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monday 5 feb

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    monday 5 feb

    morning all - up ready for another day at work - lovely.
    keep strong everyoone, day 24 for me now - I can't believe it.
    Aim for this week is increasing my cardio exercise and sticking to calorie allowance.
    all the best xx
    one day at a time

    monday 5 feb

    Morning All - day 22 for me and like you, Bear - I can't believe it either! Where are you in the UK Bear? And were you born in 73? That means we're the same age!

    Anyway - I have to say I'm feeling a bit sad this morning. Don't know why - just down and fed up. It appears that the alcohol wasn't the only thing I was not happy about in my life - it appears to be my life in general - BOLLOCKS. I thought stopping drinking would solve all me problems - but it would seem that there's some more work to do generally too. Can't be arsed at the moment and then I hate myself for thinking that too.

    Sorry to be a downer - but it helps to have a rant. Maybe I need to go through this stage to get to the motivated, go get stage.....

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


      monday 5 feb

      Day 24 for me, and Ilex I am feeling the same way, the exact same way actually, I have alot going for me but I have had to think about a lot more lately, so I hav come to realize a lot of things are not what they seemed, I guess i knew it before, but didnt want to face it...
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        monday 5 feb

        I know what you mean, Bear, Ilex and Victoria. I bought two bottles of the AF wine over the weekend, because I knew that if I didn't I would drink the real thing. I am more lonely on the weekends, but I also know that relationships can be difficult too, despite their joys and comforts. At any rate, the AF wine was enough to keep the edge off without the ill effects of wine itself. I was aware the whole time of wishing that I was free of the whole thing, though. At least I got some of the things done that I wanted to get done.

        I think that the joy of sobriety comes with time and the commitment to get through the ups and downs of life sober. Goodness knows I'm not there yet, and I get discouraged at times.

        Believe it or not though, your posts gave me heart, because I didn't feel alone in feeling a bit down and a tad grumpy!

        We can all try to have a better day!

        All the best to those who come later!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          monday 5 feb

          GO bear you are an doing so good, am following your lead.



            monday 5 feb

            Hello all!!!

            Ditto....with the grumpy day im afraid!!! must be something in the air!
            I think im feeling down cause i feel so fat and i know that prob sounds a bit shallow but i have a new man and i just want this huge tummy to go away....nothing seems to be working, hammering the gym every day, hardly eating, swimming, callenetics classes. Everything seems to be turning around and going right for me which i am happy about but iv always had issues with weight due to being a fat kid...and bullied cause of it. So when i put on a few pounds it really gets to me....even when im at my thinnest i still think im fat.
            I went through a phase about 5 years ago of taking laxatives and the other day i actualy found myself considering doing this again.....stupid i know but i didnt do it which is good. I did go through eating disorder therapy....but i found it hard to talk and when i did eventualy start to say something i would look up and my therapist would be nodding theraputic is that when you feel like nobodys interested in you anyway!!!
            Sorry bout the rant...didnt mean to go on quite so much, just kind of spilled out!!

            Ignore my negativity and have a good day 28 for me!!!


            Lou-Lou x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              monday 5 feb

              Hiya all,

              Having a bit of a rough old time latley, my grandad died yesterday. We were all worried about my grandma only having months to live, so the news about my grandad i wasnt prepared for at all.

              My dad rang yesterday to tell me...He could hardly get his words out...He said the hardest part was telling me and my brothers.

              I delt with it yesterday by drinking most of the day...I phoned my dad about 10 pm last night to see how he was coping but i had to pass Lisa the phone because i couldnt keep my composure long enough..I'm sorry i rang now...I probrly made him feel worse..

              Lisa is being the angel she always is...and the kids even keep coming up to me and giving me a hug and a kiss.....

              I feel like i'm in limbo and dont know what to do with myself...
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                monday 5 feb

                Hello everyone,
                I read what you all said about how although you have stopped drinking your life still feels like crap at times, well look at it like this.....

                Imagine your life is a wall, its been around for awhile so its got its fair share of knocks, chips and cracks.... You look at it and can't be bothered to fix it, so you buy a tin of paint and cover it over....You are not happy with the result so a little while later you buy some more paint and do it again.... This goes on for years, the paint is now so thick that it too is starting to crack and one day you realise what you have to do..STOP PAINTING THE WALL AND FIX IT.. You have been painting it for so long now that it will take some time to scrape it off, but you go to the DIY store and purchase as many tools as you can to help, you also ask the advice of friends and experts as to the best way to do the job...Everyone has their own idea as to how it should be done, so you take a little bit from here and add it on to a piece from there and pretty soon you are ready to start...

                You start full of enthusiam and energy, scraping and scrubbing to get rid of all that paint which has built up over years..It takes you weeks of hard work but you don't give up, not long now you think... Then at long last its done, you stand back to admire that new wall only to find yourself looking at the original wall with all its knocks, chips and cracks still there waiting for you to fix them.... What do you do???? Go out and buy another few tins of paint???? Some would and some do, but not you, you've put to much work into getting rid of all that paint so you set about fixing that wall properly once and for all knowing that when you have finished this time you won't ever have to paint over the cracks again..

                Happy painting,

                Love Louise xx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  monday 5 feb

                  Macks, sorry we were posting at the same time...How awful, you have my deepest sympathy... How is your gran taking it, and your poor dad, life is a bitch..

                  Don't forget though Macks we are all here for you and Lisa..

                  Thinking of you,
                  Love ya loads, Louise xxx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    monday 5 feb


                    So very sorry to hear your sad heart goes out to you and your lovely family, i lost my grandad last year (who was more like a father to me) closely followed by my nan so i understand your grief...what more can i say except that i am sending you all my good vibes and love

                    Be strong as you can be

                    All my love and best wishes to you Lisa and the kids

                    Lou-Lou x x x x x
                    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                      monday 5 feb

                      Macks, my deepest sympathies to you and your family...
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        monday 5 feb


                        Although I can't be with you and your family in person I will be with you in spririt as you mourn this passing. There are no words to offer that take away the pain so please just imagine all of us there surrounding you. You are our friend. You are loved. We are sad.



                          monday 5 feb


                          I am so deeply sorry for your loss! My condolences to you and your entire family. My prayers for your family's peace and comfort are with you. Be kind to yourself. Much, much love to you and your family.


                            monday 5 feb

                            Really sorry about your grandad. My Deepest sympathies to you , Lisa, the kids and the rest of your family.


                              monday 5 feb

                              Thanks everyone...Your kind words mean a lot to me...And i do feel comforted...I didnt know if i should post about it....It seems like latley all i do is bring bad news and the atmosphere down..

                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

