I'm new here and I don't know where the coffee is. I don't know how these lovely people take their coffee. All I seem to be able to find is chicory and tea and that just wont do!
Oh, here it is some fair trade cofee from Sunny South Africa. Ahem. Its Miko coffee and not only is it good it also has heart - part of the profits goes towards planting veggie gardens for the local people. :h

Day ten AF for me. I have 3 pages to write so if I can stop hanging out on the internet I may just get to go shopping with my mom before a lovely Easter weekend. And yes I say lovely Easter weekend but I'm actually not looking forward to it.
As I'm newly sober I find weekdays easier, I still pity myself on weekends and holidays and big family gatherings but I find it gets easier and waking up is now my favorite time of the day, whereas it used to be bad and then just get worse.
So I know I'm far ahead of you time wise (its 10am here) but wake up sleepy heads!!!