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AF Daily - Saturday April 7

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    AF Daily - Saturday April 7

    Hi everyone, I am late as usual, its dusk here, but I thought I'd check in..I read through the threads but have been very busy with family and the garden. I just got back from Vancouver Island, seeing my grand kids and eldest daughter....Lovely to spend time with them, they are so tiny, only 2 and 3 years old. So lots of time in the parks and on the beaches. And snuggling in bed first thing in the morniing.....

    Every one seems so grounded, contented, and happy, its such a pleasure, and a great triumph, as I know it was not ever thus for every one of us. I did see Unis post and tried to jump in right away and say how glad I was she was in a treatment centre, and dealing with the demons. Computer problems at the time though. Uni if you read this, thinking of you a lot and hope you are well. And if not, on the road to wellness.

    Well I must go get my photographs onto the laptop for processing, and I promise to post a few shots tomorrow. Easter is such a lovely hopeful time of year.


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Saturday April 7

      P3, rock on with your pink (and I mena PINK) accessories! Awesome job on the tote! Almost wants me to drag out my sweing machine. almost

      M3 Hope you have a great time at the beach. You should try to get just a bit south to Murrells Inlet and check out Brookgreen Gardens. Amazing place. Planning a Visit - Huntington Sculpture Garden & Myrtle Beach wildlife preserve
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday April 7

        Kaslo;1293404 wrote: Lovely to spend time with them, they are so tiny, only 2 and 3 years old. So lots of time in the parks and on the beaches. And snuggling in bed first thing in the morniing.....
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Saturday April 7

          hido ho AFeroooos!

          great pictures, fish curry, pink things! you guys are always fun.

          had a mighty fine hike and shoot in the mountains today. just a spectacularly beautiful time.

          off to check chat

          be well
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Saturday April 7

            Hi Guys...didn't make it on last night but as always, I never miss a beat when I miss a night as I go on the next day! Love the photos do really live in a wonderland. And your post is so inspiring...realizing how lucky you are to live an authentic life with sobriety at the forefront. I am very much there as well. I am coming on 50 days, (minus 2!) and I feel I am really at the turning point where I feel so estatic about my I can't keep it to myself But I do. Except with you guys. Anyway, your area of the country is beautiful and I trully enjoyed the pics!

            Also, the PINK PIMPED PAPMOBILE ROCKS! Love the steering wheel cover and seat covers...very cool and very BlondeAF"ish" as well as "Papish" if I must say. Methinks you will surely have to come to the coast this summer and we shall take a spin! I'll PM you soon to get a date on the calendar! TDN too and any of you other New Hamphire, Mass gals!

            HADDOCK COCONUT CURRY RECIPE: Ok, for those who asked, I am almost embarrassed to tell you HOW EASY this is! I just made it up myself but here goes:

            Skinned haddock fillets (hubs and I can finish off about 2 lbs between the 2 of us...he adores haddock and so I give him 2 fillets to himself but adjust quantity to suit yourself). Lay haddock down on top of a tinfoiled covered shallow roasting pan. Take a few spoonfuls of pure butter (salted) and break it up and dot each filet with it a few times. So there should be a "row" of dotted butter down each fillet. Then, generously sprinkle dry curry powder on each fillet...adjust to taste. I love curry so I am pretty generous with it! Lastly, take a few spoonfuls of dried, Unsweetened shredded coconut (the type you should be able to get out of a bulk bin at a natural food store like and sprinkle it on top of the curry. This sort of acts like "breadcrumbs" without the carbs. Add salt to taste and bake at 350 for bout 20 minutes or to done. Viola! Bon Apetit!

            Well, off to check Sunday's thread. Happy Easter to all!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


