... I did get a few good hours of work in but I also got to prepare another flower bed at the barn *whoohoo* And so, the transplanting begins I've had a few plants pegged for moving to the barn this spring and tonight I dug up about 5 and introduced them to their new home. Love love LOVE Spring!

            All's well otherwise. I think I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight And on that note... Have a wonderful night everyone!

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              April AF Flock

              Nighty night!


                April AF Flock

                :bedtime: Just a quick "Honk-honk" here too before I call it a night!!

                Shout out for Dill too!!:sup: Are you guys getting ready for State testing?? That's what we are doing for the next week or two here...poor kids!!

                No word on the job...been thinking a lot about whether it's something I want to do?? Ugh...I hate not knowing....and waiting!!:H
                Good night all....tomorrow is Biggest Loser make overs...yea!!!!! SO excited...I lead such a simple life!!! It takes so little to amuse me!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  April AF Flock

                  Morning Guys & Geese

                  Lav - oooh puppies! The very thought makes me feel all gooey inside, i didn't get the maternal instinct but I definitely got the "dogernal" one.

                  SD - I hope you don't mind me saying this but to me your uncertainty about the job tells me its not for you. Unless you have a gut feeling you really want it then the doubt you have is there for a reason. When we listen to our intuition we are rarely wrong.

                  Have a terrific Tuesday eveyone
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    April AF Flock

                    Good morning to all...

                    Chill, I will definitely have to download the J. Vale book slim for life. I was greatly influenced by his quit the drink book, and I am impressed that you feel so good both physically and mentally. Wow, that is great. Also, good for you on your nutritional studies, is it an online course? How interesting, I truly believe what we eat affects everything and also feel like crap when I eat sugar and preservatives. It is so interesting about your mindset of living in the now, it is something that I can also work on.

                    Lav and Blonde, feel better, a stuffy nose is no fun.

                    SD, changing jobs is so huge, it will be interesting to see what the outcome is for you. I will be at my new place of employment for a year next month. I knew, without a doubt, that it was right for me. I accepted as soon as I was offered the position, and gave notice, even though it was a risk. I had to emotionally, I was ready.

                    To all, have a terrific Tuesday
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      April AF Flock

                      Good morning!
                      SD- I'm with Stargazer on this Chill on this.
                      However, I am a person who really dislikes starting new jobs with a passion. On the outside I'm cool as a cucumber but inside is a whole different matter. Maybe you just have some anxiety over it?

                      Happy honking Tuesday all!
                      AF since 2/22/2012


                        April AF Flock

                        Hello all -
                        Quick jump on to say that I was away last week - got a call that my mom went into the hospital last Monday. Scrambled around getting the house/dogs ready, finding a sitter, making plane reservations, etc and got myself to NE. Just arrived back here in the east yesterday evening. Mom is out of the hospital, doing better, so that crisis has passed. I now see that I need to plan a trip every other month or so to go be with her and check things out...planning will be key - the last minute flight $$ was astonishing. Will read back and catch up - hope all are well --
                        to the light


                          April AF Flock

                          Hi Flyers!

                          Happy April 3rd! Celebrating my 42nd day (so glad day 40 fell on April 1st...makes counting so much

                          Lav, sorry to hear you are sick too. This cold sucks. Thought I had kicked it over the weekend but yesterday it came back with a vengeance. Came home last night, had dinner...took a hot bath with a eucalyptus bath fizzie and went straight to bed. Slept great though. Taking a homeopathic remedy called CF and it's working well I think. I'm rarely sick with a cold so I get cranky when I am faced with one...grrrrrhhhh. Oh well, one more day of work and I'll be off for 2 days, thank goodness. It's been rough trying to function at work with a nose faucet!

                          Hope everyone else is doing well. The good news is that I am no longer thinking of AL every day the sense that I am thinking of drinking it that is. Like the witching hour is no longer "witching". I do think about it in terms of knowing more about it's affects on us to arm myself with it's negative karma whenever I may have those fleeting thoughts. If that makes any sense.

                          Off to work I go, hope you all have a wonderful day! LB, happy belated birthday girl!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            April AF Flock

                            Honk! Honk!
                            Cyn, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she is feeling much better. Those last minute airfares are awful!

                            I am in New Orleans with baby Emerson and my daughter and SIL. This is my first opportunity in days to log on and it is in an Ipad. I'm very awkward with the key pad so will just say Hello and then, like Cyn, will go back and get caught up with posts.

                            Lav, thanks for getting April Flock started!

                            AF in New Orlean, now there's a singular spot! But a good one.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              April AF Flock

                              Good afternoon everyone

                              Busy morning for me. Walk, weight watchers and then Meals on Wheels. I am now gaining weight, own fault. Like Chill mentioned, the evil sugar. I think I just need to cut it out completely. Any tips Chill? On top of that our electric gate broke but luckily my car was out so now have to wait at home until somebody comes to fix it.

                              Cyn - glad your mother is ok. The airlines really take advantage of the last minute trips dont they.

                              Dill - enjoy your Mimom time. It is a lovely phase to be at.

                              Everyone else big hello and enjoy the rest of the day.



                                April AF Flock

                                Good morning, all!

                                Just checking in quickly. Have colored my hair, noe need to deal with my nails. They get pretty messed up when I'm at the flower shop:H Have my job interview at 2:00, and so hoping I get the job. Glad I am not looking for another career, just a part time job to get me out of the house and earning a bit of money. Hubby is getting everything ready for tax man, and with all the money spent on detox/rehabs last year, coupled with DUI legal expenses--could have had a complete facelift and more All that is in the past, and I feel so good about having 4 1/2 months now. Don't take anything for granted, that's for sure!
                                I had an allergy day yesterday, too, and spent most of it sneezing blowing my nose and itching my eyes. Got some allergy relief eye drops--says prescription stength--and those seem to be helping. And now have a pain in my right hip/back from limping around favoring my left foot! Have a massage scheduled tomorrow to see if it helps. A year ago i was doing step aerobics, Zumba, etc. Now I am lucky to make the treadmill:upset:
                                Can't wait to see pics of Matilda and Maxie, lav!
                                Hope you all have a good AF day!
                                "One day at a time."

