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thu 8 Feb

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    thu 8 Feb

    Good for you Jenneh! Congrats on your day 6 by the way!! I know you are feeling confused right now about a lot of things from what I have read in your posts today. Keep your chin up, stand your ground and do what is right for you. Your body and mind are benefitting huge from being AF. Keep up the good work!


      thu 8 Feb

      Day 17 for me. I am starting to lose count. Yeah!!!

      Pebbles, I never got to welcome you and say Hi. Hi and I love the nose too!

      I just love exclamation marks!!! Maybe I should switch to more

      Again, Great job Jenna and to all you AF'ers out there.

      It's raining here and I would love to be home with a good book.

      Day 3 on Campral, can't say much about it yet, but I feel pretty good, a little headache, but that is probably from grinding my teeth (another habit I wish I could break).

      Here's to short attention span posting,
      Good day to you all,
      Humor is just another defense against the universe!


        thu 8 Feb

        Laura - I grind my teeth too, esp. when stressed. I have been grinding my teeth a lot today...sigh.
        Lov eyou all
        Over 4 months AF :h


          thu 8 Feb


          Hi all....glad to hear you all sounding well today.
          Well day 31 for me...can hardly believe it!!! and im glad to say that i am feeling a little better than i was yest...just got back from doing an aerobics class followed by callenetics using a fit ball (anyone tried this??? its fantastic for your abs..i can feel mine burning already!) Anyways off to do some stretches now and then take a long soak.
          Just wanted to say thanks to Kathy for her kind words last night (only just read the post)
          Thinking of the Mackeral clan too and sending them all my love.
          Be back later


          Lou-Lou x x x
          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


            thu 8 Feb

            Monday will be my first test, I am on day 27 today, and i have been fairly fine, and i usually used to only drink at home, but i would drink when out as well, I have not gone out since being sober with anyone except for my boyfriend and he rarely drinks so i have not been faced with ANYONE drinking in front of me since going sober. I have been invited to a party, a girl thing, i said i would not go, then the boyfriend said i should go and my excuse that i didnt have any money to spend on the stuff they were selling was snuffed out when he sai he would provide the funding, well, so i said i would go. These people are nice, all my friends are older than me, married, and have children, and they have these about once ever month or very other month, they make sangria and other things and sit around and we either have a candle party or chef party or whatever. I never drank more than one drink when i went, because i always had to drive, i do not drive when i have had too much to drink. This time though, i dont want to drink, monday will be 31 days for me, and even if i did want to moderate, i dont think i want to try to start this soon. I guess my issue is that this is the first time i will have a free temptation to deal with, i have kept myself FAR away from every possible situation, i know i cant do that forever.

            When i told my boyfriend that they all drink at these things and that worried me he said dont worry, you'll be fine, plus, you know, eventually you will probably be fine and be able to drink again when you are out, and that kind of offended me...not because i felt like he wanted me to drink...i know he was tring to make me feel better about these kinds of situations , but because for the first time..i dont want to drink...i have wasted too much time on that already.

            I guess i just wish everyone drank juice...anyone else know what i mean???

            Thanks for listening,


            P.S. I will not drink on monday, i am simply letting out a little stress here,
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              thu 8 Feb

              Victoria, I remember when you were posting during your first few AF days. I was really impacted by them. You have grown so much and the confidence in you is apparent. You are so health conscience now and every single post as of late has been so positive regarding your accomplishments in achieving AF. There is no doubt in my mind you will have a great time at this party AND I know you won't drink. I know what I know... !

              Also maybe your BF is just implying you might drink someday because he probably doesn't know what to say either?? You know us woman - the men are damn if they say anything at all!:l


                thu 8 Feb

                Thanks AFM, You are probably right about the boyfriend thing...and thanks for the confidence
                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  thu 8 Feb

                  Good night Abbers and sweet dreams!

                  It's been a good day here.
                  You are all near and dear to my heart.
                  Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!

                  :h Nancy

                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10

