Happy Un-hung Monday ABerooooooos!
oh what a cute 'dog/baby kissing' picture! i wonder what that sounds like in his ear LOL
Dizzy huge contrats on the job! how many languages are you fluent in?
also, great material on sprouting! I had posted something similar in the paleo thread (in a different section) the weston A price foundation has a wealth of info that is related to this. they also have a fantastic cookbook called 'nourishing traditions' that includes exhaustive info on the proper preparation of grains and legumes. it's very time consuming to do it right, but it makes for a better food product. did you know you can sprout lentils? and they are really tasty!
so excited to get my finger MRI'd tonight. it's a late appointment. don't get in until 5:45 PM
be well all you super positive super people!
