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April AF Flock ~ Week 2

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    April AF Flock ~ Week 2

    “Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind transcend.” ~Helen Keller

    SD, that one was for you, and all who are facing change or the possibility of change.

    Welcome to week two, Geese, Ganders and Goslings!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    April AF Flock ~ Week 2

    And a hearty HONK right back at ya, Dilly-dally!

    No time for novels today... peanut and my daughter are going home *uggh* long drive. Must get organized and hit the road soon! Have a fabby day/week, everyone!

    Oh... and... is Matilda here yet?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      April AF Flock ~ Week 2

      Good Monday morning Honkers!

      Just read everyone's posts on last week's thread.

      Blondie, sorry your Mom is not supportive of your choices & efforts. That's what you have us for
      Hopefully she'll come around & may even want to join you.

      Chill, good luck on the date & hope your sugar headache is gone by now!

      SD, you stay up way too late girl :H

      Dill, star, G, rustop, TDN, Sunni & everyone - hope you have a great day!
      I'm pushing my way through some work this morning, then heading to Curves then to pick up puppy Matilda

      Will be back hopefully with a pic or two!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        April AF Flock ~ Week 2

        Hello Goslings -

        Loved reading about everyone's holidays - great job, Blonde, we'll celebrate with you tomorrow...congrats Bouv on 7 days, great accomplishment. Dill - 2 great quotes today, bonus - thanks.

        Lav - so excited for the new arrival - Welcome Matilda!

        Chill, life is so interesting, isn't it? I think of that Marianne Williamson quote about when you ask the Universe in, be prepared for the wrecking ball!

        I was alone for the holiday, but of course never alone as long as I have my fur-babies here. We had a fun day - walked, worked in the garden, plus an Easter Egg hunt for them! (just 3 - already peeled). It was a riot to watch them 'hunt' - I had my phone video cam all ready to go, but it reused to cooperate, so no video of the hunt, but here's a pic of the 2 of them relaxing afterwards...

        I'm off again tomorrow traveling to our previous home state to catch up with my ever-working HB there. I'm racing around trying to get everything ready, plus finish taxes to physically hand to our CPA there...thank goodness for extensions...

        Wishing all a happy day -

        to the light


          April AF Flock ~ Week 2

          Morning Honkers!! :H

          Dill--thanks for the quote...yes, it's pretty fitting huh?! I LOVED IT!! Another one for the mirror!! Did you have a nice Easter??

          Blondie-- I'm so sorry that your mom isn't supportive of your healthy AF life. I kinda of can family doesn't outwardly say things to me anymore...I guess in the beginning my mom and family did...but you know what, it almost gave me more strength to show them that I CAN do this and that I AM stronger than what they's almost helped pushed me in a way...if that makes sense??? Now when I'm with everyone (and there is ALWAYS drinking going on)...I feel more empowered each time...I think now I've gotten to a point that I honestly don't even care about their drinking anymore, I don't have to tell myself anything when I'm with them...I just know in my heart I don't drink because I know it's whats best for me, and I don't care what they think or do. I've stopped making it about them and started making this about me!! And Lav mentioned maybe your mom will join you someday...I know mine has cut her AL consumption down tremendously!!! You're doing fantastic...keep going strong!!:l

          Lav--I'm so excited for you--I can't wait to see more pictures of Matilda!!! My scruffy dog goes in today for a haircut...I'm just hoping they can get her back to cute again---she's pretty F-UGLY right now!! LOL!!

          Oh...and maybe this is a question for PAP3--can dogs be afraid of the dark???? I'm having some weird dog issues!!!

          Cyn--speaking of dogs...yours are gorgeous too!! How did you do an Easter egg hunt with them??? With actual eggs??? How did they know what they were looking for???

          Sunni--gonna be quiet at your house now...boy that grandson of yours it QQQ-ute!!! (that's cute with a capital Q)!!!

          Well...I'm going to try to get all my laundry done and clean this place up!! Oh two things: I think I found a cleaning lady to come twice a month!!!:happy: AND....I got my front room painted!!!!!! :shocked::yay::disco:---not sure why the disco...they just all looked like me happy and jumping around when I got it done!!!! (my family came and helped me too!)

          Well this night owl is going to try to go get something done while it's light out!! LOL!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            April AF Flock ~ Week 2

            Why won't puppies look directly into a camera?
            Because the never sit still :H

            Here's Matilda in her new back yard. I think she's part tulip terrorist :H

            cyn, the woman who travels soooo much, be safe dear

            SD, dog groomers can do wonders. I used to take my big, filthy & hairy Golden to a groomer & tell her - 'Make him look like a Lab' and she did :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              April AF Flock ~ Week 2

              Lav - you are making me incredibly broody! She is adorable :h
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                She's worn herself out Chill & is curled up at my feet now
                But first she had to introduce herself to big Maxie!!!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                  Sleek and shiny little puppy, Lav. Congratulations to you both. My tiny young adult dog, adopted post bulb season last year, ate eight (8) large pink tulips last week (just the flowers which she had snipped neatly off); it made her quite dramatically sick to her stomach but no lasting effects other than to let me know she can not be trusted on her own this time of year. Many adventures await you and your new little terrorist. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                    Lav - I'm in love with her! What does Maxie think of her?

                    X post LBH - oh dear tulips :no: not a good idea!
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                      Aww, Matilda is such a dear! :h

                      Happy Honkin' AF Monday!


                        April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                        Yes, she's adorable! Wishing you many happy times with her.

                        Happy Week 2, Everyone!


                          April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                          She is sooooooo cute Lav!!!! to Maxie she looks super tiny...she could fit right into Maxie's mouth!!! Yikes!! :H You'll have so much fun with her!! Congrats!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                            Lav!! OMG how cute is Matilda!! Maxie looks quite unconcerned-hope that is really the case! I'm sure you have the house puppy proofed because it's been bay proofed for a few years now! Definitely watch those tulips and fingers crossed she doesn't eat too many.

                            Cyn-safe travels! Glad you had nice easter sunday with the pups-they looked very satisfied LOL!!

                            SD-how old is your dog? Any chance vision could be going? If not, I'm convinced dogs these days can have fears of just about anything. We don't treat them like animals anymore (pros and cons there) so a lot of human fears get put on them. Could anything unusual have happened in the dark lately that might have spooked her? Now she associates the dark with that scary thing? Nothing but guesses at this point.
                            Congrats on the completion of the painting project and finding a cleaning lady!! Jealous!

                            Bouve-Bop on into Week 2 and stick close to us.

                            Chill-how's the packing going? A date???? Wow! Just be your strong self, remember no one really cares that you don't drink anymore and you don't even have to admit that to him if you don't want. Just give an excuse about health for now. Definitely will be in back munching the popcorn!!

                            Yesterday was absolutely just perfect! Got a ton done in the morning and my dad and the boyz and I were on the road by 12 noon on the dot in the new Papmobile. I felt kind of bad he had to ride in such a pimped out vehicle :H. But it must not have been so bad as he bought me a tank of gas on the way home!!

                            the afternoon at my bro's in Western MA was just awesome. Mussels etc for apps, 2 long walks with the pups, a rousing game of wiffle ball between the cousins (my youngest nephew whipped the oldest nephs butts!!). Fabulous dinner-pork tenderloin in an apple cider and rosemary brine-scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole (compliments of yours truly), lemon merangue pie and carrot cake. I was so stuffed! We celebrated my dad's and bro's birthdays and I was very happy to give my dad an additional gift-the payoff of the subaru!! Thank you US government. Looks like I'll have to up my withholdings again LOL!!

                            Unfortunately the cold that I thought I had beaten this weekend seems to have snuck back in and resided in my chest so far. Will need to watch this carefully. How much Oil of Oregano can I take Cyn? Right now it's only one capsule per day.

                            I'm chillaxing in bed with the kids. Had easter dinner leftovers and getting ready for some tea. Hoping to turn in fairly early (ok, after the Voice!!).
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              April AF Flock ~ Week 2

                              Blonde-oh crap! I can't believe I left you out! so so sorry!

                              and I'm very sorry your mom is being such a jerk about your quest for health and sobriety. What that tells me is she is scared stiff that one day she will have to join you and she just can't face that decision right now so she tries to make you feel bad. Don't fall for it! You are the strong one here. Keep doing what your are doing and screw the naysayers no matter who they are!! Blonde power!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

