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April AF Flock

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    April AF Flock

    Aw Bouv, thanks for the prayers. And good for you for getting through day one. Now let's talk about day 2! :H What are you doing to help yourself get through this? Are you taking any supplements, reading any books, hypnosis CDs, etc.? You don't have to strong-arm your way through this. I hope you keep posting and make your plan for sobriety.

    Lav when I saw "southeast PA" under Bouv's name I thought the same thing! Another neighbor. I'm not surprised to see alcohol on the Inflammatory list of foods, but hate to admit that dairy is one. Cheese, cheese, my beautiful cheese! I can't give cheese up! I had brie in my omelet this morning. :h

    Sunni I hate days like that! Walking into a room and thinking, "what the hell did I come in here for?" We had a plumber doing some work at our house a couple weeks ago in our kitchen. I came walking into the kitchen and stopped. I said, "Dammit, I know I came downstairs for 2 things. One was a trash bag and I can't remember what the other thing is." He said, "Oh, you have Halfs-heimers. You remember what you're doing half the time. I have it too." :H


      April AF Flock

      Welcome Bouv, I think you will find as others are discovering on this thread that giving up alcohol opens up over time so many areas of life experience that were overshadowed by it. It is just one thing but its suppresses so much of what is possible for us. This thread tends to be reflective, and I am glad you are going to be here too. Thank you Fly for telling us about your mother, her life force must be huge for her to have endured all of that and still live on. I would like to think that deep inside she must be finding something sweet or fascinating that keeps her going in spite of what her circumstances look like to us on the outside. I lost my mother when I was in my twenties and before she died she was in a coma for a couple of weeks, seemingly unresponsive but who knows what she might have experienced, I certainly wished I could have had a peek at it with her. We shall each be thinking of you. Love, Ladybird. PS. Sunni, your barn is glorious.
      may we be well


        April AF Flock

        Thank you all; I feel welcomed already.

        I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was 19 and she was only 52; that was 35 years ago, and I still feel like she was the biggest influence in my life. Miss her every day.

        Sunni, you didn't burst my bubble; every AF day IS an accomplishment. I just didn't realize that. Thank you. People tell me that I tend to be hard on myself. LOL

        I don't have a formal plan in place yet, but I feel tons of positive energy supporting me. My tough time is at the end of the work day. On this past Tuesday and Wednesday, I had places that I needed to be after work and, by the time I got home, the desire had passed and I felt a glow. Previously, I would have stopped for a few glasses of wine between work and my other activities. Today - Day 3 - my goal is to head straight home, be productive and prepare for Day 4. I'll let you know!

        Thanks again, everyone.


          April AF Flock

          My dad died from cancer when I was 16 and he was 54, over 30 years ago. My mom has been my only parent for a long time and she did a great job. It's hard to see her like this.

          After work was my drinking time too. My work shifts fluctuate and I never crave booze while at work, but the minute I'd walk in the door after work regardless of time my brain thought it was time to get my drink on. I was just over in the "What We're Reading" area listening to a review of the book called The Power of Habit that was broadcast on NPR. There's definitely a corollary there.


            April AF Flock

            ladybirdheart;1292150 wrote: Welcome Bouv, I think you will find as others are discovering on this thread that giving up alcohol opens up over time so many areas of life experience that were overshadowed by it. It is just one thing but its suppresses so much .
            Honk, honk!

            Well said LBH, and great to see you.

            Welcome Bouv! Here's some essential reading if you haven't discovered this thread yet.


            Yep, fantastic barn GG. Congratulations!

            Wishing everyone a happy easter to those who celebrate it, and a great weekend. :h

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              April AF Flock

              Good Evening Fabulous AF April Flockmites!

              Ooh la feels so good to be home....and this used to be cocktail/dinner, it's time for NCIS. If Mark Harmon ever decides Pam Dawber doesn't do a thing for him anymore, I'm available!:H

              Hello, Bouv!:welcome: How sad that you lost your mom at such an early age. You, too, must be very strong to have lived all these years without her. I cannot imagine life without my mother. She still takes care of me and I'm 51. Ladybird is right. This is a very reflective thread. We are also very compassionate and superficial conversation is not what we're I'm sure you'll fit right in.

              Fly:H:l, the story about your mom is absolutely heartbreaking. I know you and your sister don't regret taking care of her, and I so know how you feel about your wanting your mom to be at peace, and how happy she would be if she were with your dad. You must be a very strong person to have devoted the time you did for her.

              I just wanted to mention something. As most of you know, I travel all over the world, and I really have noticed that less people are drinking. I don't know if it's the cost....especially on a plane....$7 for cheap wine (no thanks), or if it's fear of getting a DUI. I have several new clients and a few of them have never drunk. Or, they drank when they were in their 20s, and now that they're in their 40s and 50s....they've decided it's something that young, stupid people do...but it's not an activity for adults. It kinda reminds me of that song by Huey Lewis and the News...."Hip to Be Square." I think it's great that we get unintentional support to be AF.

              Lav, when do you get to pick up Matilda? Gosh, I feel like we should throw you a baby shower ;-)

              Ok, I need to get back to work. A cheery hello to everyone! SD, check in please! Have a lovely AF night!


                April AF Flock

                Aw Rusty, a puppy shower for me?? :H :H
                Thanks, that would be a hoot :H
                I probably could use some hand & ankle armor to keep her puppy teeth from sinking in & doing too much damage Matilda will be arriving on Monday.

                I've noticed most people 50 & over doing little to no drinking these days too - and that's a good thing!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  April AF Flock

                  Just wanted to say that I'm going away overnight tomorrow and might not have time to check in. Don't be surprised if I'm missing a day or two.


                    April AF Flock

                    Late fly-by Honkers!

                    Daughter and Peanut arrived safely... albeit both sick. Whaddaya wanna bet, they'll leave some of their cooties here!? Missy also brought her ugly dog :H Actually, I have to admit, he' not quite as homely looking 'in person' as in pictures. He was apparently rather stressed throughout the 2 hour drive and the amount of hair left in my truck is nothing short of epic! And I thought Shelby was bad!

                    So, for Lav's puppy shower.. are we bringing liver cakes? :H
                    Fly... yep. I'm a member of the Halfs-heimers! :H
                    Rusty, treasure your mum. I'm so glad you still have yours :l

                    Ok, off to bed for this old bird. Sleep tight, everyone!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      April AF Flock

                      Good Morning and a happy Good Friday to you all

                      So now I'm unemployed but of course it hasn't sunk in that I won't be going back to the office again, it will just feel like I'm on vacation for a while until the previous routine fades from my life.

                      Rusty - its good to hear you observations on drinking as we get older, i feel its very hip to be square and I feel I'm as cool now as I ever was

                      FlyAway - enjoy your few days away, i just read your story about your dear Mom and my heart goes out to you. I often wonder why it is these day so many cling on to life for so long when sadly our minds are elsewhere, its one of these mysteries I feel that one day we will understand. Im just glad you are now coping with all of this sober.

                      Bouv - A BIG welcome to you. That early evening witching hour was my hardest too and its important to keep very busy till it passes. Weekends too are danger times so it definitely helps to have a plan on how to change your usual routine. Also if you are going to have to be around others drinking an early exit plan is a good call.

                      What is everyone up to for Easter then? I have a spin class this morning, then lunch with my folks and if the rain holds off a beach walk early evening with my sweet Elle.

                      Im feeling pretty pleased that I have kept up my no chocolate for lent and although I will be over indulging on Sunday with my fav chocolate, Im not going to go back to eating it on a regular basis. I have noticeably felt so much better and have also proved to myself that after the initial couple of weeks to get used the change in habit, it has not been a hardship.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        April AF Flock

                        Good morning everyone and Happy Good Friday

                        Well my visitors arrived albeit 12 hours late. Rusty - I think when I said their sailing had been delayed, you had visions of them sailing on a yacht? Nothing so glamorous, just the normal Ferry sailing between England and Ireland, about 3.5 hours. The advantage is its cheap and you get to bring your car so you have it for the week. Nothing major planning, just letting the cousins hang out together and have fun. They are only here for a few days and then going west.

                        Bouv :welcome: good to have you on board. You will find that lots of us have so much in common. I too lost my Mom when I was 17.

                        Fly - Thank you for sharing that story about your Mom. You and your sister did all you could so no regrets. I think I know where you are coming from though. Your Mom was such a strong independent lady that she would hate to be left like this. That is so cruel.

                        Chill - You sound good. Enjoy unemployment. When do you go to England?

                        Lav - Puppy shower, yeah!! The chewing is a problem though, get out all those old shoes you no longer need.

                        Sunni - hope you dont catch any cooties. Its nice you have your family with you, hairs and all. I often wonder what it must be like to live in a pet free world. Maybe no hairs but you miss out on all that love, nah, I'll just keep vacuuming.

                        Everyone else have a great Easter and enjoy the week-end.



                          April AF Flock

                          Good morning friends!

                          :welcome: Bouv - So glad you have joined us! I'm so sorry that you lost your mom at such an early age - 19 is still really a baby in my eyes. The good feeling you get from not drinking is very powerful indeed. Feeling good about yourself and confident that you can indeed overcome the need to drink on a regular basis, is a huge accomplishment! Hope you stick around and come up with a good plan!

                          Rustop - hope you enjoy your company for however long they are with you.

                          Chill - peppermint patties are my weakness and I'm embarassed to admit that I keep a snack size bag in the fridge. That's my little treat after dinner. You are a strong one in my eyes to have given up chocolate for Lent.

                          Rusty - good observation and hopefully more and more will realize that drinking to excess (or for some, drinking at all) is just not a good thing.

                          Sunni - hope you don't catch their bug - I'd have the Lysol handy :H

                          Fly - have a good time - we look forward to hearing from you when you get back!

                          LBH - I totally agree with you - there are so many opportunities for us when our lives aren't consumed by the daily drink-clock - you know the clock that says - hey, it's that time again - time to take that first drink and slowly become comotose for the rest of the evening so that you wake up at 3:00 in the morning with your heart pounding wondering why you drank - yet again. Don't miss that feeling at all!

                          Lav - enjoy your last weekend before your new little puppy arrives! The amount of energy you have just amazes me - I hear keeping up with grandkids alone takes so much energy!

                          Waiting for my new washer and dryer to arrive (yahoo!) Does it sound a little weird to be so excited about getting to do laundry again

                          Anywho - son and dil are coming into town today - looks like it's going to be a beautiful weekend. Church tonight and then dinner with the family on Sunday.

                          hope everyone makes it a great and blessed Easter weekend!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            April AF Flock

                            Good morning April Honkers!

                            A bit chilly here this morning but it will be warming up later! I actually don't mind this weather because the heat sucks the energy out of me & I can't afford that

                            Sunni, I have some epic dog hair going on here as well. I had no idea a Corgi & a Piggy Swissy could make such a mess! Hope you enjoy your time with the kids - snot & all :H

                            FlyAway, have a great weekend & please travel safely!

                            Chill, enjoy your time off & family this weekend! Don't OD on chocolate bunnies this weekend

                            rustop, enjoy your visitors! Nice to hear that some families still enjoy each other's company. I just don't see mine anymore, for one reason or another although I wish I did. Nice that the cousins get to spend time together.

                            Jolie, I think these past three years with the grandkids has prepared me for the puppy energy about to enter my life. At least I hope so :H Hope you have a great weekend!

                            I'm off to Curves, then back here to make some food to take to my grandson Will's 1st BD party tomorrow. My daughter & family should be back from NC in time for the party tomorrow so I'm looking forward to a busy day with all of them.

                            OK, off I go! Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Friday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              April AF Flock

                              Good Friday Morning!!

                              Job update: There is NO update!!! :argh: Can you believe it?!? They said they would let me know by Thursday...and nothing..not one word?!?! Although, I've heard from 3 of my references that the school has called them for reference checks...what does that mean??? I was also told that one one the ladies I have as a reference hadn't gotten back to them...thanks a lot, right?! Of course, every scenario under the sun is playing out in my head...I've just kinda thought I didn't get it if it's been this long??? I think the reason I go back and forth is that I'm just so scared to go...all the what if's play out in my mind...what if the teachers don't like me, kids don't like me, they don't think I do a good job, I can't handle living somewhere "by myself" with no family around...I'm just scared...and of course the drinking scares me...and I only fail there if I let myself! I'm scared my son is going to hate me or that I'm not making the right decision for him even though he and I both know I've been SO unhappy at my job....(((SIGH)))....this is why I haven't posted...this is what goes through my head NONSTOP!! Sorry....It's all I can think about and not even sure if I EVEN need to be thinking about it at all?!?! CRAZINESS!!!:hitme:

                              Rusty--I feel so stupid that I didn't know you had a daughter??? How did I not know that?!!!! I honestly read that sentence twice and then back scrolled my computer to make sure I was still reading under your name!!!:H What the in the world did I miss that??! ((Please refer back to guy with hammer to my head in last paragraph!!)) LOL!!!

                              Lav--have this Easter weekend with your family and at your grandson's birthday party!!! You are like the ENERGIZER Easter just keep going and going and going.....
                              If I didn't already tell you..I LOVE your new little Matilda!!! ADORABLE!!!

                              Chill--how exciting to be starting yet another adventure and chapter in you life!! I SOOOOO admire how much courage, strength and confidence you have!!! I'm such a chicken sh*t!! Enjoy your "mini-vacation" and time with your family and then you'll be all set to face the world head on!! Enjoy your chocolate too--I CAN'T WAIT for my first double stuffed oreo cookie...or 6...been the longest 40 days without those babies!!! LOL!!!

                              Fly--:lSo sorry to hear about your mom..I can't even begin to imagine how hard that would be to go through!! I got a call back in November that my mom was having a heart attack...she is 64...everything turned out to be fine, both those few days were terrifying and a heart goes out to you and your sister for having the strength and love that only daughters could have for their mom to make sure someone so precious and dear to them is cared for with such loving hands.

                              Jolie--I was so excited when I got my new washer and dryer...I think it's awesome!!! I went around and FOUND things to wash!!! LOL!! Mine has all kinds of buttons and fancy things I have no idea what they do but they flashes and beep and look pretty!!! But I've had mine for a year enthusiasm for them disappeared fast I will say!! (note piles of laundry next to the washer!!) Enjoy!!

                              Sunni--Enjoy for sickies this weekend too!! :H They came home for some sunni-lovin'!! Have'll get them feelin' better in no time!!!

                              LBH--I liked your comment about how alcohol overshadows many things in your life...I couldn't agree more!! I don't think I was even aware of how bad it really was until I completely stopped...for good!! Even how much time I spent "think about drinking" stupid and SUCH a waste of brain power...that really I can't afford to waste!! LOL!!!

                              Welcome Bouv--you'll love it here!!

                              Well I need to get cleaned up and get things done around here....I see a trip to the mall in my future as well...(just to pay a bill...nothing fun!!). AND...yes....the time HAS COME...I WILL PAINT MY FRONT ROOM THIS WEEKEND!! It's in all caps so it must happen now!! HA!! It's official!
                              Have a great weekend everyone---Star, cyn, Dill, Pap, Rustop, Blondie, G, Sooty, Sped, and everyone else who "HOPS" in today....sorry Easter weekend...I know were geese, we don't hop!! HA!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                April AF Flock

                                Hello hoppin' Honkers!

                                SD... :l And.. BREATHE There's no reason for anyone not to like you and of course, you will do a fine job. They should be so lucky to have you! I hope you hear something soon.

                                Well, the 'sickos' are still just such :H Although, Peanut is in remarkable good spirit, considering he can't breathe and has a leaking faucet in the middle of his face. Just eating isn't his thing at the moment. I actually had him all to myself tonight, as my daughter went to visit with her brother and his g/f and spend the night. They'll all come together here for a little Easter hunt and apparently my son is cooking dinner! Whoohoo! Having grown up kids ain't so bad after all! :H

                                Anywho.. better go fetch horses before it gets dark.. here's a picture from tonight.. a boy and his dog

                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

