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AF Daily - Friday April 6

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    AF Daily - Friday April 6

    Good glorious morning, Affies,

    I have a pot of extra strong French roast brewing nicely and decaf for Sugar. Now Dizzy said something about hot cross buns ?

    I am pretty pleased with myself and the work this week, staying AF helped tremendously. I polished 2 bottles of Perrier last night + several herbal teas. I cringe when I think of some of the evenings I?d work late (and drink occasionally in the office), my little crutch by my side ? thinking hopelessly that it relieves anxiety, that it relaxes me and helps me . Utter bollocks!!!

    One more busy day today then I am off to my version of the movie ? 4 Christmases?, only I get to do 2 Easters ? one in UK this weekend then one in Romania ? the weekend after. I must admit I am not really looking forward to the whole UK family hoopla (I have 2 sisters in law in London that have not been speaking to each other in 2 years + between them they have 5 kids under 6 years old ?gosh, the screaming ?the fights ! I only have one kid so I am used to peace). And have I mentioned everyone drinks ? I am leaving on Sunday ? tomorrow will be my day for AF planning, repeating mantras, listening to a hypnosis CD or 2 and choosing ONE good reason I am not drinking in case anyone cares to ask. Forgive me, but I am not quite ready to tell my in laws that I have a drinking problem.

    TGIF, peeps!!!
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily - Friday April 6

    Thanks for the coffee! Yes I have hot cross buns but they are shop bought. Damn, why do I have to be honest even online I don't have a proper baking oven, our cottage was supposed to be a cooking school so the guy only put in a pizza oven and we have this tiny little oven that works but take twice the time - which is fine for everything except baking... Anyway, I got it from a bakery so they are nicer than what I wouldve made anyway.

    Oh Shue, good luck with the weekend, I can't say I envy you. I really am thankful that I am going to have a rather quiet Easter Weekend. I need peace and quiet and time to come to terms with myself. I'm having a road trip with two friends tomorrow who doesnt drink because they have IBS and on Sunday I have my parents coming over but my mom doesnt drink and my dad can't drink because of his operation. So I won't have any temptation this week. Not that I'll drink, I'm on Antabuse, but I just feel too happy and at the same time too fragile to be around drunk people at the moment if you know what I mean.

    I try to surround myself with people who doesnt drink or who drink very little by choice. They are a pleasure to hang out with as they have figured out long ago how to avoid the traps of getting stuck with 'boring drunk' people. And drunk people are boring when you are sober. Of course I have friends in recovery too but we mostly met in rehab and I have read that its quite normal for rehab friends to lose touch, I can't remember the reasoning behind it. Probably because of the 'fake intimacy' got to know me better in 28 days than my best friend yet I have only seen them a couple of times 'on the outside'.

    Anyhoo, ate 6 of those small marshmallow chocco eggs yesterday. So much for hoping to lose weight due to lack of wine cals but I think for this weekend we shall just maintain eh? Then on Tuesday I'll go on a healthy eating plan and I've already booked a yoga session for Thursday. But til monday the wine will be safe but the bunnies will pay...

    Lovely Easter Shue and everyone else to come.



      AF Daily - Friday April 6

      Good morning, Shue and Dizzy and all to come!
      Great coffee, Shue, as usual! Dizzy, hot cross buns--trying to resist, but sounds so good!
      Shue, wow, that sounds like wuite a wekend you have coming up!! Drinking and screaming? Your being sober this time around will be so interesting--observing bad behavior made worse by AL!
      Dizzy, your cottage sounds interesting, with the pizza oven! You could concoct all kinds of pizzas--breakfast, sweets, etc! Hot cross pizza, maybe?:H Your weekend sounds nice and mellow!
      My sister, niece, and my sister's "assistant" are coming for Easter. They haven't been here in years. (Assistant has never been here.) They will be driving up from Boston for the afternoon. Bringing their Bichon, and Mr TDN is sure to cause a fuss over that! They will most likely bring wine, as I told them I am not bothered by people drinking around me, and I'll be content with my Shirley Temple. My niece is 12--going on 21, as they say--and can join me in those! My sister and I have never had the best relationship, and she and my husband don't like each other, but I know we'll make the best of it.
      Had my interview on Tuesday, and it went really well, and I am hoping to hear one way or another today. Also got an email yesterday for another job I applied for online--seasonal (summer-fall) retail, so it would probably mean lots of hours, but I will email back if I don't get the other job. Interviews in a couple of weeks, I guess.
      I think i will be calling a chiropractor today, as my right side is all out of whack from favoring the left, and I have a hard time getting out of bed or rising from a chair. had a massage on Wednesday, but it hasn't seemed to help. I feel like I am falling apart!!:upset:
      Did a full day at the flower shop yesterday, and back today, except for an hour for AA meeting. I am an expert at removing stamen from lilies--can I add that to my resume:H
      Okay, time to feed the Three Stooges, but will be back later!
      "One day at a time."


        AF Daily - Friday April 6

        Good morning peeps! Beautiful day here and I'm ready to roll. Heading out of town for a short overnight stay. I still need to shop for my Easter dinner, but I'm going to have to do that tomorrow.

        Shue--stay strong, positive vibes to you. Weekend #1 sounds challenging, but I know you're up for it. :l

        Dizzy--Hooray for quiet weekends. I feel the same way about being around drunk people. It's hard for me to not be annoyed with my husband when he's slurring his words and talking rubbish and reeks of whiskey. But he's got to walk his path and I'm on mine.

        TDN--Gotta love family dynamics! :H I hope you have a fun weekend. Positive vibes to you on the job front. Is your foot feeling any better?


          AF Daily - Friday April 6

          Happy POETS day everyone! (piss off early tomorrow's saturday)

          Safe travels and happy easter to those who celebrate it.

          A safe, sober and magical weekend to all.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF Daily - Friday April 6

            Hi Friday Flyers!!!

  , hot cross buns are so nostaglic to me...definitely a sign of Easter. Haven't had one in decades! Hmmmm...we have to rally up to find some GF ones for Saucy!

            46 days today peeps! Nearing the 50 mark. No turnin' back now!

            Gotta run off to work. Only 2 days and then Easter SUnday OFF! Gotta love that schedule!

            Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Happy Easter to those who celebrate and Happy Spring to everyone else!!!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              AF Daily - Friday April 6

              Hi everyone - mmmm GF ( gluten free) hot cross buns - haven't tried making any!!! my mum made some normal ones for the rest of my family, but I have made myself a GF chocolate cake for the Easter weekend.

              Mr Sausage tells me he's having a drink on Sun night as Lent will be over. Hopefully it won't affect me too much. Not sure how often he plans on drinking after this ( we don't discuss it !!!) but he's had no difficulty abstaining over Lent and I think it has made things easier for me.

              Hope everyone is having a good day and I'll see you all later.
              Sausage x
              Day 43


                AF Daily - Friday April 6

                Good morning Abbers!

                shue, 'on antibiotics' is always a great excuse for not drinking............
                Nowadays, I just say No Thanks & change the conversation
                Hope your weekend is as pleasant as possible.

                Dizzy, a quiet weekend sounds good! Don't worry about calories just yet. You will have a whole sober lifetime to get in control of calories

                TDN, sorry to hear you are still hurting! Take care of yourself first, OK?
                Hope your company doesn't wear you out!

                FlyAway, enjoy your weekend!

                Hi G! Any Eastery tunes for us???

                Blondie, have a good day at work! 50 days will be here in a flash

                I am about to set off on a busy day myself, lots to do, no AL in sight!
                Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Friday April 6

                  Good good Friday all

                  Just a quick check in,mite slip in again later, It seems to be a hive of activity here with people preparing for the weekend, I hope you all have a great one.

                  So ya my silly story from today, I was a right fairy this morning, I was doing my meditation at about 9 , when I finished up I was a bit spacey unknown to myself, went straight up to gather some clothes and put them in the wash bin which is in in the bathroom and I threw them into the tiolet instead of the wash bin! That snaped me out of it, and a goodindication that I am getting better at the mediation I suppose, have to see the good in every situation

                  Another thought, it's a funny little country I live in, there is definately a real bad attitude to drink, and there is no escaping for a potential alcoholic/problem drinker, infact you can blend in very well for a long time without anyone noticing your problem. So every day without failure, there is something about our drink culture issue on the media, today it is usually highlighted more than usual because it is Good Friday, one of 2 days in the year, it is illegal to sell drink here (with a few exceptions airports, trains etc) And sales of alcohol significantly fly up on Holy Thursday with people stocking up and the amount of house parties on good friday is unreal, its crazy, instead of people having a take it or leave it attitude and say feckit I just won't drink today (be they reigious or not) people just drink more, this doesn't apply to everyone of course but I'm sure the figures for alcohol sales yesterday and the amount of people who will land in A&E tonight with drink related issues will only back this up. I wish it was different but drink is just the thing to do. Anyhow enough of my musing
                  "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                    AF Daily - Friday April 6

                    TGIF Fabberoonies!

                    :H Sugar Oh God, that's just too funny!
                    Lav, Sausage, Blondie, TDN, Dizzy, Shue.. enjoy the Easter treats g/f or otherwise.. we'll get back to watching our girlish figures next week

                    We stuffed plastic Easter eggs with candy and chocolate yesterday for Peanut's first Easter hunt. I think we'll do it tomorrow, though... it's supposed to rain on Sunday and he won't know the difference

                    Speaking of which.. I hear him babbling downstairs... gonna see how my two sickos are today. I already did my 2 hour stint at the barn!

                    Have a fabulous day and Easter and ONE THING IS FOR SURE!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      AF Daily - Friday April 6

                      Hello friends,

                      Holy cow! Sunny- you make me fell bad since I just got up! The kids don't have school so I decided to sleep in a little--but didn't mean to sleep until 10! I wish I could shake this fatigue, I don't know if it's the AD's, the sinus/allergy thing I have going on, the weather or just the lack of regular exercise.

                      It's wonderful hearing all of your Easter plans. My sis in law called my hubby the other night and basically told him they didn't want to come here, but we could go there. They have to drive the 40 miles tomorrow for the memorial service, they are working on their kitchen, getting ready for graduation......I knew when she hadn't returned my call that was probably the case. I was pissed at first, but looking at the bright side, I don't have to worry about my house being clean.

                      I should try to make some hot cross buns or see if the bakery has them. Last year for Sunday school I made some crescent rolls with butter/sugar/cinnamon and a marshmellow in them. When you baked them the marshmellow melted and it left a space representing the tomb--they were actually quite tasty!

                      Sugar-I think it would be difficult to be a sober person living in Ireland. But I'd love to visit there some day!!!

                      I kind of envy you all with little ones and easter eggs. I always enjoyed the dying and the hiding and the seeking! I still remember Easters as a little girl with my new dress and accessories. Truth be known, I still dye eggs and I can usually get at least one of the boys to pitch in! There were also a few Easters when we had friends in town that I do remember getting plastered Saturday night--knowing the Easter bunny would need a little help, so we usually had our friends come over tohelp him. It was amazing where some of those eggs got hidden. I also remember feeling like crapola Easter morning. YUCK!!

                      WEll, I've rambled long enough. I'll be thinking of you all this weekend. Hope you all have a wonderful AF time!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily - Friday April 6

                        Good evening, Affies,

                        Thoughts from the not so distant past haunted me today, because I was tired, aggravated and anticipating the break. Typical time for few drinks to relax. I thought a lot about Mo3's situation when she checked herself and just avoided going out. I ate some peanut butter and proceeded to using every herb at hand for a bit of aroma therapy. (Except for garlic, that is, Det). Lavender chammomile tea, bergamot shower then body oil, L'occitane lavender pillow spray ... It worked, I am now sleepy and relaxed ...

                        TND, look after that foot, I am worried for you; Sugar and Dizzy, stay close the next few days, FLY - maybe we'll get Enough back, been thinking about her plenty; Gbloke - is that you in the pic? Hot!!! Blondie - pls post a pic of the Lavender cake for those of us addicted to food porn; LVT - try baking those hot bross buns; Sunny - kiss the girls good night, Turn will sing a lullaby on her accordion (That would have surely made Wolfie drop the other ball) .

                        TND and Gbloke - I read nicelife's post ... Eye opener !!!

                        Thank you all for being here and keeping me on track.
                        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                          AF Daily - Friday April 6

                          Ommpah pah!

                          OMG FABbies - I had a blast at my first accordion lesson. I will take a photo of my cute little red rental to show you soon. It is a good thing I am also starting with my personal trainer on Monday at the gym. That accordion pulling and pushing is really a WORKOUT for the arms. SHUE - you are too funny! THe pugs LOVE my playing. I made up a Pug Polka. They cock their little heads in rhythm! Sorta. That may yet be the vid I make that goes viral!

                          I've been cruising along in the AF lane for more than 8 months now and I gotta tell you, it only gets better. There is so much to look forward to - ALWAYS. My drunk addicted world was small and dark and depressing and smothering and just downright shitty. What was I so afraid of 'giving up?' In reality....all I do is GET. I get self-respect, a healthier body, beautiful skin, clear thinking, and huge amounts of unwasted money for doing good. For others and for myself - yup.....accordion lessons and a personal trainer are my rewards! Waaaaaay better than the best buzz I ever had from al. Whoo Hoo! I am going to be THE buffest, and sober-est polka player this side of the Matanuska River. Call me, She-ra of the Tundra.

                          OK....peeps. Make it a great weekend and have mercy on those choco bunnies...

                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            AF Daily - Friday April 6

                            :H Turnip, you are just too funny!

                            Well, Iv'e been ditched. Sorta. But I'm not too upset about it My daughter is spending the night with her brother and his g/f (girl friend, not gluten free... at least I don't think so). So, I had the peanut all to my own self tonight. What hardship! :H He's such a sweetie.

                            I decided I kinda like having grown up kids. We're doing the whole Easter thing tomorrow and my son is cooking! :wow: How about that! Some fancy Italian dish. Mind you, I'll pay for it in clean up time.. I'm sure :H

                            Here's Peanut helping me in the yard this afternoon:

                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              AF Daily - Friday April 6

                              Hey Ho tiny dancers! And G :h

                              Ya'll had some funny snippets today, that's for sure... clothes in the toilet and accordian appreciating pugs. :H

                              Lovely evening at the river - a bit cool. Past couple nights I ate at my dining room table with soft music and a magazine. Even lingered. It was quite nice and I felt really grateful about the whole thing right down to the little farmer where I got the lettuce. Think I'll do more of that.

                              By the way, I santa brought me an accordian when I was little. I pretty much thought WTF? :H I've been thinking about my mother lately, her birthday is coming up. She transitioned to another plane years ago. She really was a piece of work. We had some of the strangest pets.

                              And turnip, you're right. That sucker is a bitch to play. Wear your arm right out! Here's an alkie song for you with accordian in it.[/video]]The Subdudes - Late at Night - YouTube
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

