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monday 5 feb

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    monday 5 feb

    Hey Macks. We're all friends here. Do what you feel mate.


      monday 5 feb

      Hi All:

      Day 46 & woke up at the crack of dawn, drove to my classes only to turn right back around~school closed due to no heat (it's like 5 degrees w/ windchill -15). Now I've got to think of productive things to do since I'm always complaining I don't have enough time to do anything but quite honestly I just want to be a bum today!

      Mack~:flower: ~Please accept my condolences on the loss of your grandfather. Please know that we are here for you. I know that your great strength, family and friends will help you at this time of loss. "Those who live in the hearts of others never die."

      Have a great, sober day everyone!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        monday 5 feb

        Macks...dont you fret about posting about it...we are all here for eachother, through the good times and the bad...thats what our community is all about. I just wish there was something i could say or do to help you right now x x x x x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          monday 5 feb


          I am so sorry for you loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care of yourself and loved ones and know you are loved as well.


            monday 5 feb

            Macks, I am just so sorry. You and your family will be in my prayers. :l
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              monday 5 feb

              Awww Macks,

              I am deeply sorry for your loss. Makes me think about my own grandparents who are all gone now, and what I felt each time I lost one of them. Loss equals change which is so difficult. It unsettles the best of us. So good you have your "angel" :lilangel: and loving kids.

              My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your gram for comfort and peace at this time of loss. Draw streghth from your friends here.

              Hugs, :l

              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                monday 5 feb


                So very sorry for your loss.

                Anyone we love who passes on, leaves a big hole in our hearts..I know.. it never goes away, and you know, It is as it should be I suppose.

                It's a journey Macks... being born was the beginning of the journey here on earth and dieing is the journey beyond, to eternity. But missing loved ones is so hard.

                May God bless you and your family with grace and hope...
                Control the Mind


                  monday 5 feb

                  My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Post as much and as often as u need to. we love you very much around here.
                  Louise - you always know how to put things into perspective. I liked that wall metaphore very much and will carry it with me, as I have carried several other things you have said. Thank you.
                  Love Jen
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    monday 5 feb

                    Dear, dear Macks......Much love to you and your family my friend,
                    And Macks, please don't heap more coals on what must already be a mind and heart full of sadness, by worrying about the contents of your posts, these people here are here for EVERYTHING, your good times and your bad.
                    You bring so much laughter to these boards with your wacky humour and tales of the Macks clan....and that is why people are even more than ready to reach out to you when life hits you with the rotten are truly loved Macks, you and your dear supportive wife.....and it is this love I send now, hoping that you find the peace to carry the happy memories of your grandad with seabreez said, those who are in our hearts never truly die

                    Thoughts and hugs
                    Weemelon xxxx


                      monday 5 feb

                      I too send you and your family my sincerest condolences...:h :l :h
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        monday 5 feb

                        Macks, Lisa, my deepest sympathy. Please take take care of yourselves. You bring so much joy to the boards - don't even think about not posting:no: .

                        I won't even tell you about my shitty day, but I won't blame it on being sober as much as I would like to - day 22 today.

                        Have a good day all.



                          monday 5 feb

                          Macks...Lisa, my thoughts keep coming back to you and i cant help it as i can still remember all the feelings i had when it happened to me....I just wish i could give you guys a real hug...but a virtual one will have to do. What the melon said about carrying his memiories with you is a very good point...i now live in the house where my grandpa did and i swear sometimes i just know he's there...usualy laughing at me when iv done something stupid!!! The same goes for my nanna (my dads mum) i dream about her house alll the time and i just know she's still with me, i visit her husband (my other grandads) grave frequently an she is scattered there too and i find peace there...funny i never met my other grandad...he died in a moyorcycle accident when my dad was just a boy...but i have always known he is my guardian angel...may sound wierd to some, but when i am troubled an i lay down to sleep i feel someone stroking my hair and breathing calmly on my neck. I have believed even before i was aware of anything like this that it is my grandaddy and now he has my nanna there to help him too.....he died so young and the thought that they may now be together again is a comforting one. x x x x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            monday 5 feb


                            I'm so sorry for your loss....I will pray for peace and comfort for you and your family.

                            It's the hardest thing isn't it?

                            :h :h :h :h


                              monday 5 feb

                              So very sorry, Macks.

                              Thinking of you.


                                monday 5 feb

                                So sorry to hear about your Grandad. It was such a great loss when I lost my grampie that I know the pain you must be feeling.
                                You and your family and in my thoughts and prayers.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

