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AF Daily - Monday April 9

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    AF Daily - Monday April 9

    Cross post SunButt, hey! Hope you have a nice trip home with the peanut and the D. Also Lav, can hardly wait to see pix of Matilda, great name for a pup. Welcome Mamabear! This is the place to come if you are into sadomasochism re stinking thinking for sure. Why I have had my arse whupped here on a few occassions, its quite cathartic. Or something.

    Dang it I keep cross posting and at some point I am going to be doublecrossed and x myself out into non existence!! Welcome Bear. You may find that each day in Month One is like a precious gift, after the first hell of quitting starts to fade into the background. We are HERE FOR YOU on Well done on deciding to knock it off.

    Anyway, have a great day AFers

    kaslo of the thawed garden

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Monday April 9

      Hey everybody, guess what my husband bought me for Easter? A great big bottle of vodka! I don't get it. He was trying to get me to try his beer again the other day and I kept telling him NO. He finally asked me if I was done with beer and I said, "I'm done with booze." He didn't say a word and walked out of the room. Then 2 days later, here's a bottle of vodka for ya. We've had beer and wine and whiskey in the house all along and it hasn't bothered me. You couldn't get me to drink whiskey if you paid me, beer and wine I used to drink if I didn't have vodka around, but I can ignore beer and wine too. Vodka was my love. He claims he just wanted to have it around in case someone stopped in. Really? This bottle is about the size of my leg and would serve about 40 people. :upset:

      I'm still AF and I think I'm on day 52. If I start hearing the call of the vodka it's going down the drain.


        AF Daily - Monday April 9

        Hey Mama Bear,

        Welcome and we are happy you are here!!!

        Keep checking in here and let us know how you are doing. Lots of great people here new and old who are very committed to staying AF.

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - Monday April 9

          Waz Up Dudes and Dudettes?

          I made it through last night and it was not near as bad as I thought it would be. No physical issues at all. Mental, well a little there but not awful. I was just ill at ease. Ended up going to bed with a good book on my Kindle.

          So yesterday morning I made a commitment that I was going to get everything back on track. So yesterday I sat at the piano for the first time in two months and drove everyone in the house bat crap. I have my gym bag packed in the truck and am headed to LA Fitness after my 1PM meeting. I got up this morning clear headed and had an awesome sleep last night.

          It?s great to see the familiar folks and some new folks as well. Mama B ? AB is a wonderful thing. It takes the decision totally out of your head so you can concentrate on other things. I started my dose yesterday. A drink last night was pretty much a fleeting thought ? not a question or decision to make.

          FlyAway ? is your hubby nuts? You are showing incredible will power. My weakness is Bacardi Rum. There is all sorts of bad things in our house ? Beer, Johnny Walker, Yellow Tail wine. It?s not hard for me to ignore them, but if there was a bottle of Bacardi around I think I would be in trouble.

          Kas ? that is some great looking grandkids!

          Ok, back to work for me.

          But first, the IJM thought of the day?. Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.

          Take care all!


            AF Daily - Monday April 9

            bear73;1294173 wrote: Hey all - day 1 here. I honestly don't know what my long term plans are re alcohol - but I know I will be happy with a month alcohol free and then I will see how I feel.

            Making a big,long term and public commitment freaks me out and makes me more likely to self sabotage - same with weight loss - same with stopping smoking (which I have managed).

            I am honestly still in limbo.I just don't know. I know this doesn't make sense to a lot of you but there it is.

            Thinking about it causes me a tonne of anxiety so for now I am focusing on being AF and healthy today and aiming for my month AF here with you all.
            Thanks for sharing Bear. Your posts on the Moderation threads and elsewhere seemed to indicate that you were going to attempt 30 days AF so you could go back to modding. I may have read that wrong. Regardless, you sound very ambivalent and I do know for sure that being AF requires 100% commitment which is what most of us are here.
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily - Monday April 9

              ItsJustMe;1294236 wrote: Waz Up Dudes and Dudettes?

              I made it through last night and it was not near as bad as I thought it would be. No physical issues at all. Mental, well a little there but not awful. I was just ill at ease. Ended up going to bed with a good book on my Kindle.

              So yesterday morning I made a commitment that I was going to get everything back on track. So yesterday I sat at the piano for the first time in two months and drove everyone in the house bat crap. I have my gym bag packed in the truck and am headed to LA Fitness after my 1PM meeting. I got up this morning clear headed and had an awesome sleep last night.

              It’s great to see the familiar folks and some new folks as well. Mama B – AB is a wonderful thing. It takes the decision totally out of your head so you can concentrate on other things. I started my dose yesterday. A drink last night was pretty much a fleeting thought – not a question or decision to make.

              FlyAway – is your hubby nuts? You are showing incredible will power. My weakness is Bacardi Rum. There is all sorts of bad things in our house – Beer, Johnny Walker, Yellow Tail wine. It’s not hard for me to ignore them, but if there was a bottle of Bacardi around I think I would be in trouble.

              Kas – that is some great looking grandkids!

              Ok, back to work for me.

              But first, the IJM thought of the day…. Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.

              Take care all!
              Happy to hear that it wasn't so bad IJM and that you got back to the piano. Good for you. I also hope that in some ways you are coming to terms with the fall out with your best friend. I know for me that unresolved issues such as this can lead to resentment that builds up and that resentment is a very strong trigger for most of us.

              Glad to have you back along with your crazy comments.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily - Monday April 9

                hi mom of 3 - yes I am ambivalent about being AF long term - I committed for a month AF but beyond that...

                I don't want to set myself up to fail and create goals that are too big/seem unachieveable so then I quit trying altogether.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily - Monday April 9

                  Hey everyone, lots of issues here this morning...its still morning for me. Flyaway, it sounds like a huge waste but I would pour that SOBottle of Vodka down the drain, just to get it across to Mr. Fly that you are serious. Honestly anyone who would sabotage an effort to gain back health and sobriety either has a serious problem himself and wants a drinking partner to justify the state he puts himself in, or is as dumb as a sack of hammers. Or both. What a waste of money IMHO. You could give it away, you know. If it really IS yours. Or is this like the socket wrench set I once got for mothers day??? Hmmmm?

                  And as for Vodka, and how much you "loved" it, just remember how you felt after a night of too much of the stuff. Try hard to keep that in your head.

                  IJM, WAY TO GO. Many of us really struggle with the second quit.... or third etc. I.e. Moi, and Sausage, her story of quitting (8 months??/) then needing three YEARS to quit again. But she has done it. You sound awesome. And yeah M3 may be right. Presumably, you have done your grieving, and you are moving on. I hope so.

                  I have my youngest daughter home for a bit of a break before her exams. She is going back for her finals for her degree in June. She is also leaving her pet birds, a tailess budgie named Jackson and a half self-plucked Senegal parrot named Toby. Both are cute but a pain in the $#rse when it comes to peace, quiet, cleanliness. Also my cat is now relegated to the basement.... The cat has made a meal out of a few budgies here in the past, so Jackson, who is a bit of a houdini when it comes to his cage and is flightless is definetely on the watch list.

                  On thing is for sure

                  Kaslo again of the thawing out garden.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily - Monday April 9

                    bear, please just remember that you really can do anything you want to do, OK? Good to see ya!

                    Mama, welcome to the land of serious AF'rs. We'll give you a daily kick if that's what you want

                    OK - here is a few pics of Ms Matilda. Of course trying to get an 8 week old pup to look into a camera is another story

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Monday April 9

                      Fly, go give that damn bottle away ASAP!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Monday April 9

                        G'day FABbers!

                        A quick flyby as I go searching for my breakup boots. We don't have Spring here. We have breakup. And it's messy! The sun is out...the temps are warm and those mountains of snow have to go some place. This afternoon, when the sun hits the north side, I'll be out with the MUTT trying to chip a drainage canal in the driveway glacier so I don't end up with a swimming pool in front of the house.

                        Shue - the first time hubby and I went overseas to Greece we were THRILLED with Nescafe. Hanging out in Mykonos eating goat yogurt and sipping Nescafe was soooo sooooo.....Euro feeling! Ok. I know better now. And I became a coffee snob. TutTut. Folgers will never touch these lips again. Neither with Nescafe! Can't wait to hear more about your 'troop' movements!

                        Almost - way to rock the AF away game! And Sausage - you are going to do great on your break, too. I hope you will be able to at least read posts.

                        We got us some Bears! The kind I'm HAPPY to see. Glad you came back B73. One thing that really helped me to get and STAY AF this time around was understanding what alcohol does to our brain process. Here is a great video made by a doctor who runs a rehab center in Utah.

                        kevintmccauley1965 - YouTube

                        I think there are 8 or 9 parts to Pleasure Unwoven. It is well worth a watch. Alcohol changes our brain - both the chemistry and the processing. Knowing that didn't necessarily make it EASIER, but it did make it clear and essential to ACCEPT that my brain was permanently changed by alcohol. And that acceptance has helped me take the steps to break free of this hideous and eventually fatal addiction. Going back means death. I feel very sad for those who remain trapped. Being FREE is such a relief AND a real joy.

                        Welcome to the thread, Mama Bear! I've seen you around on the other threads and it's great you are going to hang with us. You sound like you want to be done with this crap addiction for good. Being here sure helps me. There's good camaraderie and a lot of wisdom in these parts.

                        TDN - Isn't it amazing how obvious and obnoxious the AL effects are to those of us who are AF? Nanny sounds like an addicted drinker. I sure hope she isn't drinking on duty. You're doing great - do you feel stronger with each day?

                        Flyaway. WTH is your husband thinking? Wow. I admire your resolve. And it's really good you have a plan. But I'm with the "Get it OUT of there" Brigade.

                        Lovely pix of your little grandcowgirl, Kas! I can box up some snow and send it your way if you want some!

                        Sunni - Have you finished that giant Canadian 'Tart' yet? lol. Do you have more construx planned?

                        Always glad to see you M3 and are two strong women who I learn a lot from!

                        And Lav! Matilda is just so precious. I hope Stella and the girls take to her!

                        Last but not're back on track....and back in the hen house. There's no clucking way we're gonna let you leave again without a fight!


                        oooooommmmmmm and peace to all who come here today!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          AF Daily - Monday April 9

                          Hello friends,

                          So much going on here on the daily AF, I wish I could reply to everyone's going's on, but I really cannot. I love reading the posts and most make me smile. Kas--I love the cowgirl Pwincess picture. I love the grandchildren pics from everyone!

                          Fly--I agree--dump the vodka. It was a jerky thing for your hubby to do! Esp after you told him you were done with booze. My hubby can be a jerk too, but I'm glad he has never tried to tempt me or even ask me to drink again. I don't think he gets it, but he seems to know better than to bring it up.

                          I got to seem some friends I hadn't seen in a long time this weekend. It was a memorial service for a good friend that passed from AL. It was a wonderful celebration of his life, but I had a very difficult time celebrating. 1. Everyone was drinking--it was in a bar. 2. Hubby didn't even acknowledge I was there, and 3. I just felt sad. I'm glad the boys were with me so I had someone to talk to and an excuse to leave early.

                          Easter at the in-laws was ok. Even though we had to go there and I was miffed at first, I was grateful I didn't have to cook or make the house presentable.

                          Today I am struggling with a personal dilemma dealing with #1 son. He was late getting home last night and I couldn't reach him. When he got home I took away his phone. Needless to say, I was not happy to see one of the text messages he got this morning. Obviously he lied about what he was doing. And what he apparently was doing, has me pretty concerned. I guess I knew it was coming.

                          Anyway, I need to put their butts to work out in the yard, so I better get going.

                          Greenie, thanks for sharing your river pics--looks wonderful.

                          Have a great sober week all!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Monday April 9

                            Kaslo, the cowgirl princess pic was awesome

                            Turn, can you get those bears to help you break up the remaining ice/snow? Just askin :H :H

                            LVT, your son is what 17 now?
                            I know how hard it is but as parents but we just have to step back & allow them to make their own decisions at that age (good or bad) & deal with the resulting fallout (good or bad). That's how they finally 'get it' & grow up! Trust that you have raised a real decent kid

                            Here's a meeting of Mutt & Jeff :H

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Monday April 9

                              Green- how were those ribs?! Lol!
                              Momof3- yes, it does feel good! Thank you
                              DG- glad you are strapped in for your wild ride!
                              Bear73- one day at a time. I swear it does get easier as time ticks on.
                              Kaslo- super darling pic. So precious!
                              Fly- oh no he didnt! What the heck????? Dump that sucker (the vodka, that is)
                              IJM- glad you're on the af train.
                              Lav- speechless! So cuuuuute.
                              Turn- never even heard of break up. Well the relationship chatter but not pertaining to seasons. I love learning new things! Hope you find those boots.
                              Blonde- hope work went well.
                              LVT- sorry about your friend and your dilemma. It's hard being a parent!

                              Ok, I am off like a prom dress......
                              AF since 2/22/2012


                                AF Daily - Monday April 9

                                Oh man, you guys have been awful busy today, I've loads to catch up on.

                                So I haven't checked since yesterday morning, I got a bit lazy about it today and had to shake myself, I can do without complacency, even just reading and checking in here makes me feel like I'm doing something good for myself, and saying that, isn't it a mystery how I can still get lazy and not look after myself and check in, baffling, but I called myself on this one, well done me, a growth in self awareness me thinks!

                                I'll be sure to bop in early tomorrow, on time for Shue's coffee
                                "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

