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Wednesday February 7th

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    Wednesday February 7th

    Good Morning All,

    Day 26 AF here,
    Nothing crazy planned for today, I have to go to work (unless one of you would like to go for me??) I have a doctors appointment. Then I get to run this afternoon, but that wont be so bad b/c i loaded some new songs to my ipod so it should shake things up a bit! I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Oh yeah, we can begin the half-marathon countdown---18 days and counting till race day!!!!! AHHHHHH

    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.

    Wednesday February 7th

    Morning - or actually it's afternoon now! Glad to say that I've just had to add up my days now as I'd forgotten - which means I'm not watching them like a hawk anymore! I'm actually quite scared about getting to the 30 day mark as my plan was to mod then - I'm scared I may not be able to do that..... Only time will tell I guess!

    Hope everyone has a hippy happy day!

    I x

    day 24 for me...........
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


      Wednesday February 7th

      Hola everyone in abs..

      Have a friend staying at the moment so not been able to spend much time on the computer.
      My friend lost her husband last year and is dealing with some really difficult emotional times.

      Unfortunately last August when her husband died (who was a very dear friend of ours) I dealt with the whole thing by drinking myself into oblivion and was absolutely no use to her whatsoever.

      I am so pleased that I have been able to spend this time with her, to have the opportunity to show her that I can be a much more understanding and compasionate person sober.

      Day 42 for me, with no plans to even think about trying mods. This is working for me - mods has always been just delaying the next time I was really going to 'go for it'

      Best wishes to everyone


        Wednesday February 7th

        Morning everyone!

        Victoria - I didn't know you were going to run a half marathon...that is wonderful. I'm considering doing a 10K in March. I'll probably end up walking most of it but it is a fun time and it's in my hometown and I ran it twice before ...back when I could run! Good luck.

        Ilex...have you considered doing 60 days af? I got nervous at the end of 30 days too and I was afraid of just starting back where I'd left off so I decided to just do another 30 days..just cause. I'm glad I did.

        Changeling - that is a nice story - I mean about the part where you can be a good friend to someone who needs it. We do tend to miss out on things - usually the tought things but not always - by masking it with alcohol. Glad you can be there for your friend - and congrats on 42 days.

        I'm back to working out again. I missed a week due to my cold - which is still hanging in there and not completely gone yet. I'm quite sore and tired (from getting up earlier) but it sure feels good.

        Plus - gotta get ready for my blind date this sat ----yep, trying it again! Dating is tough work.
        Have a great day everyone!!


          Wednesday February 7th

          Wow Victoria, day 26? It seems like yesterday, you were posting that you did not think you could make it 1 day...

          very Proud of you!!!...and Marathon's that's amazing..I used to try to run...

          Best of luck to you...Glad you are Here with us!

          Very best wishes
          Control the Mind


            Wednesday February 7th

            Morning all,
            Mega stress here. Have so much to do and don't know where to start. Calm down lori, I say to myself and then I go but..........oh boy.
            Have started day 37 I think... must look it up. I hope all this stress and work is not going to throw me a monkey wrench like last summer.
            I simply must run. Am trying to catch up with you all tonight.
            Have a wonderful day.
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Wednesday February 7th

              Good Morning Everyone,
              Wow, everyone is either past or close to the day 30. YEA!!! Today I start 31 days of Af. It has been 16 years since I gone 30 days alcohol free!!! Last night I counted my next goal is March the 6th 90 days of AF.
              Now, I need to make a commitment going cookie free or I really will start gaining some weight.
              Lori, sorry about your stressful day. Take it slow....
              Everyone to come have a great day and be glad you don't live in Minnesota!!! Wind Chills -20...
              Love ya,


                Wednesday February 7th


                Lori - it really is my nose !

                Lou lou - see you are in the UK, have you been to yet? go to Debtfreewanabees on the chat forums, so much help. I had my lightbulb moment before finding the site, but it keeps me on the debtfree track.

                AF day 4 for me, not so bad seeing I'm feeling about 40% with a cold (if I was a bloke it would be man flu or maybe even bird flu!).

                have a good day everyone


                  Wednesday February 7th

                  I'm on day 26 and planning to have a couple of drinks on sat - so will have done8 af days
                  I plan to go f again though for a week and then or 6 weeks.
                  I'm a bit nervous about it too but think i need to try - was original plan.
                  don't want another hangover though - have enjoyed saving money, doing stuff at weekends as have more time/no hangover- being able to buy loads of clothes.
                  I now feel good physically and mentally not drinking- which is great as felt v low for first 2 weeks - keen not to ruin that peoplt are telling me i look really good too - i do look better. have a healthy glow.
                  anyway see you tomorrow for day 27 xx
                  one day at a time


                    Wednesday February 7th

                    Victoria -- great job by the way, I've been meaning to say something but forgot. Your days are flying by. Super.

                    As for me, I'm on Day 3 AF ever since my big slip up this past weekend. It's amazing how much easier it is to string together 2,3,or 4 days now than it was in the beginning when stringing one day was the ultimate struggle. I guess that's progress. I'll be gone for about a week; leaving on my trip tomorrow.

                    -take care,Andy


                      Wednesday February 7th

                      Hey all

                      Day 30 for im v proud but im having a rough day....dont know why but i feel really motivation to do anything..i jus wanna lie an sleep. Sorry to bring negative stuff here but i need boosting up....its not even that i have a craving to drink, i just feel like theres no point in anything...gosh guess i am having a really bad day. I suppose its just hard to face up to the reality of your you have made it once sober. It scares the hell out of the hell am i gonna deal with all this s**t that i used alcohol to block out.....I dont even know who i am...and thats the worst part.
                      Anyways enough of my ramblings

                      Thanks for listening and love as always

                      Lou-Lou x x x x
                      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                        Wednesday February 7th

                        Ahhh Lou! :l I know exactly how you are feeling today love. I, too, am feeling the blues! I can't find the motivation or that positive voice for the life of me. I think many of us are feeling it right now, and this too shall pass! Life can be very overwhelming through sober eyes. But if you take care of matters at hand, no matter how overwhelming it may feel, it will give you the greatest feeling of accomplishment. You are taking responsibility for YOU. (I am learning all about responsibility as I go on as well) GREAT JOB ON YOUR 30 DAYS!! :goodjob:

                        And congrats to all of you who are adding up those AF days! Practice and determination. Remember you are doing this for you!! :h


                          Wednesday February 7th

                          Thanks Acct...its nice to hear some encouraging words...also nice to know im not alone in feelin low!!

                          Lou x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Wednesday February 7th

                            Hi All,

                            Just got in from a lonnnngggg day at work! Ugh, tired! But it did snow last night, 4 inches! It was nice to wake up to, since we were only expecting a dusting. Maddy got the day off from school, so she was happy.

                            I'm glad for the people who are feeling good here today, but I want to say hi to Lou, in particular. Lou, I'm proud of you for not drinking. Keep track of your ups and downs. This is EXACTLY what you need to be doing for the stupid NHS, that doesn't seem to want to take responsibility for diagnosing you. Those "blues" that come out of nowhere may be part of what's ailing you. Hang in there lovey!

                            Anyway, I'm just going to wind down and read a book and hit the sack.

                            I'm rather aggravated, since all the insurance companies seem to think there are many other things they need to be doing other than paying me these days. GRRRRRR.


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012

