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AF Daily - Monday April 9

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    AF Daily - Monday April 9

    Wow I feel like I missed a party here today!

    The exhibit was AMAZING. I saw a seriously damaged lung from smoking and same for liver from alcohol. I couldn't help but smile because I KNOW mine are nice and shiny and smooth and the appropriate color. Pretty scary looking stuff that diseased organ thing. Going to take the dog down to the river for a quick trail hike and come back to fix some lamb chops that have been marinating all day and a greek yogurt mixture of garlic, herbs and lemon. Hoping to wow myself.

    Sweeeeeet pics of puppy & princess!

    Welcome mama bear!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Monday April 9

      bear73;1294240 wrote: hi mom of 3 - yes I am ambivalent about being AF long term - I committed for a month AF but beyond that...

      I don't want to set myself up to fail and create goals that are too big/seem unachieveable so then I quit trying altogether.
      Bear, I do really wish you all the best and know that ambivalence is the hardest place to be. I know there is a part of you that wants to remain AF because you keep coming back.

      I am going to be honest in the most constructive way I can. You have been an on and off participant in the montly abs section for quite a while, well over a year (maybe two). You get some amount of sobriety behind you, relapse and then tell us you are going away for awhile to try moderation and then you come back again and the pattern repeats itself. This has happened many many times. I am not being critical of you, I am just stating what I have experienced.

      However, there are some of us on this thread who have to be 100% committed and as DG so frequently states, it is a "life or death" issue. There are no more "tries." Many of us here have given you a tremendous amount of advice as to what to do differently if you want to be AF. So, I respectfully ask you to consider what is it that you are going to do differently this time around? Otherwise, what is the point of coming to this thread and sharing?

      Be Well,
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily - Monday April 9

        whew! Finally able to check in today! It was a busy one at work and not feeling well (still haven't kicked this cold's butt) didn't help.

        Bear-I'm with M3 100% on this one. It does get easier each and every day but only if you want it 100% and you have not convinced anyone that is the case. I just pray that you finally "get it" before it is too late for you.

        Mama Bear-I'm happy to see you here and see that you are finally ready to kick AL to the curb for good. I just ask you to reread your signature. We are here for all the support you need as long as you give it 100%. :l

        DG-so happy to see you check in! Hope the ride isn't too wild!! Let us know if we can help!!

        Greenie-your day yesterday and today sound so wonderful. I agree-you have the perfect life, at least on paper! How did the lamb chops turn out?

        Sugar-you're doing great! Keep on truckin'!!

        Fly-WTF? I say dump the hubbie AND the vodka. Of course never having been married I can say that easily!! hang in there-we're hear for you!

        Almost-welcome back and congrats on the great job you did staying AF!

        Saucy-a van caravan? Yippee! Pics? Have a great trip!

        Shoe-sorry about the nescafe-sounds horrid but then again I'm strictly a tea drinker!

        lav-Matilda's sooooooooo cute!! Congrats!

        Turn-my condolences on the snow and the break out. Must be some good things about AK tho right? You are always so upbeat-I just love reading your posts and look forward to them every day!

        TDN-any word from the Ins co today? Sorry the nanny turned out to be such a lush. Hope she doesn't secretly drink while on duty? First thing I thought of. Sorry.

        LVT-no words of advice here. My thoughts are with you as you grabble with the son #1 situation. Hope it all turns out OK.

        Kas-if we had a contest between you, lav and sunnibutt for cutest grandkids I think it would have to be a tie!! Love the pics-keep them coming. And please give your daughter a hug from all of us. She has done amazingly well given the circumstances. Must have had a wonderful role model!!

        OK, I sure hope I haven't missed anyone! off to feed the kids and get ready for the Voice!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Monday April 9

          Hello precious FABbies.

          Back from dropping Melissi and the peanut back home. On the way back I came upon a horrific accident. By the looks of it, there was at least one fatality. It must have JUST happened, as there were no rescue vehicles in sight yet. Once they arrived, they arrived by the dozens. I ended up turning around and finding my way through town and back onto the highway further west. It's a rather sobering experience. I'm ever so grateful that we weren't 20 minutes later on our way to Missy's home, or me a few minutes earlier going the opposite way. I/we could have been right in the middle of it.

          :l to you all. Drive careful and cherish every moment.

          Lav... loving the tulip terrorist! Btw... TULIPS!? You have tulips blooming!? And you're flaunting it, too! Hrmpfh.

          LVT... :l I've been there with my son. Stand your ground, and trust that you have taught him well. He will make mistakes, stupid ones even... but he most likely knows in his heart that he screwed up.

          FLY... I don't even know what to say about your hubby's "gift". Dump it or give it away asap. :l

          Turnip... we killed the 'tart' last night! It was evil and needed to be got rid of

          Holy, it's almost dark. Better go fetch horses. Be well, lovelies.
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily - Monday April 9

            Wow, Fly, that sucks. Sorry if I sound negative but I am still post traumatized but my Easter happenings as well and just wrote a tomme in the April Flock second week thread (sorry guys). My husband also still drinks, Fly...even the other night, he came home with one of those little box wines. Not the big 4 plus bottle ones that I used to get but a small size which holds about 2 glass I guess. I know, I tried it back in the day when I thought maybe I could just buy those and have one a day to control myself. Doesn't work. By the way, welcome to the abbers thread Bear73 BUT you'll hear it fristhand from the peeps in this pack that modding doesn't work. Neither did those small boxes of wine with 2 glasses in them. Anyway, when we sat down to dinner, I saw that hubs had snuck a glass of red onto the table. I was like WTF? Where did THAT come from??? I had removed all of the wine from the house when I became sober on Feb 22nd...and he shows up with this glass of red at the table. Now, understand that I had no intention of drinking any, but, like FLY, I just thought it was backwards that he was sitting there at the dinner table with my old haunting poison instead of his old standby, BEER (which I loathe, so no temptation there). I let it go and didn't say anything because I don't think he really gets how bad AL made me feel and how resolved I am to never drink. I guess I should have that conversation pretty darn soon...
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              AF Daily - Monday April 9

              Geez, Sunni, glad you are ok. I've been in that situation a time or two. I'm glad you and your family are ok, so sorry for those involved!

              Thanks for the words about my son. I pretty much forced him to talk to me about it. He was awfully embarrassed, and I don't think he actually lied to me. I know you can relate to the seriousness of teenagers and s.e.x. Ugh, I really can't go there! And you all are right, they have to learn on their own, but I reminded him again why it is important to be safe or better yet--wait.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Monday April 9

                Blondie, I made a comment about your post on the other thread. Remember ~ Lavan-ittude

                Sunni, I do have 'early' tulips. They've bloomed extra early this year because of the unusual winter we had here. I apologize :H
                Seeing an accident like that is very traumatic, sorry you had to go through that today :l

                I have to get out extra early for 2 hrs of babysitting in the morning then get back home to my own baby

                Hope everyone has a good night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Monday April 9

                  I guess what I have learned over the past 23 months (yesterday!!) is that this is a private battle and we cannot expect others to change in order to support or make it easier for us. I really really had hoped that my dad and my sister would slow down a bit and recognize that they were heading down my road but it hasn't happened yet and no one in my family has changed in support of my journey-there were at least 6 bottles of wine on the table last nite including my ex poison PG and all 6 were finished off between 5 adults. Even the nephs had one glass I think. But they do support me and I know that even if they don't come right out and say it. I wish with all my heart it could be this way for everyone here. :l
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Monday April 9

                    so lav, is matilda crate trained?

                    Your tulips are beautiful. We have hyacinth and daffs blooming up here-no tulips yet.

                    the forcynthia is blooming extra long too which I just love.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Monday April 9

                      whew, finally off work long enough to check in. Stressing day but grateful for my AFness all the same.

                      Flyaway, I'm guessing this behavior is a manifestation of fears that your hubby has to deal with. You know it's a giant jug of poison just looking for any opportunity to get you to have 'just one'. I think it would indeed make a great gift. pronto! keep up the great work BTW.

                      Greeneys, your lamb chops sound divine!

                      great pictures everyone! cowgirls, cute puppies, flowers.

                      chili-dogs on a plane was a horror movie right?

                      gotta pack up in the morning and I'm back on the road for a few days, so tomorrow night will be typing from some hotel room. will try to take some kind of entertaining pictures in my adventure.

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Monday April 9

                        Big welcome to Mamma Bear! we'll help keep you on the straight and narrow
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Monday April 9

                          Fly he have you a big bottle of vodka?? WTF?

                          HAIRCUT!! That is all.

                          And I second Det.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

