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af daily wed 11 april

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    af daily wed 11 april

    Thanks for the lovin on here. 50 feels great but 60 will even feel better.
    Oh and 120 will be CRAZY spectacular.
    I have Blonde along for the ride!!
    Turn, love, love, love the pugs. Soooo cute.
    Night night y'all....
    AF since 2/22/2012


      af daily wed 11 april

      Congrats on 50 days famous and blondiegirl! And 6 MONTHS for sunnybutt! WOOP WOOP!!

      Cutie pie, that matilda is.

      The ear candles are long so the flame isn't close to the ear at all. And you put it through a paper plate with a hole in the middle which rests on your ear/head. Resembles an amature science project. Did you ever see that video of the kid that stuck a firecracker or sparkler or something like that in his butt? I'd go on, but you really had to see it to appreciate it. :H

      Underboob sweat, huh. One of the husbands used to call big boobs that kinda..nevermind that, but he called them mud turtles. I'll have to google that.

      The river was so high tonight it was silent. All the rocks were underwater. All I could hear on the trail was birds twittering and the sound of my footsteps on the pine needles. It was strange. Saw a hawk sitting in it's nest. It was a big nest in the fork of a tree and looked softer than say an eagle or osprey nest. Hay or straw VS sticks.

      I'm thinking dinner and bubble bath.

      Oh no, I know what it was~ he said a mud turtle could hide under them.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        af daily wed 11 april

        Congratulations on 6 Months Sunni.
        Well Done. Well Done.
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          af daily wed 11 april

          CONGRATS, Sunni!!!! Six months is really great.
          Lav, Matilda is so, so sweet!! And the Pug kids are darn cute, too!!
          Almost and Blondie, great job on 50 days!
          The sweaty boob thing gave me my laugh for the day! Glad I don't have that issue:H
          Good night to everyone. See you tomorrow! Gope the sleep fairy is good to all of us!
          "One day at a time."


            af daily wed 11 april

            Congrats to you Sunni-Butt! Way to go! 6 months is so awesome! :goodjob:

            Lav, the puppy is so cute. I so want a dog. It would help me get in some more exercise. I have started to power walk a couple times a week after months of doing absolutely nothing... It would be nice to have company. Not allowed one where I am currently living - the bastards! :H I think about you often too! I miss you all! Hugs to you too Greenie! xo Where is Uni these days??

            Hello to everyone else! I feel so overwhelmed when I read the ABs thread now. So many people and the conversations are awesome. How nice!!!

            I am just waiting for Little AFM to come in so I can head to the store. I cannot wake up without my coffee. Funny, she has such a social life that puts mine to shame...... I am always waiting for her these days. I wish I were that outgoing!! I am pretty reserved and introverted. I don't even like shopping!!! My little one is the complete opposite of me that is for sure. Everything in doses for this mommy!

            Bear, bear, bear!! I have to agree with Greenie about the not missing the whole starting and stopping drinking. No matter how bored I get; I refuse to go through that misery again. It feels so good to make a decision and stick to it. It is hard, no doubt!! It isn't a piece of cake for sure. But for me, I am so much happier sticking with the AF life. I even go around my mother and my sister who are both big drinkers and it doesn't bother me at all. I mainly go for the laughs, and the food!! It does get easier as time goes on. You just need to make a commitment to yourself. But from the sounds of it, I think you are still partially in denial about whether you have a drinking problem or not. Once you answer yourself that question, your decisions will come easier to either abstain or socially drink. :l

            K, well, I must get myself together and probably drag little AFM to the car. Don't wanna go out to late. My bedtime is till at 9! weeeeeeeee!

            Lots of love to you all!


              af daily wed 11 april

              Turnip, love the pugs!
              Thank you and :hallo: Momof3, TDN, AFM, and whoever I've missed!

              With all that cute puppy overload, I thought I'd throw in one of my useless barn cat. Boris, doing what he does best.. absolutely nothing! :H

              It's off to bed for me... gotta head out early to a dentist appointment. Uggh.
              Night, night, sleep tight, everyone!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013

