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thu 8 Feb

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    thu 8 Feb

    hi everyone - well it's snowing here now.working at home so don't mind - not looking forward to tomorrow though.
    Firstly to everyone who's been feeling down, I felt awful for about the first two weeks, and now i feel great.What i mean by that is that it will pass, and your feelings will change.

    Lou - totally relate to your post about not knowing who you are, feeling blue.I am in the same boat.
    one of my mjaor issues I was discussing with my counsellor I saw last year was that i didn't know who i was, or put myself first, worried about what everyoen else thought and fitted around others.
    Thinking back now no wonder i didn't know who i was - i was pissed every weekend and rest of the time recovering from that,physically and mentally trying to be healthy!
    It is like being a teenager again as you feel your difficult sad angry feelings that you haven't before(and your more positive feelings).
    I know i will go through that again, but today is a good day.You will have a good day and I hope it's soon. You're doing great and think how strong you are not to have drank your way through it - that's something you should know about yourself.

    anyway day 27 for me.Plan to have a couple of drinks sat but am quite nervous about it really to be honest.
    I want to do it and it's part of the plan but am worried I won't be able to do it.
    Guess there's only one way to tell.
    Anyway all the best everyone and keep warm xx
    one day at a time

    thu 8 Feb

    Morning bear and others

    Great work on being at day 27 (and having a good day to boot!!).

    I'm actually past my witching hour but know that I caved in past my bedtime last night so I'm not letting my guard down at all yet. Also feeling very blue but "out of the blue" a couple of times I caught myself feeling really good and happy for no apparent reason:H So I'm using that to knock any drinking thoughts on the head.

    Speaking of counsellors, having been meaning to start a thread on GD on this; been to quite a few and would like to go again but never seem to find the right one... Guess here is the best place to ask for advice on that

    High 30s here again, so trying to keep cool!


      thu 8 Feb

      Morning guys,
      Snowing here today too, it's lovely. Unfortunately I still feel wiped out from cold/virus whatever so not going to work today. Going to tuck myself up with daytime tv and the central heating.

      Bear - fantastic job on 27 days. I think many of us are feeling blue at the moment, I know I'm feeling just "lost", weirdly aimless.

      Blondie - High 30's...Nice.

      Day 5 for me.
      have a good one everyone


        thu 8 Feb

        Good morning,
        Bear, Blondie and Pebbles (oh I really love your big wet nose).
        It has been snowing non-stop all night here. It dumped about a foot of perfect powder on us. Too bad I don't have time to take out my X-country skis today. It is beautiful though. The trees are laden down with their white load. It is supposed to get really windy today, that means whiteouts on the road, bugger. I have to drive to the next town for an appointment.
        Well so much for the weather. You are all doing great and some of the blues are probably seasonal too. Am starting day 38 today.
        Be well, be careful and have good clean fun.
        Hugs to all here and yet to come.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          thu 8 Feb

          Good Morning all.
          It was in the 70's (degrees F) here yesterday, however it is cooling down today.
          It is amazing how good AF feels. I wake up full of energy.
          Have a great day y'all.
          Love and Peace,
          Love and Peace,

          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


            thu 8 Feb

            Day 25 for me. Everyone sounds like they are doing good. Keep up the good work.


              thu 8 Feb

              Good morning/afternoon, everyone, and hello from Chicago. Glad to hear everyone is doing well, and congrats to all on their AF days! Sounds like everyone could use a good dose of spring!!

              Temp 0, Wind Chill -25, Day 24 AF.
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                thu 8 Feb

                Hello everybody - just checking in to say day 25 for me and all well in my little world. Big Hugs for everyone who's feeling a bit sad - Irish is so right about her cracked wall and I know that it's taking me a while to adjust to things not being perfect without alcohol too.
                Keep smiling everyone!
                Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                  thu 8 Feb

                  Good Morning Everyone:
                  Day 32 for me: Not sure if I miss alcohol more or the temperature actually being above zero. The "blues" never really hit me, but I sure noticed I can be a "bitch on wheels" since I went AF. I hope everyone here has a warm and sunny day.


                    thu 8 Feb

                    Day 27 for me, doing pretty good, hope evryone has a wonderful day, i am kinda busy right now so I cant write much, I will check back it later...

                    P.S.---it is COLD

                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      thu 8 Feb

                      Hi All,

                      It's COLD here too, BRRRR! I'm going to be afraid to open my heating bill when it comes!! It makes me wish I had a big wood burning stove sometimes. (I have these nature girl fantasies sometimes--I think I'd need to get Tawny with her log splitter, Bruce, to lend a hand though)

                      Today I get to be at home for much of the day, which will be nice. I just made some cappucino, yum, and I will focus on sewing for much of the day and get these flags done! Yep! Also, I get to gaze out the window part of the time and watch all the birds hanging around and eating at the feeders I have set up for them. I'm excited because I found new peanut butter suet stuff for them, but they haven't found it yet. Yeah, I know, I need to get a life. But it beats drinking!

                      I called my ISP to try to get my smilies back, but they're stumped too. Wahhh!

                      Anyway, a good day to all!

                      I missing Mr. Macks and Lisa, but I guess that they are all pretty busy right now. I'm thinking of you, Macks, and sending love to you and your family.....

                      Hugs to all.

                      Kathy (hug smilie)
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        thu 8 Feb

                        Hi YAH,

                        I know what you mean about the bird feeders, I waste, er, spend, hours watching my little birdies out of the window. Specially today in the snow, boy did they look shocked !

                        I also have a little log fire in the living room, going to light it for the evening in a minute, when I can get the strength to PUT THE LAPTOP DOWN...


                          thu 8 Feb

                          Awww, Pebbles, put the laptop down, light the fire, then pick the laptop back up!!! Utter bliss, I think.....Ummmm....(smilie)
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            thu 8 Feb

                            Hi everyone,
                            I don't know how many days, but a week from tomorrow will be 4 months. I'm headed off for NYC tomorrow morning..I think it will be slightly colder there than here in Georgia. I won't be checking in until early next week, so I hope everyone has a peaceful and healthy weekend.


                              thu 8 Feb

                              Hi everyone
                              Just popping in to say hello - I dont know if you all know, but I am doing a run of AF right now - Day 6 now.
                              Hope all is well
                              Love Jen
                              Over 4 months AF :h

