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April AF Flock - Week 3

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    April AF Flock - Week 3

    I'm so sorry about your situation, wish we could help in some way. But I have to tell you that I was indeed thinking about you last week & even over the weekend. I figured you were still tied up studying, didn't know the exam date. I hope things work out in the best way possible for you :l

    Wishing everyone a cozy night!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      April AF Flock - Week 3

      Oh Rusty :l
      I'm so sorry.. wishing you well on your appeal. You'd think we've all been humbled enough by now Space is good but do pop in here if you're in need of some support or encouragement, ok?

      Sorry, goosers, this old bird had virtually no sleep (again) last night and a pounding head ache all day. I'm done with this day. Night night!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        April AF Flock - Week 3

        Dear Rusty, we certainly did notice you hadn't posted since Easter!! Just reread some of the posts!!

        I too am so sorry about the exam. I also didn't know the exact date of the retake-figured it was soon but not this soon!! The Universe indeed has a plan for you-not sure what it is or how you go about finding out but I think our dear Chill would say to open your heart and mind as wide as possible even in your despair. you are a woman of many talents and if the industry you are currently in only accepts exams as evidence of worthiness, then I say time to find another field. You are still young and there is lots of time to reinvent yourself. Probably not what you want to hear or believe right now but its true.

        We are here whenever you need us for whatever you need us for. We love ya Rusty girl!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          April AF Flock - Week 3

          I always notice when I haven't read a post from you in a couple days....I look forward to seeing you on here SO much!!! :l I guess I always figure (since there are times I don't get on for a week or so) that people get busy (or for you, I just figure you are out of town)....and will post when they can. I should be better at checking on people or letting them know I'm thinking about them....I was actually thinking about both you and Dill this past weekend, as I couldn't remember reading a post from either of you in a couple days! Anyway....if you need space, I understand but I really hope you will change your mind and stay with us. You're like one of my favorite gal pals on here, ya know!!?? Love ya girl!!:l
          My .02...exams are dumb (so are interviews)!!! :H People need to just believe us when we tell them how amazing we are!! :H Who do I need to call...I'll give them the what's up about you!! LOL!!
          Much love, Rusty!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            April AF Flock - Week 3

            Rusty - :l:l:l Im so so sorry you are feeling so low, I've been there and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I too couldn't post for a while as there was nothing but negative going on in my head and I didn't want to inflict myself on the group. It does however do so much good to vent here as sometimes we are putting on a brave face to the rest of the world and this is our only true outlet. Please do what feels best for you. Im astounded that all your hard work, experience and dedication doesn't count and that so much rests on this damn exam. The world is insane! With what you have to offer, is there maybe a sideway move you can make work wise where this qualification isn't so important? I wish I understood better what you do so I could be more help.

            I know when we are down we can't see a way out but you are clever and resourceful and I so look up to you as a strong capable business woman. Rusty I wish I was half as good as you in a business sense. You will think of something, I know you will. Please know we are here for you.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              April AF Flock - Week 3


              I am really sorry about your situation and can tell that you are feeling very low right now. Glad you came here and posted cause as you can see, there are lots of us here who wish you well and really care about you. Some of us are every day posters and some are not but we are all part of this wonderful group and I especially remember how you welcomed me back when I returned from a stupid hiatus in January of this year. Whatever is going on with your life outside MWO, please know how much you have touched my life by just being there and offering words of encouragement. Praying for you my friend and I know things will turn around soon - you are a good person who deserves a break in their lives!

              Papmom and Lav - thanks for the butt-kicking! I couldn't get an appointment yesterday so I am headed to the doctors at 2:30 today. Had my bp checked at work yesterday and it was down to a reasonable level (still a little high) so I will do whatever the good doctor tells me

              Sunni - how come you aren't sleeping? For a while there I was taking Melatonin every night but now I'm finding I don't need it as much - still wake up at some point to make a bathroom run but that's been going on forever:H Hope you got some much needed sleep last night.

              SD - I agree with you - I wish I could be better at keeping up with everyone but some days it's hard to get here and this place can get so busy that you find yourself doing a lot of reading just to catch up with everyone!

              I am personally going to try and make more of a comittment to come here every day to see how everyone is doing and hopefully try to post (if I can keep my hubby with a new-found love of the computer off of my laptop!)

              Have a great day all - Lav - I know you will be babysitting but hopefully you can get everyone outside - looks like it's going to be another beautiful day around here!

              Peace all!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                April AF Flock - Week 3

                :l:lRusty:l:l My heart goes out to you! I understand your need for space and time, do what you need to do. But you were indeed missed! I asked about you in my very first post this week!!! You are a great contributor to this thread and don't you ever forget that!

                Have a great AF day one and all.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  April AF Flock - Week 3

                  Good morning to all...

                  Rusty, so angry to hear that so much emphasis is placed on a test, but that is the story of my life, too. As you know from the past, my son has struggled with standardized testing, that does not reflect his talents and abilities. I have been through the hell, with him, of not passing tests after hours and hours, days and days of intense work. I am sorry this has happened. Can you take the darn test again? Sometimes the scores go up the more the test is taken. I have no solution, only know that we are here for you.

                  Chill, as far as the preservatives and sugar, I agree 100%. Complete and total abstinense as once you let yourself TASTE, it sets up the craving. I too am an all or nothing type of girl. Horrified to hear about the young 50 year old with the terminal cancer diagnosis, wow. We do need to live each day to the fullest. I had a anxious morning yesterday, worrying about the future: health, money, feeling lonely, not good enough. Got busy and went to work, felt so much better. Being in the now is the only answer, but it is not always easy to do. Thanks so much for all you share with us.

                  Pap, you busy girl, glad your finger is better.

                  Jolie, blood pressure is a pain in the a##. Please take care of yourself. I try to post almost daily, as I want to be there for others and love the camaraderie and support.

                  Lav, loved the picture, your life is so rich. I agree, as I get older I will want to live by my kids and any future grandchildren. Too much yard work can be overwhelming.

                  To all, have a great day.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    April AF Flock - Week 3

                    Good morning Flockers!

                    Yes Jolie, it will be an outside day, as much as possible
                    Glad you are taking care of the B/P. I would sincerely love to be able to stop taking all meds but I don't know if that's possible. That's the primary reason I am attempting to get myself back to my premenopausal weight ~ I had no B/P problem when I was under 130. I'll just keep trying to chip away at it & see what happens

                    Greetings to SD & Papmom & all the Flockers, Honkers, etc :H
                    Sunni, I've been sleeping kinda so so myself lately. Maybe too much caffeine on my part.

                    Rusty, hope you are OK today. Yuo do know that you are well loved & respected here :l

                    OK, off I go on my diaper derby, little boy fun-filled adventure
                    Have a great day all.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      April AF Flock - Week 3

                      Hi everyone

                      Rusty :l:l:l as others have said you are much loved and respected on this thread. I like others assumed you were just busy and not able to post much. We are thinking of you and I just wish there was more we could do.

                      Lav - that picture is adorable. Know what you mean by a big place needing lots of maintenance!!

                      Chill - that is so sad about the 50 year old. I agree with everything you say about sugar. With me, some of my cravings are hormonal and approaching 51 my levels are all over the place.

                      Dill/Star - love your words of wisdom and quotes.

                      Sunni, Papmom, Jolie, Cyn, shoutout for Sooty, we have not heard from her in a while and anyone else I missed big hello.

                      Just back from the Dentist. Was long overdue a check up but luckily did not need anything done, just a clean and I hate that more than a filling. Off now to have lunch, catch you all later.



                        April AF Flock - Week 3

                        Rusty I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. You most certainly were missed. Personally I know that you travel a lot and just thought you were busy and would check in when you could. I understand your desire for some time alone. Positive vibes to you.

                        Chill what a sad story about your sister's friend. :l

                        Lav I love the photo of Will and Tilly!

                        Today is day 60 for me!


                          April AF Flock - Week 3

                          Congratulations on 60 days, Fly! Well done!

                          Chilli... very sad about your sister's marriage and her friend's diagnosis. We really don't know what's around the corner, do we?

                          Thankfully, I managed to get a half decent sleep last night and feel a bit better. Don't look it, mind you :H

                          I've got a busy work day today.. so will keep it at this, but will leave you with the first blooms from the bloody freezing North (-6C this morning):

                          Make it a good day, April Flockers!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            April AF Flock - Week 3

                            Dear Flock -

                            Quick post - I'm on the plane and popped for the $$ to get online and hear how everyone's been doing...last week was one looooooong race from one thing to another. HB doesn't come home for another 10 days - I'll miss him, but I'm thrilled to be headed home to my 'fur' family. I think I have the worst case of separation anxiety...

                            Rusty - sending you lots of healing light. Please post when you can, I am in my 5th or 6th evolution business-wise, and my heart goes out to you. Incredible though, this testing decision. Even just from reading your posts here, it's clear you are a master at what you do.

                            Lav - your plan for a condo really has the ring of truth to it. Something just for you. I worry about you a bit - you sound like you are being run ragged.

                            Congrats to all on their anniversaries - 50, 60, 6 months - truly inspirational. I remember now that I have forgotten to celebrate each month that passes for me - that's a good thing, I think. Blonde, hope you're having fun.

                            Chill - your bright light is shining even with all the chaos of the move - you sound so different than a year ago. RE: Inflammation. I am gaining control, but have had to take a really restrictive approach for the might be interested in the work of Dr Mark Hyman - he has a site, videos, blogs, etc. all titled UltraWellness, etc. The book of his that I read is about reducing brain fog -- UltraMind. I see that there is a new one about Blood Sugar. The work is carefully researched and he even gives recipes, a menu plan, etc. Check it out!

                            Sunni - thanks a million for the 'bowing out' story - it's just the kind of thing I find fascinating. I've trained difficult dogs and know how precious those baby steps are, but as you know I'm just entering the horse arena. The story was a gift, thanks.

                            OK, come out wherever you are: Sooty, Sped, anyone and everyone else -- sorry that I have to drop out from time to time, but I think daily of everyone -- wishing wellness -
                            to the light


                              April AF Flock - Week 3

                              FlyAway Has 60 Days AF!

                              CONGRATULATIONS, FLY!!!:yougo::yougo: I am so glad you are with us!!!

                              Psssttt....See the new thread under General Discussion Forum.


                                April AF Flock - Week 3

                                Congrats FLY!!! I will be celebrating 60 days this weekend!

                                Hi from Burlington, VT! It is beautiful up here for sure. This morning, I got up with the birds and walked along the Lake Champlaign shore path..well, some of it. It was so lovely and peaceful. We arrived later than expected last night and the drive was LONG! Glad to get checked in to hotel and get to bed. Weird to have a roomate that I work with and she is a rather negative person about every aspect of her life and it's a bit psychically draining for me because as you know I try to be positive all the time. So I envisioned myself protected by the angels in a bubble of white light where no negativity can leach onto me and also do not let my mind agree with her on stuff (about work, since that it why we are here). Other than that, it has been great so far....the lecturers are entertaining and informative and I have met some great peeps. Tonight we are heading to a local health food co-op for a store tour and dinner, then I might come back to the hotel and try out the pool and hot tub. Proud of myself that I got up extra early for my walk and then also worked out at the small hotel gym for about an hour. Felt good!

                                Well, just wanted to say hi and let you all know I am doing great and enjoying my time away, although I miss home. Glad to have my "online" home here if you know what I mean! I am AF and plan to stay that way!

                                Have a great night to all!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

